Anyone ever played as Iconic only?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DeLaaNie, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. DeLaaNie Well-Known Player

    As in, only use the skills under the "Iconic" tab and nothing else? If yes, what skills did you use?
  2. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I haven't done a "pure" iconic, but I have done several Iconic/Movement characters. Is that any good to you?
  3. DeLaaNie Well-Known Player

    Nopes. ^.^
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Will try that with one of my ALT and see how it goes.
  5. TheLoneLantern New Player

    ^poorly if you're trying to do endgame stuff. Fun if you're just going to mess around.
  6. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Neo-Venom Boost<Lasso<Sonic Cry<Hardlight Shield<Amazonian Deflection<Word of Power

    Used this on my Tank before... Just for the fun of it... Wasn't too bad but not great. More of a defensive/CC loadout. The problem with using those skills over power skills is you don't get any power interaction bonus. So it really hurts you.
  7. Twilight Man New Player

    Yup. It's fun for role playing but in a real fight you start to see just how valuable those damage modifiers over %45 are.

    Once I had Heat Vision, Pheromone, Venom, Sonic Cry, Gag Glove and Word of Power.

    Batman's batarangs is a great iconic move for it's ability to knock players/enemies down
  8. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    I tried, even the Aquaman stuff became trouble. I mixed in movement (speed) and that helped. Even without dervish cheese.

    Presently it's just not viable. Post T5 it might be since pheromone bloom will properly scale its heal.

    They need heatvision variants, like the Ursa quick blast and something you can fire while moving.

    The various cry powers work pretty well, would be better if the damage buff scaled to 50-60% and the channel was a finisher ala Lightbeam.
  9. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    there is a fair few of em out and about, even heard of someone doing a healer one, no idea what that would consist of though. Making a DPS iconic is really easy you just select the skills you want and mod to have both might and precision so that you can make up the extra dmg multiplier you lose as there are no +50% multipliers. Tanks can work as well but you need pretty much everything in there which has a control effect and id advise some movement powers to be safe.
  10. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    First: I have never used 2 or more Iconics at any given point.

    Because they cost too much Power to DPS and do not do enough damage. There are a couple I would love to use like Heat Vision and I the Batarangs one but they're simply underpowered.
  11. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I have. Even created a toon called Iconic N00b. Nooboriche is another iconic toon I had.
  12. EzioNight New Player

    I Have! nothing serious tho worked good nothing worth keeping tho i did win a few duals to lol
  13. Iguniru New Player

    What? I dont know how else I would finish With a vengeance or black dawn without my beast iconic powers, they're the best powers in the game.!
  14. StarSource Well-Known Player

    I did once for fun..... I was murdered in like 1 minute.
  15. Ken Silverback New Player

    I have an alt, I do this on. She is up to Tier 2 (CR 46). It doesn't work well and sadly. I was using a "Superman" build. Heat Vision, Ice Breath, 2 Wind Powers, Sonic Shout & Word of Power. Brawler.

    It does not work well. Was doing Riverside Hotel and after the 2nd wipe, fellow villain left and I waited in queue for 30 minutes before I gave up. Since we aren't getting a "Might & Mastery" power set, it would be nice if you could make a build solely on the iconic powers and be somewhat viable. I mean I'm not expecting to be top DPS in the upcoming T5, but I shouldn't really be struggling in the 2nd level of Duo's. Is good and fun up until then. But people probably won't have the patience once you get pas T1 gear.

    Sad. Very sad for me. She's one of my favorite Alts... one of the cooler looking ones too. But I can't bring down someone else so I can be cool. :(
  16. StarSource Well-Known Player

    We may Might & Mastery yet, we may get powers in 8 and 9 if the pattern holds.
  17. BrotherMutant New Player

    If they don't incorporate this into a new type of weapon class (Iconic weapon?) then I vote Heat vision be like the after shock effects for Earth powers in that you can click it ONCE, then tap range three times to keep attacking, and the first or second blast should set them on fire, multiple taps add to the already established dot.

    As to why they don't have 50 or 60% damage buffs, you gotta figure without iconics being a tree format to unlock, all the DPSs would try to get 5-6 powers in their tray that do the 50 or 60% damage buff, which would be weird.
  18. BrotherMutant New Player

    Only real useful power types that can abuse iconics seem to be tanks and DPS, BUT if you don't mind dipping, try an earth/iconic load bro. I do and I TOTALLY feel superman-ish (just not QUITE as basass). Flight tree, brawler, use flight's Low Pressure as your AoE pull, Jack hammer and Gemstone shield a MUST for aftershocks, heatvision, hell you could even grab Freezing breath and Vacuum bubble and still feel like superman (I don't use freezing breath because I don't like it as much as Heat vision). My toon is CR 70+ and even though he isn't UBER earth tank, he does decent. RARELY use heat vision unless I need the range attack.
  19. Nitefelina New Player

    Have I ever purposly stubbed a toe on both feet before running in a race? No... no I have not.
  20. Owl Devoted Player

    I have several characters that use a few Iconic powers but no characters that use only Iconic powers. I have tried various builds and could not find a viable all Iconic loadout for end game Group content.

    Damage Role:
    • All Iconic powers only provide a 40% Damage Modifier.
    • Every power set has 45% & 50% Damage modifiers. Some power sets have 60% Damage Modifiers.
    • Iconic powers do not gain benefits from interactions from other powers (such as Burning or Electrified)
    So a Damager is limiting damage output by only using Iconic powers. Most Raid groups do not want a Damager that at best can only put out 80% what another Damager with the same gear puts out.

    Other Roles:
    • Healer: No Iconic power provides Group Heals
    • Controller: No Iconic power provides Power Over Time or Debuffs
    • Tank: No Iconic power provides Group Breakouts or Crowd Control Immunity
    So a Healer or Controller can not perform basic role duties only using Iconic powers. Tanks are limited using only Iconic powers. Most Raid groups do not want a Healer that can not Heal or a Controller that can not provide Power over Time.

    Iconic powers are useful to supplement other powers in your loadout:
    • Word of Power: Group Power Supercharge useful to anyone in Group content
    • Sonic Cry: Area Stun useful for Tanks and Controllers
    • Batarang Multi-Shot & Gag Glove: Crowd Control useful for Tanks & Controllers
    • Mesmerizing Lasso: Long Range Pull useful for Fire Tanks and Mental Controllers
    • Hard Light Shield & Amazonium Deflection: Damage Prevention useful for Fire & Earth Tanks
    • Pheromone Bloom: Self Heal Supercharge with knockdown useful for Earth & Ice Tanks
    • Robot Sidekick: Useful for power sets without permanent pets when running Solo content
    • Sonic Shout, Heat Vision, Freezing Breath: Useful to Damagers with Empowered Channeling
    • Clownbox: Second strongest Shield in the game preventing up to 5,000 damage