Family Reunion (Operation) feedback thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Millbarge, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Millbarge Developer

    Welcome to the Family Reunion feedback thread. Please take a moment to post any feedback and/or issues you may have found while playing through the Operation.

    I will check this thread periodically throughout the day and address any issues that come up as soon™ as possible.

    Thanks for taking the time to play through this operation, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

  2. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    No Marks of Reality for the Paradox Destroyer?
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  3. Mitchell New Player

    pure awesomeness. areas are super amazing, difficulty is amazing, variety is amazing.
    Just when you think it is over, there is another section to complete
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    This operations is amazingly beautiful. You guys outdid yourselves on this one. If the rest of the PvE content is anything like this, you guys are going to have a hard time topping this DLC.

    The difficulty was perfect as I would have expected, but I am wondering if the bosses might have a damage range problem. Like when Vengence Bee was on test for DLC5. Where his hammer throw would hit for 6k+. We got to Batman and Catwoman and I was getting hits for 1300-2331. I am a controller and was using a shield and it would be gone as if I had no dom or resto. This would be my only concern in this. The difficulty IS FINE! I think this is well worth the time it takes. It is freegan phenomenal!
  5. DizzyKraken Developer

    Great feedback guys. Thanks a lot.

    Just watch out in the fight in the office. It might not be damage directly from the iconics doing those big hits.

  6. BumblingB I got better.

    If you are referring to the two consuls. I know about those. :) Combat log showed Batman's spinning punch and I don't remember what Catwoman's was, but it was pretty large. :)

    Thanks for the response! :D
  7. Breakxdown New Player

    Me and some members of my league tried out this op and first off I'd like to say that the difficulty seems perfect, and I love the challenge. Also love the Alternate Gotham design.

    However we did run into a problem and were unable to finish the mission. When we got to the part where we had to defeat 3 Waynetech Oppressers, only 2 of them would spawn for us. We flew all over the map looking for the third and we also tried all going to the watchtower and returning to Gotham but we still could not find the last one.
    We spent a good amount of time searching so I am almost certain this was a bug.

    Other than that I am very impressed with this op so far and I look forward to trying it out again and hopefully being able to complete it next time around. Keep up the good work. :D
  8. Wrxxer Level 30

    Great Ops. I admit, after the first boss I was shocked to see there was more and loved it. Got to Batman and Catwoman but could not defeat them. Got both down below 50% but due to server lag we could not finish them off.

    No repair bot!
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  9. Millbarge Developer

    I'll take a look at the Oppressor population this morning. Thanks for the feedback

  10. Mitchell New Player

    just thought id chuck a link in here to show the full amazing OP

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  11. Hjal Developer

    Correct. This is to keep the number of token drops for the whole ops in line with other ops and raids.
  12. Elusian Crowd Control

    Family Reunion was a blast. Ops were bound with existent known areas in the past but you guys changed it totally. I mean, the new areas in Gotham and the chance to do it with other together is just awesome. Finally seeing some parts of South Gotham unbottled is an awesome answer and solution to the request ppl had in the past bout the south gotham area. Well done.

    The fights were good but Central City is a pain if you're not a flier. If there is a slight chance to ton down the adds paths a bit to get to other nodes would be great. I was constantly triggering the board Q.Q :D
  13. Millbarge Developer

    Thanks for the video. I was able to identify a few things that are issues that aren't necessarily obvious. I'll take care of those todays and they should go out with the next patch.

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  14. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    My PUG group made it to Batman and Catwoman. We made ~10 attempts to kill them, but it just wasn't working out. Batman was killing people in two hits with Batarangs. I remember one of Catwoman's whip attacks hitting me for 2500 damage. We got Batman down to about 10% health on our best attempt. Once a person goes down in that fight, it is almost impossible for the group to recover at current CR levels.

    Do counter mechanics work on Batman? I was blocking his MA combos, but he wasn't being punished.

    I really liked the alternate universe Gotham. The issue my party ran into was that we often aggroed other enemy groups while trying to accomplish mission objectives. Are adds supposed to spawn when turning the relay station cog? It seemed like we were getting overrun with adds while trying to complete that section.
  15. Magmaflash Well-Known Player

    I agree with the feedback that this was AWESOME. As stated the lag was the main problem, depth of detail was great.
    Did notice in here that the mobs and mobs in Paradox Wave raid do not drop anything, IE mobs in central city.
    This may have been intended, but was just checking.
    Drops by the mobs are not needed IMO for this because the content was really good.
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  16. Kristyana New Player

    The one issue I had when running this last night was the timing window in the Catwoman/Batman fight.

    When Batman calls in Catwoman, during the cutscene there's a few seconds where Batman continues to beat on the team while the camera pans and the team is locked from making any movement. We had people die several times to this, which resulted in a wipe because there's no chance to revive the downed player.

    Not sure if it's lag or something else.

    Also, Batman and Catwoman seem to only be vulnerable to two out of the three counter mechanics. You can blockbreak them, you can interrupt them, but you can't punish them by blocking a combo.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I never got passed this part because of the lag, but this is what I was talking about. You get hit hard, but he doesn't fall down to the counter mechanics when he lunges you. You can interrupt him, because he is constantly ranging. He doesn't block a whole lot, but you can't block punish him. So when you are blocking, he wails on you and then stuns you and slaughters you with hits over 1300. lol The battle is fine, I wonder if the mechanic is what was causing it.
  18. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Our group has cleared the Batman / Catwoman part a few times now. First run took about an hour of wiping and leaving the instance to repair. Second time around took about 30 mins of wiping and repairing. The main thing is that if two people go down it's a wipe. I almost think hitting the consoles is a distraction because you can just roll out of the way of Batman's bunker buster. If you want to do consoles, tank Batman on the other side of the room and have the troller and dps activate consoles while the healer keeps people alive. You really need to move around the room to avoid Catwoman's attacks. I would definitely take her down first. I have also had problems countering Batman's moves, the lunge doesn't always counter his block breaking and blocking doesn't seem to do anything. I just roll out of the way if he comes in melee range. It almost feels like luck when you beat him to be honest.
  19. Kristyana New Player

    It seems the alert was tweaked a bit today to make the mechanics a bit easier to understand. During the Batman/Catwoman fight, when the shields touched, the stun and damage wasn't nearly as bad as it was the first time I ran it.

    Still difficult as it should be :)

    One piece of feedback I can give - is it possible to reduce the number of mobs who are around the radar array? Not by much, just by a third or so. I pulled them away from the switch and even through a supply drop, Amazon deflection, and a healer supercharge I still only lived 5 seconds :p These pretty much require a tank to have a ranged AOE pull to clear away from the switch, and plopping down into the mobs and hitting something like Backdraft as a fire tank gets you pretty much killed instantly since you have to roll away and cannot block.
  20. Magmaflash Well-Known Player

    So what about Low Pressure for AoE pull while popping either reflection of hard light shield for defense.
    Possibly another option might be Low Pressure into a bitter winds or freeze wave.
    These are my instincts as a Ice tank.
    3rd option I would try would be lunge to the mob and then hit resonating gale or wintry tempest.
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