What sacrifices has PS2 made to cater to PlayStation 4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, May 10, 2013.

  1. Jackalmaster

    Aint gonna be no Teamspeak or other 3rd party voice software.

    Also, I can see outfits recruiting only PC users and console members doing the same.
  2. Chiss

    Not really - but i've avoided AMD for a long time, as you always end up hearing about AMD/ATI with problems in gaming.

    Regardless, its regulated hardware, i'm sure they can get it running fine.. I have no doubts some people are running PS2 great on an AMD.
  3. Rentago

    yeah see when this game first came into closed beta, everything about it screamed "CONSOLE" it wasn't designed from the ground up for PC except for it beinggraphically demanding, everything else can be handled by a console controller, there is no inventory, looting, infact they dumbed down a lot of aspects overall to handle like a certain specific MODERN SHOOTER KNOWN AS BATTLEFIELD 3.

    since this game is owned by sony I'm sure they'll push to make it run well enough and then eventually put it on something like PS4.

    otherwise why do this **** to the PC market?
  4. Lafladitu

    Yes there will be free to play games on PS4, there is already one F2P game confirmed but its not one of SONY's products, but SONY has stated that the comapny is focusing on making F2P games for PS4
  5. Revel

    I'm just curious. Are they actually going to have a retail box for a PS4 version at $60 or is it going to be a free download on PSN?
  6. Chiss

    If they're smart, it will come pre-installed on the PS4.
  7. Tommyp2006

    Stop making me want to rebuild my PC! It's only a year and a half old! I really regret buying AMD stuff. Runs horribly. I've never seen more than 30 FPS in a fight.
    Actually it would work fine. You don't NEED a million buttons for this game, you would just have to combine a lot of functions. You could make the different chat channels clicking the sticks. You would bring up the map/loadouts/menu using the start button, like hitting ESC does now. Flying would actually be easier. You could hold down a button then hit a direction to switch weapons, or have a cycle weapon button, etc. It works fine in something like battlefield, the controls are pretty much the same in this game.
  8. SuBs

    The PS4 will have worse hardware than an $800 gaming PC. It is a certainty. The speed comes from the fact that it's a static platform and therefore much easier to squeeze performance out of in programming.
  9. TeknoBug

    Do you have an X360 or PS3? If you do, you'd know there's party voice which most clan/outfits uses.
  10. Poet

    Nah, it's because we know your average apple user will buy ANYTHING as long as we make it shiny.
  11. Boomotang

    Typical elitist attitude...
  12. TeknoBug

    ^ this is true, there are people I work with that are iPhone and iPad fanatics and they'll rush to the next release, my sister has gone through 4 iPods. It's pretty sad to see.

    Like Fry on Futurama says... "shut up and take my money!".
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  13. Andy79

    from what I read the PS4 got some unique hardware optimisation that no PC currently has, no doubt PS2 would run like a charm on it, look at the steam hardware survey what 90 % of the people use for gaming and the PS4 would be a big upgrade for them gaming wise

    can't wait for next gen console games to be honest
  14. [SFx]FFx

    do you know if SOE is planning to bring PSide2 also to PCs via GAIKAI?

    Otherwise, I don't have the chance to play it on my laptop...before SONY bought GAIKAI, I had the chance to play Crysis 2/3 and many other demos on a Netbook! They all ran flawlessly!!!

    What I also liked very much was the fact that I didn't have to install any game (only JRE) and the games loaded very quickly. The graphics -as you know- were maxed out.
    (Only complaint: I would prefer Flash instead of Java...the GAIKAI dev wrote me they were implementing support for Flash...)

    Ever since I wanted to play other games this way, but then Gaikai's service disappeared after Sony's take-over.

    As you need internet anyway for PS2, GAIKAI would just make a lot of sense!!

    I'm new here and I wanted to suggest the following to the person in charge at SONY. Do you know where I should post it, or do you know someone who could forward it:

    please read carefully:

    As PS2 needs a very powerful PC (Desktop!) to properly run (run at all), I have an idea to solve that issue and make it possible for more people ( = your new customers) to experience that game even with any older laptop:
    Since Sony bought the Cloud Game Streaming service known as GAIKAI, why don't you use GAIKAI's technology to let players (who pay for it) play PSide2 via GAIKAI?

    This way people with any average PC/laptop and an internet connection over 3MBit/s could play PS2 in maxed out specs!

    Before Sony bought GAIKAI, I had the chance of testing some Games: One was Crysis 2/3, but on a Netbook! It ran absolutely smoothly, there was almost no noticable delay no frame rate drop at all. ...I was blown away!

    I'd love to be able to play PS2 over GAIKAI, maybe you could be so kind as to escalate this suggestion to someone in charge who knows what GAIKAI is and could talk to the responsible person at Sony.

    Because lets state one thing: PlanetSide2 seems to be that greatest MMO-FPS Game of the last time, but if it doesn't run on the (casual) people's (non-gaming) laptop then only the hard core people will play it and I don't know, if you can make enough money from them alone.

    Via GAIKAI everyone (no matter how crappy the PC) could test the game and subscribe to paid service (GAIKAI: no installation/download required at all!)...certainly the easiest way to test the game and spread it to the masses!


  15. chilly154

    You can go talk to the devs on the twitter feed and let them know about it. If I was you I would spam the question to them, because how many people tweet them everyday is a lot, so try to reach with more then one dev and you can go to http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?forums/friday-night-ops.27/ its Friday night ops. A spokesperson for this game goes live there and one of the devs go live there too and sometimes they pick one of there people who are working on the game and let you give them questions.

    They ran eve online on that and World of war craft with out any problems. I wouldn't be surprised if they can run planetside 2 on that. The problem they have with this technology is a lot people still don't have fast internet connections and because of limitations of the company they are with.
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  16. [SFx]FFx

    Thank you very much for your helpful (mature) reply! :)

    I'll try to ask this "purple lady": I've watched some YouTube vids of FNO and she passed on some user questions...as I don't know the devs, or who most likely would be responsible for this topic, I'll just ask her. Hopefully it helps.

    I know, I'm completely new to this forum and must look like a total n00b. Thanks for the patience!

    The problem of slow internet: I guess MMO-FPSs are unplayable anyways if you don't have a reasonable speed and a data flat rate. In Germany there hardly exist non flate rate offers, so that's not a problem today...only on the country side the internet connection will most likely be too slow (1 Mbit/s...impossible for virtually everything - I know from my parents!).

    You might find it difficult to understand, but I don't use twitter or facebook, only Google+ & of course eMail and so on...I just think the other 2 consume way too much time and don't have much real life benefits.

  17. Advanced Darkness

    Heh yeah but then it would be their fault for not plugging in their own keyboard and mouse. Dust 514 on the Playstation 3 works with keyboard and mouse just fine and the PS3 detects periferals just fine.
  18. Lafladitu

    I just read something rather intressting about the PS4 in an article about the announcmet abut War thunder being on the console
    I will quote the intressting part and make it bold

    would that mean something in the line of trackIR, I know that a headset will be with each PS4 box, not sure about Playstation eye yet but it could be used with the headset I guess just like trackIR,how this work is just my speculation however ingame this would be rather good.
  19. BoomBoom4You

    One benefit of playing on PS4: Cheaters will be greatly reduced, as Sony owns all the IP on the system and can see everything going on with your system, making it very easy to detect any 3rd party programs running. That alone is almost reason enough to switch.
  20. phreec

    I'm never wrong. I was just lying... :rolleyes: