[Suggestion] Use weather as an excuse to let people play without aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. rguitar87

    This idea doesn't make sense. What do you mean force your play style on others? If my server's delicate population butterfly effect which is required to play the game as it was designed is broken down by ridiculous "custom game" modes that siphon population balance then it is your fantasy that is being forced upon everyone.

    The game was designed to be a dynamic balance between infantry, ground vehicles, and air. All three methods of fighting have been carefully tuned and calibrated. This is what Planetside 2 is; you must adjust to the battle you find yourself in or suffer the consequences. The game is one large melting pot of content, there is plenty of styles to enjoy if you know when / where to use it. It's a team effort, it's not hard to figure out what role to adapt to and be successful.

    There is no team deathmatch, big team slayer, domination, search and destroy, capture the football, etc.

    I don't know how much time you spend being a pilot but it is not always so easy to engage ground forces, sometimes you can't even get in firing range due to so much AA. I absolutely love wrecking people in my Liberator, but it is clear as day when the enemy is checking that opportunity and I switch to infantry.

    This game is far from being based on reality. If you want Blizzards that shut down aircraft, then you must also welcome frostbitten infantry and frozen anti-freeze / oil in your tanks.

    It does not make sense to have a continent which grants a perk for controlling and not be able to use your preferred means of playing on. So if I spend hard earned time / SC on a Liberator I am not allowed to even help vie for a Continental bonus that helps my faction?

    If you take tigers away from the jungle then the rabbits stop being fast and the catfish die. ;D
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  2. Nephera

    I like the idea of special conditions making it necessary for the zerg to mix it up once in a while.
  3. Kesh

    This is a ridiculous idea and is only a poorly designed band-aid for an issue that all but only a few capture points are susceptible to aerial and tank bombardment.

    If your idea was "hey, lets add more structures and close range combat friendly areas to control points" I'd be all for it.

    Have more areas where no vehicles (tanks or air) can dominate. More infantry friendly capture areas that promote close quarter battles like you have in Biolabs - just with less camping of the shielded teleport/spawn rooms. City environments. Incorporate ways to get an AMS sunderer into the fight and not have to worry about air (think of a garage type of area - or some other effective idea).

    Tanks are just as bad as air in terms of the capability of locking down spawn areas and farming certs. The thing is that tanks can be wrecked by air. You also run into an issue on this idea of yours of not being able to spawn MBTs unless you have a tech plant connected to your territory. This gives a much larger advantage to those that control it. Much larger than the advantage is now.

    The capturing of control points is done by infantry. Let the infantry fight have more influence on the outcome of who will own the hex. Design control points with this in mind.

    Traveling between areas should be dangerous and leave you open to all forms of combat. Don't make all capture points infantry only, but make a hell of a lot more than there are now please.

    TL;DR: I hope SOE doesn't hire you for your "game design qualification documents" you elitist arrogant ****.
  4. PetRaccoon

    Need Ceryshen. Where the flight ceiling is so low and the valleys are so deep that air can never stop moving for any reason whatsoever. :D
  5. Ganelon

    Pretty sure aircraft can still fly in all but the absolute worst conditions. E.g. weather conditions that don't come by on a daily basis.

    Also, stupid idea.
  6. Kesh

    Just to be the devil's advocate here, but you're forcing your play style on others with this idea. Unless you just want to make a continent that has no bonus, provides no resources and doesn't matter in the scheme of things, people that want air will need to worry about this continent and it's bonuses.

    To be frank, noone is forcing you to play this game at all. It has air in it. You don't like air? Go somewhere else.

    I'm not some air only stooge that wants to farm certs - I do a little bit of everything and I'd like to see more infantry combat. I gave a suggestion above that doesn't include neutering the game.

  7. PetRaccoon

    Actually, I'd want Oshur more.. Bunch of Islands, no MBT and ESFs with Rotarys.., no L100 on Lightnings..

    Give it its repair benefit..
  8. SixVoltSamurai

    Show me a base an ESF hasn't gotten inside of, please.
  9. Pinchy

    Most played engineer, yeah, definitely a K/D mining pilot with 105 and rocket pods.
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  10. Kesh

    Can't win biolabs entirely with air.
  11. Maximilious

    lulwut? I don't understand what you are trying to say.
  12. Kesh

    He's trying to discredit you by pointing out that you have a 5.01:1 k/d and your most played class is engineer. He's linking you to Zepher and rocketpod spam.

    Edit: you also have a 3% headshot to kill ratio which is lower than the average player. Seeing as how you have such a good K/D, you're probably an above average player. Thus coming to the conclusion that you are a tanker, ESF rocketpod pilot or Lib gunner.

    Nothing wrong with any of those - just explaining what he was trying to discredit your comment with.
  13. Bill Hicks

    the bases you airheads spam so that the screen shakes f-ing up my infantry experience?
  14. Maximilious

    Ahhh thanks I see now. Most of my infantry kills and from my nose gun anyways, I mean I have enough rounds to kill 2 infantry with my AA nosegun. Feels like a waste to use a whole salvo on 1 infantry kill if you ask me. Save that for tanks ;)
  15. Kesh

    I edited my original comment. Wasn't meant to be rude and I doubt he broke the stats down that much. They show some sort of major vehicle usage. I think he was going for some kind of "gotcha" comment to make your opinions mean nothing.
  16. Maximilious

    If I wanted to get headshots I would play an infiltrator, I won't lie I fly on my scythe 90% of the time I am on, the rest I am on CD waiting for scythe on my double burster MAX shooting down planes or trying to.

    I have gotten headshots while flying on my scythe but by the time you are that close HA can easily instant pop you with unguided rocket lol.
  17. Kesh

    Yeah man, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm perfectly fine with people choosing to do whatever they want. This game supports many different ways to fight for a reason.
  18. Gisgo

    +1 very nice and simple way to offer different gameplays and the ability to chose.
    I dont understand why so much hate... to be honest i do: air pilots are afraid that everyone will play on the bad weather continent which is very possible since air is ANNOYING in this game.
    Another thing i dont like is like an airplane can just float above my sunderer like a copter and my turrets cant reach him, if they are able to float then i wanna be able to aim ABOVE my sunderer.
  19. Vargs

    Nobody would ever fight on any continent but this one. The rest of them would just be nothing but a bunch of lonely skylords halfheartedly shooting at each other.

    Sounds really great.
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  20. Spectre63

    I think the OP came up with a creative solution. Having a rotating weather front that messes with aircraft and reduces visibility across the battlefield would require people to develop new tactics and rely more on infantry support.

    Those pilots claiming that military aircraft are somehow invulnerable to heavy weather effects should do a little more research on the effects sandstorms had on coalition air during ODS and OIF.