What is your most hated thing to die against?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bullborn, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Latrodectus

    Getting knifed, it carries with it the ultimate sting of failure.
  2. Mofker

    The Mossies M14 Banshee or the TR Trac-5 Carbine

    Stupid Mossies and Light Assaults sneaking up on me ._.
  3. CursoryRaptor

  4. 10thRMDredd

    WTF do we not have free fall bombs? the answer that people are disinclined to enjoy dying to yet another unobserved weapon is weak. An aimed dalton with thermal and an ability to fire again and again, accurately at specific men is 10 times worse than someone flying over and dropping free fall innacurate bombs over a base. I can only imagine that a number of devs love the dalton. The argument against free fall bombs is weak. Our current option is much much more unfun. Who doesnt want to do what their grandpa did (maybe) and fly through a lot of flak with a few mates to have a brief window of possible damage. Much much better than the sniperesque nature of the lib and the dalton. Seriously. The lib is killing the game so so so fast.
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  5. LibertyRevolution

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  6. Llaf

    Anything that kills in one hit... It's always the same, and it's always lame, no matter the circumstance.
  7. Tylerso12

  8. pnkdth

    For some reason, getting killed by an ESF still annoys me. Was a long time since I raged though since the only effect it seems to have to make me play worse.
  9. cruczi

    Rocket pods / ESF AI (except for NC). I have no counter to that and the attack surprises me 99% of the time.
  10. Codex561

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  11. ZeroErrorz

  12. NoobBall

    Intentionally team killing teammates :)
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  13. Phazaar

    Anything that isn't a Liberator.

    Consider yourself discounted.
  14. EliteEskimo

    Ah yes, the situation that occurs after being gunned down by the Beamer.:D


    On a side note, anything that kills me in a tank while not being rendered is what I hate being killed by most.
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  15. Klypto

    Fall damage from driving (not falling).

    It's only like 1-4 of the 200+ tanks per month, but it's the most annoying thing ever to be driving along and then spontaneously explode.
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  16. Elrobochanco

    Probably vehicle weapons while I'm fighting indoors. Congrats you died a garbage random death to a player with low skill. Splash damage and range on vehicle weapons should deteriorate over distance to discourage mindless shelling.
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  17. Ivalician

    Noobcannons ( shotguns ).

    The vast majority of instagib weapons in the game you can for the most part learn to avoid dying to. Against snipers, find cover and keep moving and twitching. Against vehicles, get in cover or move indoors.

    Well, all the **** you just did to avoid dying to all the other instagib crap delivered your *** on a silver platter to a random shotgunner, and from that point forward, COMMENCE FACEROLLING because LOLOLOLOL @ standardized TTK.

    Liberators are also pretty bad because they **** all over whatever small to mid-size infantry skirmish you're trying to have where you don't have the numbers to pull anti-air and still fight on equal terms on the ground ( and you probably still didn't pull enough anti-air to make a dent due to very high Liberator durability ).
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  18. Utrooperx

    I hate Sky Warriors...The Lords of The Air...who zoom in and out, leaving devastation and dead bodies in their wake, unable to respond when our lock-on G2A missiles TK the dual burster Max trying desperately to "get a shot" before the fearless Sky Warrior zips back off into the Wild Blue Yonder...or randomly nose dive into the ground/tree/crate/structure/etc 3 meters away while the Lords of The Air are laughing their arses off as they utterly crush the lowly Ground Pounder Peasants that dare to try and challenge their overwhelming superiority.

    Yeah...lets put more bases at the bottom of holes with trees and high mountains all around...the Sky Warriors need to keep their KDR up...and just in case a lowly Ground Pounder Peasant actually manages to "scratch the paint" on their pretty birds, lets upgrade their armor too!

  19. Jomar

    Infil with SMG
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  20. PostalDude

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