Why do you say Pounders are OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Slamz

    Someone needs to tell the Vanu then because I can't recall the last time I saw a Magrider with a Halberd. Everyone uses the HRB because you don't have to do anything except point and click. The Halberd can be tricky to aim and the slow fire rate and slow travel time makes it tricky to snipe with, meaning most people will perform better actual DPS with the HRB.

    And you can hardly complain about the main cannon of the Prowler when you have more armor than it and your speed boost and strafing gives you a huge tactical advantage. (And really, the Prowler's main gun doesn't come into power until you get anchor mode 3-4 and can lock down, which obviously is not always something you can or should do.)

    In conclusion, you are wrong and your argument is bad and you should feel bad.
  2. Paperlamp

    Falcons do not need an AI buff.

    I would take a Falcon clone on TR in place of Pounders over having Pounders stay the same and Falcons get buffed.
  3. Nody

    Seeing how you don't even know a Magrider has the exact same armor as the Prowler and that a stock Magrider is even worse then a stock Prowler your so called counter argument is not really worth much, now is it?
  4. _itg

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  5. TammelTR

    The general population of any given demographic are morons and to be ignored. Buff away I say, people will whine then forget about it.
  6. Simferion

    A shield which is bugged, doesn't protect you fully and slows you down to be C4ed more easily and a missile launcher which is very powerful if hits directly, but has a slow projectile. Yes you can slaughter everything with a Falcon but, unless you are quite near, infantry will dodge easily the missiles.

    I'm not for nerfing the pounders, but I'd like a small tweak to be not so effective against MAXes.
    First time I used double pounders I got a 20 people killstreak, without dying. And I'm not a MAX user, even if I'm using it a bit more lately because of the worse performance and the fact everyone and his/her mother are using a MAX suit.
  7. Xasapis

    There are two reasons to use an inferior weapon like Saron over Halberd on the Magrider:
    • Personal preference
    • Directive hunting
    The Halberd performs 27% better than the Saron for a lot of reasons (we can have a big analysis of that in another thread if you like)

    Here are some actual performance comparison between the two:

    3442 - Saron HRB | KPH | Daily Average: 22.78
    3441 - VS E540 Halberd-MBT | KPH | Daily Average: 31.24

    3442 - Saron HRB | Q4 KPU | Daily Average: 4.85
    3441 - VS E540 Halberd-MBT | Q4 KPU | Daily Average: 7.61

    Btw, and just to clear some more misconceptions you have about the Prowler and Magrider:
    • The Prowler and the Magrider have exactly the same armor.
    • It is physically impossible for a Magrider to dodge (strafe) a shell shot at its center mass from distances 150m or lower.
    • A deployed Prowler shooting a Magrider at the front armor will kill the Magrider first, even if the Magrider is shooting at the Prowler's rear.
    • The Magboost is a 1 second speed increase every 20 seconds at maximum tier, which incidentally only push you forward. So either you use it while shooting, which means you don't dodge, or you dodge that one shot, but you don't shoot. Meanwhile, the Prowler can back away from danger while shooting at it, or move forward while shooting backwards, either feats impossible for the Magrider.
    • The Prowler has been in the whole history of Planetside the best AI ground platform in the game (yes, even through the PPA era). It has also been the best AV platform in the game for a bit more than 1.5 years, losing only recently the position to the Magrider.
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  8. KesTro

    I think the main asshurt from pounders in conjunction with everyone above has stated is this: In the same patch they nerfed Fractures for being too effective against infantry they turned pounders into damn near the exact same thing albeit with a limited range. That limited range still doesn't stop people from bringing them into CQC fights though. Personally I'm in favor for a complete redesign of fractures, mayve an AV chaingun of some sort who knows. And then bring pounders in line with accuracy that the falcon and comets can achieve while nerfing it against infantry across the board for these weapons.

    That's my suggestions not neccesarily a good one but there it is.
  9. Xasapis

    I disagree. Pounders need some hefty buffing in the AV department to bring them at least on par with Comets. Meanwhile, the AI portion needs to be severely gutted. Nerfing the underbarrel grenade to the point of uselessness in a squishy infantry unit, while maintaining two underbarrel grenades in a sturdy unit as a MAX makes no sense.
  10. Nody

    You are aware that the Comet is 25% slower and is a big glowing ball, yes?
  11. Paperlamp

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  12. FieldMarshall

    Pounders is the MAX version of the Lasher. Atleast with lockdown.
    That being said, Falcons is the MAXed up version of RL primary.
  13. Xasapis

    Not really. You can kill a Heavy carrying a Lasher with direct fire faster than he can kill you. Which is why so few people carry Lashers, the weapon is unsuited for a front line trooper like the Heavy. Good luck taking out a Pounder MAX with direct small arms fire though.

    Falcons ... I remember people complaining because Comets were killing people in one double shot, so they changed the Comets to two weaker shots ... and then gone and made Falcons what Comets used to be.
  14. Lord_Avatar

    That's due to Ravens, which are the be-all kill-all MAX AV right now (personally I don't find them all that awesome, but that's me). If not for those, Falcons would see more use. They can instagib infantry and are overall easier to use than the Pounders.
  15. FieldMarshall

    I agree with everything you said. A buffed ("MAXed up") version of the Lasher on a MAX is not a good idea.
    A buffed ("MAXed up") version of RL primary on MAXes is not a good idea either.

    I dont think AV weapons should be better or even equal to AI weapons at killing infantry.
  16. Villanuk

    The pounders are being used as not intended but they really are the only thing we have to counter the other maxes, without pounders we would be steam rolled. Most max engagements, ie bio's are quite close range so the balance between NC and TR are very close. If i went against a NC with a Mercy, i have little chance and 9 times out of ten, i need to escape, the pounder gives me a chance, its certainly not a win machine at all. Against infantry, well unless your asleep, you need a quite a few hits of these to take you out and with the slow lob of the rocket you must be quite bad to be killed by one max.

    The VS, well nothing wrong with what they have, still very competitive against a TR max with pounders, again most battles are close, so that says it all. What the VS MUST GET, is a new ability or buff the Zoe. Everyone will agree the VS zoe is pathetic and should have been addressed by now.

    The focus should be not nerfing something which really is not breaking the game like the PPA but buffing items that are clearly woeful like the ZOE.
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  17. Bortasz

    What? Anti Vehicle weapon is to good against a Vehicle? Really? And you are NC that can kill max with his AI weapon....
  18. Simferion

    Of course yes, having all the AV MAX Weaponry and loving the Comets. ;)
    But the comparison was between Falcons and Pounders.
    I'd never bring Comets (or Vortexes :rolleyes:) in a CQC when I can have my double Nebulas with Ext Mag
  19. Simferion

    Lol... The stats are for KPH not VKPH
    And try to kill a Maxed Kinetic with 3 of 4 NC AI Max weapons :rolleyes:
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  20. Goretzu

    You might, but that is neither here nor there.

    But they massively outperform the NC and VS equiverlents statistically AI-wise - so everyone else doesn't share your issues.