The Next three powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by argillite, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. argillite New Player

    1. Quantum troll/dps confirm in origins crisis post
    2. water healer/dps no brainer
    3. metal tank/dps steel is a legends character so they would have a starting point to work with aswell as it being way cooler then cough wind cough whitch would be the most boring power ever.
  2. Dee Pius New Player

    1. Yes, Quantum Troller coming right up.
    2. I can agree with Water Healing, too.
    3. Venom Tank?... No not the base item, the street Drug. Like you say about Metal, there is a starting point, with Banes whole crew hopped up on Venom, the next 'roid-raging, muscle-bound freak/Tank is you! Lol. Would be nice to see Venom added to game as more than just one silly and worthless Iconic power.

    On a side note, I find Wind interesting as a powerset and seems more "Controller'ish", than "Tank'ish", but I guess if it was made as the next Tanking powerset, a "Wind" Tank I suppose, would have very excellent CC moves at its disposal... Perhaps a SC that caused extreme havoc, think A.R.C. in Inner, or WW in Strykers, Or Tornao Tyrant in Oolong, etc. called The "Tornado" or "Hurricane". Very original, ikr. Lol
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  3. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    I have to be that guy that says water isn't a "given". SOE doesn't always care about what SOME people want. I know plenty of people that don't want water.
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  4. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    I would love a HOLY healer power set.
    Devine for heros
    Demonic for villains
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  5. Octantis New Player

    I know I've said it in a few threads, but I don't have a problem repeating it :)

    Healer - Atomic, because I think molecular reconstruction would make for a cool healing and DPS power
    Tank - Animal, like Animal Man and Vixen, and possibly Shapeshifting if they feel like removing that from Nature in the Sorcery/Nature Update.

    I agree wind should be a Controller power if released. I say NO on water only because I'm sick of the same idea being thrown around since, what? Since Light was announced?
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  6. Lwee New Player

    yay, speculations!

  7. Octantis New Player

    lol Jens pretty much told us to do exactly what we're doing when he said (paraphrasing) "that leaves holes in the other roles, so take from that what you will."

    Such an evil, evil man (especially after watching this last Friday Night Legends; you had me legitimately ROFLing, Spytle, which wasn't cool because I was rocking the baby to sleep while watching it)
  8. vXiRiSHXv New Player

    Hard light needs a tanking tree. Hard light should be able to tank using constructs/glow aura protection field to tank. The power ring should be able to form any object the user can think up. It needs more diversity.
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  9. Foxe Well-Known Player

    Whatever power(s) come next will already be being worked on. My best guess us to look to the game for what is kind if already there in some form. So wind is a possibility I think down the line (no interest to me but can see it happening), also something in the form of Dr Fate's move set might well make it.

    I don't have any major wants, in terms of a power set. Anything that introduces a new way of doing something is welcome, like earth tanking.

    Would quite like a beast of a tank, something very CC and attack heavy, maybe that regens health from kills in some way, bit similar to soul well. I like fire because I use juggles, pushes and pulls to prevent damage so would like something that is very CC for a tank.
  10. PurpCity New Player

    So I'm not the ONLY person with a hl toon who was ******** enough to toss shielding on my load out thinking I would be such a beast? lol
  11. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    So what you're saying... Is like a Vampire Tanking power set... <.< suck the life out of your enemies to regen HP.

    I'm still pushing for it.. I want to play DCUO Twilight.

    Give me sparkling vampires! Or just a brute strength power set..
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  12. sean04122009 Well-Known Player

    lol you have to look at the dlc coming out when the next tank power set will come out .... dlc9 trial of trigon
    so with the previous dlc's we got powers in
    • Dlc1 Introduced ''Fight for the light''-lantern based- New Controlling power Light
    • Dlc2 Introduced ''Lightning Strike''- speed force base- New healing power Electricity
    • Dlc3 Introduced ''Battle for Earth''- magic base- New tank power Earth
    The First set of powers came in dlc's back to back in this order troll, heal then tank.
    Each power as you see ties into the title.

    So with this being said its official dlc7 orgin crisis is about time travel and the new power is based off the dlc again.
    • Dlc7 Introduces ''Origin crisis''- Based around time travel and manipulating origins-
    • New controller power Quantum.... this power fits the dlc, sense this power will Manipulate time, control gravity and twist the very fabric of space itself!
    dlc8 ''Title Halls of power'' they mention league bases here
    • If the devs keep the same rotation and order then its safe to say the that dlc 8 will introduce a healing power ????? But what power can we think of from knowing this title and little info about this dlc????water, holy, atomic?????
    dlc9 '' Trials of trigon'' They mention trigon transform gotham and we can assume demons will rampage all over
    • Last dlc for 2013 so again if they keep the same rotation what new power will be use for tanking?? Will it be dark powers, demonic or a necromancy power or something totally different from this dlc((doubt it))??
    • personally im guessing dark and shadow base what you think????
    Let the guessing begin?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Quantum controller
    Shadow/dark tank
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  14. Owl Devoted Player

    I predict the next power set released in the Halls of POWER DLC will be Atomic that will include Nuclear and Radiation based powers. According to Wiki, there are at least 437 active Nuclear reactors that provide POWER with another 68 under construction. I believe it will be a Healer class as most Hospitals have a Radiology department and Nuclear Medicine is the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The Atomic power set could also include the ability to manipulate matter at the Atomic level.
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  15. Sumeric New Player

    Anything but water. The water effects in the Tides of War seasonal (i.e. those little barrels) were less than stellar. To be honest, I really don't think it'll get much better than that.
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  16. Lwee New Player

    ...also bananas are a good source of POTASSIUM and asian bees group together to generate heat and thus cook their assailants.... what were we talking about again?
  17. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I want my power set to be metal.
  18. BerzerkerUnit New Player

    Atomic might be a safe bet. I suspect Darkness (ala Raven) will come with the Trigon stuff. I hope they dig more into the early 2ks Teen Titans for f/x though.
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  19. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    • Water - Healing
    • A Power-suit based power (Blue Beetle) or Bionic (Cyborg) - Tank
    Max Steel here would be an awesome Tank in this game:

    This just leaves out:
    Animal/ Pet/ Beast Master
    Metal/ Magnet/ Dust
    Shadow/ Darkness
    Weather/ Wind
    Blood/ Bone/ Body Size
    Five Elemental (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Nature/ Wood)
    Black/ White/ Blue/ Sapphire/ Indigo lanterns
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  20. derek matthews New Player

    1. quantum which is confirmed

    2. water or maybe radiation like captain atom

    3. I would like a blue beetle type power but it will probaly be another element due to the other ones being the base elements