Why do YOU stay on Indar??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterCheef, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. MasterCheef

    I keep hearing all these reasons why people stay on Indar. Some say its because its diverse, some say Amerish isnt tank friendly, some say its the most " balanced" continent. I really dont buy all of that- they all seem on par with each other.

    My question is- Why are YOU on Indar? is it for any real specific reason or is it really ONLY because everyone else is there? Do people really prefer Indar? i really dont see what great advantage is hat over the other continents besides population.

    Please dont talk about speculation why others play there- i'd like to hear why YOU specifically play on Indar.
  2. ShakareeNC

    I personally like to do everything, fly, tank, and infantry and all of Indar offers that ability. Amerish is a pain the *** to drive around and caters to infantry air drops and ESF's, and Esamir is so catered to tanks its unreal. Indar you can do everything since everybase (other then skydock) you can use a combined arms strategy to take. Basically launch a armor column and a infatry cloumn from Amerish warpgate to take a main base 10 minutes later infantry is fighting and the tanks are only 1/2 way there and unable to support infantry. On esamir, AIR is annihilated due to the flatness of the cont, meaning any and all AA will be OP and infantry (sunderers, foot zergs) will be destroyed by tanks. Indar every battle, every where can be attacked and defended by all 3 aspects of fighting.
  3. Xae

    Because Amerish and Esamir don't have good fights.

    Not because of population but because of design.

    Amerish has a good physical map layout to "force" fights, but with the hexes it is easy to bypass these and back cap.

    Esamir lacks both the geography and hex setup to "force" fights, so it is constant back hacks.

    Both continents, and SE Indar, need fewer random *** bases.

    Indar, particularly SW Indar, works because of the strong borders, both Physically and on the Hexes.
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  4. FateJH

    I love the desert environment of the north.

    Edit: Additionally, on Helios, it's the only continent that has never been capped by any faction. That makes it a very desirable piece of real estate for the bragging rights.
  5. makrome

    Esamir is too cold ;)
  6. Ash87

    I fight a lot on indar, because my outfit does, but also because of the following:

    A.) That is where all the good fights are currently, every once in a while, when those kinds of things move to Amerish we go there for all the good fights.

    B.) It was not this way all that long ago. For a long while we would constantly jump continents continent would cap, and everyone would shift, now it's 30% of Indar being held by all three factions at any given moment, with a well defined front.
  7. MasterCheef

    -but why do people play there ALL THE TIME? is it Indar really that great or the other continents really that flawed?
  8. Xae

    They are very flawed. But the low population makes those flaws even worse.

    I hope they take either Esamir or Amerish and give it a good, radical make over. Since they are rarely used they could try out different things and see if it works.
  9. Rockit

    Because that is where the fight and thus XP/certs are? What point is it going anywhere else? For the measly benefit incentive they have now? This game is about nothing but XP and certs, there is little meta game and no incentive to go anywhere to do anything other than get the certs. If SOE is insistent on making resources the hallmark of the metagame then make them matter more.
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  10. VSMars

    Indar is our home and we need to protect it. Until this is done, that's where I stay; otherwise I go where the fun fights are, which is often Amerish (Esamir needs triple the amount of capturable territories - properly dispersed around the map - for me to be considered fun enough, really).
  11. ArmedGoose

    Ppl are my one and only reason; or lack thereof to be exact.
    I dont want to play a 20v20 hide-and-seek game or something on an entire continent.
    I played some on Esamir back when there were enough enemies around to make it fun; I hardly played on Amerish... ever; there were never enough ppl around.
    Personally I dont really care what name the battlefield has or which "layout"; all that matters to me is: are there enough ppl (on both/all sides) available for big battles or not.
  12. Inzababa

    why do YOU make double threads?

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  13. Rene Korda

    I prefer Esamir and Amerish myself. But isn't it self-evident what causes most people to flock to Indar? It's the Crown. It attracts a sizable population of people who like it (for reasons mysterious to me), which in turn attracts other people who want higher population for larger-scale fights. End result - everyone flocks to Indar and ignores Esamir and Amerish.
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  14. Badgered

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  15. Dubious

    Only white cont i Liked were Ceryshen, and mainly cause the flight ceiling were so low you could knife airplanes

    PS1 Amerish is vehicle friendly (like all PS1 conts), while PS2 Amerish is VERY vehicle hostile

    Indar is balanced between everything
    There is some air bases and other places where vehicles can dominate and even infantry
    Only thing I hate with Indar is that the whole cont is elevated
    all conts should border to the ocean, just like PS1
    PS2 conts look so enclosed with the cliffs around every cont
  16. MasterCheef

    My internet has failed me.....:oops:. sorry
  17. Cynosure

    I don't.

    It's the only continent where I can't hit stuff when I'm aiming at it and I rack up more deaths than kills from nothing.

    I much prefer the other two continents when things are going slow. I enjoy the squad vs squad battles (possibly 2vs2). Those larger battles just annoy the hell out of me; I can switch to infiltrator and shoot at still targets and still miss every time before I get trampled by a tank.
  18. Falcou

    I think Esamir was by far the best continent in the game. However, once they rotated the warpgates I have actually been enjoying playing in Indar (as a TR). I think 80% of people stay in Indar because everyone else is there. But Indar still has the crown, which is a major flaw to the game itself. I think people would get more framerates in Esamir if most of the action was there. As of Amerish, I think the whole layout is poorly designed for the purpose of the gameplay right now. I hope Hossin turns out to be the next Indar.
  19. S1eB

    I don't understand why people do it, do you not get bored of staying in one place all the time shifting back and forth between two or three bases?
    Talk about boring....... There are two other continents, both are just as good. People keep blaming the game but the developers gave us three continents, it's the players that are the problem camping in one spot like mindless morons all the time. And the argument that Amerish is not good for tanks is stupid, simply play infantry or ESF, you don't have to be in a tank, learn to adapt different play styles.

    You can't moan that there is no action on other continents when all you do is camp on one, if you didn't camp on Indar and went to other continents then there would be action on them.

    Indar is starting to remind me of Operation Metro from BF3, the people who camp on Indar are no better than the people that play Metro 24.7.
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  20. Dkamanus

    Because we worked our ***** to get the continent lock (Faction Pridezsz in Watersonzzz!!1!1!!!!11) we don't want to lose it, mostly because it's the hardest Continent lock to get. Its a sort of faction pride, something PS1 had a lot, and unfortunately, PS2 doesn't. They should write some more lore to explain factions better and make you fall in love for one of them.