Why do you say Pounders are OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Mxiter

    That would be true if pounders were as effective as standard AI weapons but they sucks at infantrie compared to standard AI weapons.

    And they actually sucks at AV too compared to Comets/Falcons.

    Pounders arn't exactly imbalanced, but them versatility (good against maxes, decnt at AI, decent at AV) makes it OP.

    A simple fix would be to reduce it's AI efficiency and buffing it's AV potential:

    less/no splash, lower ROF, higher direct damage, higher velocity lower ROF.

    =Same DPS (lower ROF with higher direct damage),less average DPS with longer TTK against infantries (ROF) hit less often (less splash) more effective at AV (more DPM)
  2. LT_Latency

    Pounders are good because they have a unique roll that they other teams don't have.

    Pounders = OK against infantry(if you have good aim) and Awsome against maxes

    The end result is you can still beat most infantry and most maxxes. If the enemy starts bring AV maxxes to fight you, they are stuck with a weapon that sucks against infantry and is equal to or maybe a little worse then your pounder in a max vs max fight so you won't see them very often
  3. Kouzel

    You don't even get it... In order to score a hit one has to be aiming it dead centre not any part of the hitbox. So effective hit box is much much smaller. Now compare that to immobile prowler. You seem to only see things that you want to see...
  4. Goretzu

    Wouldn't they just be Falcons+ then though?

    Falcons have lower RoF (and no magazine so a reload every time, effectively), bog all splash, higher DPShot and a similar slightly faster velocity.
  5. William Petersen

    Dude, you clearly missed the memo. Scatmaxes are the terror of biolabs, everyone knows this. To even suggest the TR have something that isn't objectively inferior to everything else is heresy.
  6. OminousZ

    Simple...because people don't know how to adapt anymore. They want the easy way out. Anything that kills them is OP. Pretty sad actually.