Blame it on the Electric healer!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by P1nk13 P13, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. P1nk13 P13 New Player

    Us Electric healers aren't scoreboard toppers unless we need to, and the other healer, usually a Sorcery or Nature, handles the minor, top off healing and the Electric healer just sits there and chill unless people starts to drop off. Electric healers are mainly emergency healers and we are greatest when feces begin to hit the cooling machine and when the group wipes, they think they were "doing everything right", so who to blame? The healer with the lowest healing output, and guess what? It's the Electric healer! I'm so frickin' tired of groups thinking I'm "inadequate" because the scoreboard said I did a crappy job, so to solve this problem I think Electric will benefit with a strong HoT power that can compete with Sorcery and Nature's HoT power (but not so strong that it will overpower them). I just want the blame to stop going to me (and other Electric healers that had experienced this) and giving us a scoreboard topping ability or buffing Electrogenesis is probably the easiest way to remove the blame on us. I know this is completely minor compared to other problems in game but sometimes it is just too much to be blamed for group wipes and in some cases getting kicked so the group can get a "better healer". End rant
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  2. Black House New Player

    My electric healer can pretty much solo all content availabe, it is all about power management and using your rotation to keep your healing steady and constant, if you are doing that and they still complain find better people to raid with, electric healing is possibly the most fun healing in the game, at least for me anyway
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  3. ageTHEbean New Player

    I agree you know whats funny is the people that complain are DPS who gets everything handed to them.
    They get hit once they blame the tank for not holding aggro
    They spam power and yell at the trolls to give more power,
    They die they blame the healer.
    The fact is that the majority of the game's players are "DPS" only concerned about topping a stupid scoreboard.
    You won't believe how many DPS I see trying to melee swamp thing and expect me to heal them the whole time.
    Electricity doesnt need a stronger heal over time i think it just need a group shield of sorts (thats not a supercharge).
    Next time you see people complain tell them to look at your power in if you have a better power to heal ratio that the "top" healer you actually are doing a better job at healing.
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  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Both electricity and nature can easily handle a raid getting huge damage.
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  5. Florida Boii Well-Known Player

    I love healing with both Sorcery & Electric players but dont worry. From what I've saw on the Nexus of Reality raid , Nature & Electric healing seems to be the best combo. People are going to love you when those safety nets kick in on the T5 content! :D
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  6. DeathBreakerG Level 30

    Most of the healers topping the charts are over-healing. Basically just timing heals to get way bigger numbers than what they actually healed for. The "best" healers know how to do this. I used to have this same issue on my electric healer until I figured out how to get the numbers, it comes with experience.

    Thanks to us being overgeared for content, we elec healers are mostly just there as back-up, in case of emergency, because constantly topping off nearly full health bars isn't our true style. Just keep at it and don't worry, our time to shine (T5) is only a week away.
  7. True Despair Well-Known Player

    i feel your pain bro :'(
  8. thePankakeManne New Player

    Yeah, that's about how it goes.

    Tanking story: on one of my T2 Alerts, one guy (the DPS, shockingly) was being a colossal jerk to the rest of us for absolutely no reason (usually because he was failing due to his own stupidity). Then, during the first boss fight, I was on the verge of collapsing from so much damage, so I rolled out for a second to heal myself, and the DPS guy yells, "WHY IS THE F-ING TANK NOT TANKING??!?!?!!?". I was doing my job just fine, and only needed a second or two to self-heal myself up (Our healer had to overwork to keep the DPS guy alive, so our controller was overworking too, so they were both depleted). So, of course, he leaps straight into the boss (attempting to do my job?) and dies instantly. I immediately try to distract the boss so he can get revived and I die in the process, leaving both of the others to a similar fate. Then, the DPS guy yells at me for not knowing what I'm doing, then proceeds to start a vote to boot me. Not sure if the other guys really wanted me out or not, but the point is that I got booted for not taking 100% of the damage in a boss fight. My bad. Next time, I'll ask him to deal 100% of the damage in a boss fight, and we can see what happens.

    Controller story: while playing as my brother's controller during a T1 alert, I was careful to conserve power over the course of the final boss fight. So the tank has about half a bar of power and the healer has about three-quarters full, as do I. Keep in mind, I was applying defense debuffs to the boss during this fight. So the DPS guy gets on and starts calling, "Troller, moar powerz, do ur job rite". I look at his power bar and see that is is completely depleted. Wondering if I made an error in play, I immediately supplied some power, which left his system instantly. After that, I just left him to use the weapon in his hands. I mean, it's there for a reason, so use it. We succeeded with ease, of course, and that was the end of it.

    Healer story: so I was on my healer alt (this story has occurred as a tank before), and was doing an alert (can't remember which one). So the tank is trying his darndest to get mobs focused on him, only for the DPS to go solo charging into a large number of mobs in the other direction, at which he dies almost instantly, despite my best efforts to keep him alive and revive him. Later, he tells the controller to feed him more power because "that's his job". The controller responds that the healer (me) has a full power bar, and that he (the DPS) should use his weapon combos more. Several similar incidents occur throughout the alert, but you get the idea.

    Now, this isn't just a DPS problem - I've watched all roles do stuff like this. But since DPS is more common (as all powers can be it), and it's easier (I mean, the basic idea is to break as much stuff as fast as you can), there's more DPS who have no idea what they or others are doing compared to other roles. Not saying there aren't good DPS or bad other roles, but it's more common to see DPS expecting others to carry them through to glorious victory, not a group of four different roles supporting each other throughout missions.
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  9. xNohellz Committed Player

    I have a friend Electric Healer in my league and he can solo heal any T4 Raid and he's only 73cr, the only thing he need is 2 good troll ;)
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  10. kramsuazo New Player

    I am an electric healer myself and I usually top the healing score against sorcery and other electric healers, only nature healers are the ones that I can't beat. my strat is usually spamming bio capacitor and whenever the raid or group is full of health I use ionic drain so that once the big damages come, the last big heal of ionic drain hits all the ones who were injured.

    I usually get this blame when I was starting to learn electric healing and I feel your pain bro, sometimes it's not always the healers fault, sometimes it is the DPS' fault for not being careful such as standing in a certain area where a huge attack of a boss will surely hit, specifically those DPS' that stand over the huge circle that tech avatar throws on prime -_- some people are just biting more than what they could chew just without even thinking about their character's capacity because they know that they have healers to cover their backs or blame when they die >.<
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  11. recespieces31 New Player

    Don't listen to bozos who "think" they know, but they really don't know

    Electric Healer FTW!!!!!!!!!!
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  12. YodaDog New Player

    Thats not how I do it, OP. You rockin Ionic Drain? If power isnt an issue, Im topping off with ID all the times. If peeps are at less than 100% health and Im sittin on power, Im not "chilling."

    I been healing electric for a long time now, and I do feel your pain. I been there. Back when Prime first came out, I would hear shouts in the WT all the time, "Need non-electric healer for Prime!!!" It used to be much worse, as far as the reputation of the powerset. People constantly used to tell me it was power hungry and not as efficient as sorc or nature... That happens alot less now.

    Good luck! Come hang out at Max's Electric Guide with us sometime if you ever wanna talk some electric strategies!
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  13. YodaDog New Player

    Also too... What this villianous scumbag just said is also accurate... :D
  14. Tule New Player

    Anyone worth running with knows how good Electric Healers are. In fact, too many people know. I'm about to make a slew of new electric healers and play them badly. I want to be special again.
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  15. YodaDog New Player

  16. P1nk13 P13 New Player

    Exactly. I put safety nets on everybody but stupid dpses keeps getting hit
  17. MARK2099 New Player

    Op, let the ignorants be, healing out have to reflect power in, i see plenty of times HEALER A 400k in GATES using over 200k power vs HEALER B doing 300k using less than 50k, so who's better? sadly there are too many ignorants who don't know power in is real reflect of performance in players more than damage out and healing out in this case.
  18. P1nk13 P13 New Player

    Thanks and yes I do have ID but I use it with galvanize. I usually don't top off with it unless the other healer needs help topping others off (which barely happens, Nature and Sorcery has some beast HoTs). I used to use it as a top off heal but the other healer just finishes off the other even before I reach the burst.
  19. Yui Loyal Player

    Don't listen to what others tell you.

    I love electric healers except the ones who use too much power because they just spam Galvanize during raids
  20. Teffy New Player

    Typically I'll lead off an encounter (wait 5 seconds after initiating) with Galvanize to set up the heal-over-time, then Ionic Drain constantly. If someone takes a big hit, I'll Bio-Capacitor to set up safety nets, then back to Ionic until the next big hit.