Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. Rhyl

    You still don't get my point. You've proven that once again. Some people got a refund. Some people got paid. Some of those who got a refund got the short end of the stick as well. If by the time they received their refund only had "one character" they lost out. It's not just the people who "didn't get anything." the fact that I stated that multiple times and you have ignored that shows that you're purposely being obtuse.
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  2. NateTronic

    Yes exactly, SOE screwed up and as a loyal paying customer i should also reap some benefit out of this.
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  3. Asmotron

    No, but that is your point based on the post I quoted. So get YOUR story straight about what you are complaining about.
  4. LameFox

    I get 48 of them just for logging in that day. Granted, depending on the state of things logging in can be hard work, but usually it only takes a few clicks. Then I get more for things like dropping ammo and... waiting. Or tagging planes with flak, and waiting. Or visiting the shooting gallery spawn rooms of near-lost bases, and picking off the enemies with slow reflexes.

    How have you been making it hard work?
  5. AnotherNoob

    I am br 89 and I still have things I want to buy (MAX kinetic armor 5 being next on my list) Your point being?
    Just because you think you have enough certs, doesn't mean it might matter to someone else.

    The issue is really; is it fair to everyone else? Because I think we can all agree that getting more then the equivalent of the SC in cert points is more then "just fine" for the affected players.
  6. Puppy

    Many players expected it to be certs. (The ones I talked to.) It wasn't everyone or over the forums but it was conversations in different outfits.
  7. Wolfsbrigade

    You can earn 720-1440 cert points a month just by logging in each day. You can earn any % of 10k xp multiple times per day (multiplied by boosts) just from logging in long enough for an alert to complete. People can also ghost cap for thousands of xp while just redeploying and going afk while someone else does the work. There are plenty of ways to earn certs for free without doing anything in this game, complaining about what some other player got as compensation is pointless.

    For those that like being rewarded, there's youtube videos on how to earn a thousand certs in 10 hours or less (without boosts and premium). Do this on a double xp weekend and you'll be swimming in certs. If you're still upset because you didn't cert your character properly then just wait for the re-cert item.

    tl;dr It's not that big a deal. Life is tough, wear a helmet.
  8. Rhyl

    My story is straight. It's not my fault that you're struggling to understand my well constructed and reasonable post. I am bothered that people got more than a refund. If they received straight up cert refunds I'd be a bit miffed that it wasn't an SC return but I could deal with that. My problem is that they got the same refund on every toon and essentially gained back triple what they originally spent. Some people who got the refund only had one character and therefore got back exactly what they paid. I have no problem with this other than the fact that they got ripped off compared to the others and in a way they share the same boat.

    My problem isn't the refund. It's that some people got overcompensated whereas others got back exactly what they put in. Do you see the problem? In a sense sony is still giving the middle finger to those who bought stuff before the announcement of account wide unlocks. These people didn't know that the more characters they had before this update the more they'd get in return. They got screwed.
  9. Maarvy

    The point is before release the Pay model was clearly layed out . It was a big deal that you couldnt buy certs IE. the game wasent pay to win .

    Now its fair enough that people who bought duplicate items got refunded it would have just been better to refund the station cash since there always camos,new weps,boosts etc to buy and avoided this whole bag of worms .

    They were never going to loose money giving a station cash refund ... they have your money as soon as the station cash goes in to your account ballance .
  10. LoneMaverick


    10k certs (the maximum amount of certs you can have sitting on one character) is not nearly enough to buy everything, or even half of everything.

    also realize how much real money was lost in order to get these certs, I wouldn't have minded just the SC refund, but the cert refund imo is just as fair....and this community really needs to stop whining about every ******* thing that is put into this game.
  11. Shinrah

    As an egotistic and apparently very entitled customer you should not. You did nothing that would´ve justified it. Normally, I might even say hey, why not give everyone some 1k cert´s since you already made an error with the distribution? But your attitude kinda makes me hope they don´t. Especially all the "undeserving" people crap, makes it sound like anyone who isn´t paying is just some bottom feeder. At least they ensure there´s enough people on to fight with/against.
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  12. Rhyl

    Sorry you're so sad. There's anti-depression meds for that. My condolences.
  13. Rickenbacker

    Why would you get something for nothing? You spent nothing, and you got nothing back - seems fair to me.

    Personally, I've probably spent a few tens of dollars, and I got about 1000 certs back for duplicate buys, on three characters. Which is probably around average, the very few people who got huge amounts of certs, also spent a lot of money on the game, which should be rewarded. Sony has to pay their overhead somehow.
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  14. Puppy

    Doing something in-game is more work then nothing.
  15. Ash87

    Actually, I got nothing. Yep, I never bought anything but for my primary character, which is the only char I played prior to the test server for the most part. So when I log on tonight, I'll have just as many certs as I did yesterday, and I am perfectly fine with that.

    Why? Because the people who got those certs had to wait nearly a month in order to get Anything. The response post account wide mergers was Embarassing on the part of SOE. I have always tried to be positive about the game myself, I enjoy it, but that whole debacle nearly drove me away from the game. There was nothing prepared, there was no response other than: "Oh yeah that, well, we'll get to it later" and you had a large percentage of the population who were left adrift, pretty much without any assurance that they would get anything in return.

    After waiting a whole Month, and after (I imagine) A large number of those people just up and Left the game, the remainder finally get some kind of closure in the form of a Gift.

    I mean, if you only got refunded for 1 char, so What? you are Still getting x2 of what you ever invested in this to begin with.

    And the certs are exclusive to the account, so No, if someone had bought a burster on two accounts, they did not get 2000 certs today, they got 1000 certs on each character. If the 2000 certs could then be transfered to one account, maybe you would have something, but even if they use those certs to purchase arms, they would have to use the whole 2000 certs for that weapon they bought to be available on both accounts, because weapons purchased with certs don't transfer. If they spend it to up their character, well goody gumdrops, there are BR 100 people who still haven't maxed out all characters, and 1000 certs disappears fast.

    If you were unaffected and didn't get a cert bump, I'm really Not sorry for you. Neither did I, stop whimpering and move on with your life. You had nothing to complain about before, you have nothing to complain about now.
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  16. Zcuron

    What happened for me was;
    1. Buy weapon X.
    2. See bundle on sale with 1+2+3+X - I want 1+2+3 and it's still profitable.
    3. Repeat the above two steps a bunch of times. (sneaky SoE marketing)
    4. Months pass, seasons start changing...
    5. +6k certs.

    As a point of reference, I had 2.4k unspent certs before that, so as you can see I have no plans for them.
    I suppose it lets me max some stuff out, but given that I haven't done so already... meh.

    Sorry for you "shafted" people, should you prove to be affected by some sort of bug I hope your situation is solved~~

    I must say I'm jealous of the +30k people, if only for the aesthetic of having 30k to spend.
    It's worth noting that if you pass above 10k certs you cease earning certs, so in a sense they'll "lose certs" if they stay at that level.
  17. Ash87

    This is anecdotal, so unless my experience was exactly the same, you can't rely on that at all. I had the exact opposite experience, most people I dealt with, expected to get Nothing.

    So which of us is more right?

    And again, this happened a MONTH ago. A month. That is horrible response time, any way you cut it. The fact that people got a bump to what they spent in the first place is justified by that alone.
  18. Shasbot

    2x cert per SC for every character...If I knew they were going to be that generous I would have probably bought some certs. I knew they were going to refund with certs, but not at such a high rate.

    The smart investors must have really got their money worth with this and the previous 2x SC sale. $10 = 4000 certs.
  19. Regpuppy

    That's the problem though. A lot of these people getting absurd amounts of certs aren't getting them JUST for duplicate items. They're getting it for **** that doesn't carry over. So now we're ending up with people who happened to buy the right thing having characters at BR 10-30 with more certs than a BR 100. Which is going to be upsetting to people who've put tons of time into the game.

    Not only this, there are people who've spent loads of money on the game who feel like they've been dumped on because some guy who happened to put 50 bucks spread across a few characters are getting enough certs to buy enough weapons to equal out to spending over 100 bucks into the game.

    Like for me, at a mid BR rank of 50 and having spent around 200 bucks on this game. I'm seeing BR 20's who are sitting on enough certs to outshine both the money and time I've spent on this game. I have no problem with the people who got a few k for actual duplicate items. But the crap with people getting 20k+ certs just because they bought some different unlocks on different faction characters needs to be reversed.

    This is ignoring the fact that such a large influx of certs breaks the game's progression.
  20. Rhyl

    You completely misunderstood my posts or didn't read them fully. I'm aware of all of this. I know it doesn't take into consideration if you control multiple accounts. So what? The guy who now only has one character and gets the refund once loses out to the guy who has multiple characters. I don't want or expect anything. I don't care to have anything. I want it fair across the board. Everyone who is entitled to this getting their due. Equally, no exceptions. This means I get nothing. I DON'T want anything. I've said this before.

    I want them to get back in return what they paid for. I don't want some people getting triple what they paid for while others getting back "Just that." How is that fair in the slightest?
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