What sacrifices has PS2 made to cater to PlayStation 4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, May 10, 2013.

  1. BoomBoom4You

    I would do it gladly, as soe is doing nothing about the blatant cheating other than hiring humans to manually respond to /tells alerting them of cheaters. At least with the PS4 they'll be able to automate it somewhat.
  2. TintaBux

    Console hardware is different and setup differently.
  3. Patrician

    Yes it is; and you're still wrong.
  4. WaiZen

    Hey SOE,

    We deserve free SC for being the beta testers of the PS4 Version :c
  5. TintaBux

    Wrong about what exactly?
  6. treeHamster

    More like, "We deserve our money back for beta testing what will be your cash cow."
  7. Alchonis

    LOL, there is NO guarrenty it will run well on the PS4. I mean it wont use more than 1 core on ANY pc cpu so a console which I might add has the AMD cpu is going to be just as bad as on pc.

    The difference is console players are far more fickle and if they don't sort this crap out it will cost them dearly.
    They wont stay with ps2 out of loyalty they will slate it and move on to something else.

    And that is my 1 hope, that if they want to bring it to PS4 then they are going to have to sort all the things out which are complained about on here daily.
  8. Ture

    I know unified graphics and main memory on PS4 makes using GPGPU programs more efficient, but please explain how PS4 x86 CPU is more optimized to run games than regular x86 CPU?
  9. capocapone

    They will not be allowed to play with Us ......trust me.

    imo...ultra settings on a ps4 or the new xbox are going to be high settings on a 3 year old gfx card...nuff said.But..its still gonna look pretty much the same..