What is your most hated thing to die against?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bullborn, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. trichome

    HE Spam from either tanks, esf's or libs.
  2. MikeX7

  3. KnightCole

    Aircraft...definitely Aircraft...

    I try to pull a Vanguard and attack..plane.
    I try to rush up the hill at Saerro..plane
    I try to move out the spawn to attack the point..plane
    I am in my air taxi trying to get somewhere....plane
    Im tryin to collect snowmen for the title...plane
    Im on a tower trying to shoot people off the outside...plane.
    I wanna get up on a vantage point to shoot people...plane.
    I wanna play Light assault and get up on buildings...plane....

    I swear, there is no where your safe from it and you can do absolutely nothing to really survive it once it's chosen you as its target.

    I wonder how much longer I could make my list here...
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  4. Blueink

    Zergs which is unfortunate for me as that is what the game revolves around the majority of the time, stupid poor design choices by SOE.........
  5. Tuco

    lght assaults with C4
  6. Exonis

    God, the Farmer-farmers during Christmas event were some of the WORST, Eventually I got tired of death by lib/ESF while ground hunting for the things that I up and pulled A2A after A2A reavers until there was no more aircraft left alive within 7000KM
    Only then was I preciously awarded with 2 golden snowmen and multiple normal snowmen at the bulwark.

    I really only hate zergs, and those @sshole BR100 UberLibs who can dalton snipe your ESF from 600M+

    But that compares nothing to trees, I absolutely LOATHE trees, their pure evil, nigh invincible and impervious to everything, lying still yet claiming the lives of hundreds of pilots each day because after-burner malfunction. If only I could I'd commit Treenocide and cut every tree down on Auraxis, and then, only then, will my hatred, blood-lust and revenge be satisfied.
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  7. JudgeDeath

  8. Ximaster

    A friendly vehicle rush u because is blind.
  9. NovaAustralis

    Is that the faction formed by the trees, rocks and cliffs of Auraxius?
    Man, they are way too OP!
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  10. Torok

  11. Camycamera

    any air vehicle when i am in my prowler. it is SO frustrating to have your fun sniping tanks from afar getting ruined by some guy cruising in his ESF/Lib/Gal
  12. NinjaTurtle

    Anything with splash damage because I hate dying when the person hasn't actually hit me
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  13. Juho

    VS SMG infiltrators
    Rocket launcher at close distance
    Team kill at WG
  14. Bruno Puntz Jones

    Died last night to my own AI engineer turret because I dropped it, then accidentally stepped forward right on top of it as it was materialising. It registered as a friendly fire kill by an anonymous VS BR1. To be fair, I laughed about it though.
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  15. Robertooooo

    I've already mentioned shotguns twice before so im going with a new one: auto shotguns. No skill is required whatsoever to get lots of kills with that weapon. I know because I have used it on my VS char.
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  16. Ryme

    A2G AOE.

    At least ground vehicles have to move around terrain and adjust for projectile drop. Air just floats directly over everything and spams downward.
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  17. Captain Kid

  18. Epoch/Eep

    Tank fire indoors.
    Kudos to the gunners but when you have infantry play inside a room and the tanks find some spam holes with everyone clustered up. Its just horrible being infantry at that point and ruins the game for me. People keep getting rezzed and dying in a tiny little box over and over. Horrible.
  19. Riddlley

    Being rammed by other aircraft. Though viable, it pisses me off. Random death by dropod still makes me laugh.
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  20. VeryCoolMiller