Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. MilitiaMan

    Thank you Radar, like I told Smedley. I don't care about the refund for things like faction equivalent as I have known about that for a long time. It was the account-wide and the fact Higby said we would be "compensated" in someway. I knew about the Certs for about 3 weeks or so but didn't say anything as I was told not to as the team was still discussing.

    Like I have stated before in other threads, the people that got compensated was very small.
  2. MilitiaMan

    PS is a "Progression" game?

    ****, I was playing it for the pew pew lasers and the all around good time.....Guess I should quit as I am not playing as intended....
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  3. Dem1se

    Citizen A got what he paid for. Just because it's cheaper the next day does not entitle him to a refund of any kind.
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  4. MilitiaMan

    Not really, as Citizen A had 1 burster taken from them because 1 burster does the same as 3.
  5. Harkness

  6. HellasVagabond

    REIMBURSEMENT practically is a REFUND.....This was not the case here, this was something that SOE did so all the people who actually did spend money would have something to look for now that YOU and ME and EVERYONE else has account wide unlocks. Or perhaps you think it's fair for someone to have spend 2100SC for the same weapon for his 3 characters while you only spend 700sc ?
  7. Tobax

    I recall the same but there is still the question of why people have been given tens of thousands of certs? At most a 700SC weapon was 1000 certs but seems people were given a massive amount more than that?
  8. Dem1se

    Oh really? I didn't realize they removed weapons from people. Oh wait...they didn't. Nothing was removed. Both Citizens still have access to the same amount of weapons. Citizen A decided it was worth spending that much at the time he bought the bursters. Just because someone buys them later at a cheaper price, doesn't change the mindset Citizen A had when he bought them. He may have buyers remorse, but it doesn't justify a refund at all.
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  9. Benton!

    It's more like going to the store to buy a bag of chips. But you have to pay double the amount if you want to share with your friend. And for every friend you want to share the chips with, you have to pay for the chips again, except you still only get one bag.

    The only reason people are complaining is because they did not get any certs. I wasted probably $50 on unlocks on a char which I re rolled, twice, so now I am getting reimbursed. Just because you don't get any certs does not mean we don't deserve them either. I would rather get my $50 back, but at least I got something.
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  10. Puppy

    That's much worse then an SC refund. Not fair at all. The reason being is players paid SC and got Certs. I've been told players would not be able to buy certs. Though players were quick to start buying the same weapons on different characters in the case that free certs were given (since SC was ruled out for reasons unknown). If it was possible to refund SC this would have been avoided but it has already been implemented with certs and players are rightfully upset.
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  11. Arenthas

    I can't stop looking at your chicken
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  12. Leroy Jenkens

    Well I bought several items with SC across three different characters and didn't get any certs. :(
  13. SenEvason

  14. Rhyl

    Consider this..

    It's actually worse than many people think. Many weapons you can buy with certs or sc. These people got a refund in certs. These certs went on not one but every character. These people can now drop say 20,000 certs into their main character and if they have a bunch of alts they can use 1000 certs to buy weapons.. using each alt. Say they have 2 alts. This means with 20,000 certs they can buy 40 weapons at 1000 certs each. So if they bought 20000 certs worth of duplicates they now get 60,000 worth certs back. This isn't a refund. It's over compensation.

    People didn't get a refund or typical compensation. It was over compensation.
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  15. Tekuila

    I've made lot of purchases in this game and only got like 600 where some people got over 20000, how does that work?
  16. HellasVagabond

    We had the same weapon once or twice, others had every weapon on every character (yeap the ones who can afford it :p)
  17. iller

    you're in good company apparently. atleast according to sony's share price ^ last 6 months
  18. SenEvason

    Use this if you are absolutely sure that you didn't receive the correct amount of certs. https://twitter.com/mhigby/status/322058547598872576
  19. Tekuila

  20. LightningWolfTigrBer

    So then why is it that you're making a big deal out of this given that you don't even care. Nothing better to do than complain about something that has no bearing on you?
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