[Suggestion] Use weather as an excuse to let people play without aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. xLegacy

    You have few good points, It is a game and the devs can do what they want with it, even when it comes from So called Excuses, But all really good games draw inspiration from the Real world to some extent, and that was my point with the irl examples, as well as the fact that when you are in the **** like the WW2 soldiers or any soldier for that matter, you either find a way to deal with it and survive/ win the battle or you die, ******** wont help you either way. And personally I have been on both sides of the coin when it comes to the Libs and ESF's I have taken down Libs and ESF's with my squad several times, and ive bombed the crap out of infantry and tanks, as well as being shot down by competent players that actully deal with the threat I pose as a lib or ESF pilot.

    And to make big gamechanging mechanics just to cater to whiners, well what will be next then, when you face **** loads of mines on the ground for your tanks and sunderers, and c4. Will you start ******** about that too?

    So from my point of veiw the game works as intended, but ofc needs a few tweeks and adjustments.
  2. undeadsapir

    this can only be done once they merge servers to get all the continents with high pop, otherwise this will make more ghost towns than already are...
    right now in cobalt amerish is all about ghost capturing... we captured the entire continent with a 3squad platoon...
  3. Yeo-Yin

    you mean : how far am I willing to go to that game be relaxing, fun, relaxing, interesting and simple? At world's end !

    Just keep that in mind : when an esf spam rocket and kill 5 people, he just has 5 times "100 exp" and "you kill this guy" on his screen. Nothing more. Of course, this pilot will have some fun doing it, but this fun will always be inferior to the unhappiness of the 5 guys. And this is a problem. A game, first of all, must be fun. If the "fun" is < to the displeasure, this is a problem.

    I don't care to have air as long as air is only/mostly dogfights. And about irl (just because it must be said): irl, if an aircraft is hit by bullets, its thin-paper skin won't be able to stop bullets and these bullets will damage it seriously. An aircraft cannot handle a full clip of minigun and fly away. an aircraft is suppose to stay really high in the air, and at this altitude it's not easy/possible to see the difference between allies and an ennemies

    But whatever : i love to infiltrate (like in game with infiltration). I also love to be a soldier in a trench, surrounded by his friends, asking covering fire while he tries an outlet to reach another building, where he will get a better strategic position.

    All of this "hero or dead", all of this "toe-to-toe" battles etc.
    I don't find this in ps2. I can be spotted by Q, there is too much vehicles, people are only fighting for their certs, fights are full of bunny jump/strafe that use the fact that ON COMPUTER it's harder to hit someone who do that etc.

    But, most of all, the problem is plane : i can't do anything outside without being bombed by air, i cannot do any toe-to-toe with my squad without being smashed by air etc.
    Tanks are not a problem : we can easily keep them away and even kill them cause they are slow and it's possible to take them by behind. Air is a problem.

    When i hear about a place with no aircraft + a low visibility, i am really happy because i think that i will finally find this war with battles as epic as in movies.
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  4. SirBobington

    Weather with turbulence that blows around ESF and Libs sounds like a lot of fun, taking them completely away from a continent doesn't sound like a good idea at the moment.

    Once SoE adds in a few more continents I wouldn't mind seeing one built to focus on infantry, but I believe with the current 3 continent set up it would limit too much.

    I had a blast last night defending the Crown from VS and NC for 3-4 hours, Air support was sporadic for both sides, but never overwhelming. When it got a bit too much I hopped in my Burster Max and cleared out the skies.

    Although there was a point when about 30 liberators came in and liberated the area for a while. That.... That was awesome.
    • Up x 1
  5. Shilak

    What? The one base where air cant get in and spamcamp the spawn exit is a bio lab. I am kind of bored of playing in those after 3 weeks.
  6. xLegacy

    Well being outplayed in any PvP game isnt fun especially if you dont learn from it and adapt and keep doin the same things over and over and get killed for it, but then again the guy in the ESF deserve to have his fun taking out these kind of players, as it is their own fault for not dealing with the threat at hand and adapt.

    And its not fun being sniped by 3-6 campers either. what you are doing is nitpicking and coming with excuses to change the game the way you want to play it. I agree that they should implement more bases or underground complexes where we can have real fun infantry fighting, but taking away the air completly NO.

    And ofc people are fighting for certs, its this games version of leveling, and what do you do in any MMORPG for instance, you level and try to get to end game because there is where the most fun can be had, and it is few games today that makes the leveling experiance fun especially for veteran MMOrpgers, that is why I think this game is more on the right track for an MMO even though it is an FPS.

    And Todays Aricrafts can take a beating before they crash and burn more then you would assume but hit them in the right spots and they go down fast, damage them a little and they might have Handeling problems, Something they could implement in this game. Point being there are other maybe better suggestions to deal with the air issue you are stating then completley removing it.
  7. Tyrsta

    I really really like this suggestion. Alot. It wasnt air craft fights that peaked my intrest in spending money on this , but the ground teamwork that did. The teamwork with my outfit whom primarily play infintry and ground vehicles are why I continue to log on.

    I would never leave a no-fly zone unless my outfit was playing in a flyzone.

    I do not want to fly an aircraft. I do not want to 'learn to enjoy flying an aircraft. When the game comes to the point of every faction massing air based zergs to counter each other, I am fairly sure I will simply stop playing/spending money on this game and move on.
  8. Wibin

    Some of these mountianis maps could do for some cave's to sneak though instead of huge above ground meandering passes. With gates at the front to hold to keep air out as in, impassible by any air, you could have an in ground base in the mountain to cap that is tank and people accessible only.

    With all the technology of the universe in which to kill each other why the hell are we driving over a mountain when I have a cannon that in all realities could blast though it in a few shots.
  9. Vortigon

    EXCELLENT idea OP - Air is now destroying the fun of this game.

    The flyers don't like anything that stops them farming ground units for XP - but in PS1 we could destroy air much easier than PS2 and yet there were still huge air fights - the problem is the whiney nooblettes that fly in PS2 have it soo easy they think they deserve to have things all their own way.

    It's time to END the power of AIR - they are ruining the gameplay of the majority of gamers who play PS2 for the ground combat.

    I welcome anything that reduces air - and would ONLY play in the no-fly zone - and I know many many others would be the same.

    Air and AA should either be like PS1 or no-fly zones should be provided so we can get back to REAL Planetside gameplay - if the flyers don't like it - let them leave - I won't miss them.
  10. Edmon

    Ah please no with the caves. PS1 was not so great for that ^^;
  11. HvcTerr

    For extra irony, the "no aircraft" continent should grant an aircraft resource bonus when continent-locked.
  12. Kesh

    You failed to read. 75% of my kills are as infantry. This is a ridiculous and terrible idea. I provided an alternative. Page three.

    You have no idea what most people want and who the minority is. The only time *most* people go to a forum is when they have something to complain about. The people on this forum that ***** about air are not *most* people. *Most* people on these forums, perhaps, might not wait air but that isn't representative of the community.

    If you fools really don't want air, why the hell would you install a game with air? Could they re-balance it a bit? Sure.
    You look like morons to me.
    I'd prefer you quit the game rather than neuter it.

    Population might drop but they can merge the servers - to me that's preferable than the idiotic ideas in this thread.

    I'm in the infantry division of my outfit and when we run into a horde of tanks, we call in our air support dudes. Every single infantry dude I know of would mind if air was nerfed into oblivion.

    Do you know what we do when we run into some ESFs and Libs? We call in our air support again and we have some people go anti air. It works. Granted it's an organized group and not a random zerg going anti air.

    Nothing is going to stop 40 ESFs and Libs except other ESFs and Libs. I'm being realistic here - can easily stop 10 ESFs and a few libs as an infantry group - even more if they don't all attack at the same time.
  13. Edmon

    Some people don't feel this is fun. Let us have our aircraft free zone and you can enjoy your aircraft in the other normal zones. Then those super skillful perfectly balanced craft that you love so much won't be nerfed to cater to all the players that hate air and you can continue to play exactly how you want to.

    What you fail to realise is, if something like this idea doesn't go in, aircraft will be nerfed out of existance and then they might as well not be there anyway. When 95% of "I'm leaving threads" talk about aircraft non-stop, there can only be so much bleed before SoE steps in with the mega nerfs. They've done it twice already and they will do it again.

    I think your shooting yourself in the foot.
  14. Kesh

    This right here is the issue. People that installed a game with air that don't want it to affect them at all. Uninstall if you don't like a major aspect of this game. We'll merge servers and move on.

    I can respect the people calling for nerfs or some sort of balance or buffing of ground AA. They at least want tools to deal with it.
    You sir, are just attempting to change this game into something it isn't.

    People tell the dudes wanting to nerf rockets to go play CoD. They just want a fighting chance. You, on the other hand, really need to uninstall and go back to CoD.

    No offense or anything.
  15. Edmon

    Mate, I was playing rise of the triad before you were a sperm in your fathers left bollock. So stop accusing me of being from the school of call of duty. Not that I think theres anything wrong with call of duty to be honest, people like to hate popular games because they are hipster elitist dickmunches. No-one wants to "change" your game. You CAN play in the air zone with ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE who want to fly or want there to be aircraft. You concern is only that you won't have infantry players who aren't interested in air to farm all day long.

    There is nothing wrong with that, being all powerful and killing defenceless people can be great fun. You can still have that fun, but it'll be with people who care about aircraft, combined arms, etc as much as you do. Of course, they will all be the most skillful type of player (right? because people who don't want air are bad right?) so I sure hope you can compete in such a harsh, veteran rich enviroment...

    Could you make it any more obvious you fear the loss of easy kills and cheap thrills?
  16. Kesh

    I've always said that rocketpods are pretty overpowered and noone uses the anti-infantry nose gun because of that. That seems like a game design flaw to me. I'll agree 100% that ESFs are definitely not where they should be in terms of needing to specialize or how powerful the rocketpods are.

    While your solution is interesting, I don't think making an air free continent is the way to go (and I think it's only a band-aid for a larger issue). Air should be incorporated everywhere.
    However, I'll agree that vehicles play too major a role in terms of capturing control points. In the real world just like in this game, it's boots on the ground that secure areas.

    In PS2 *most* control points are much too influenced by vehicle combat. While this isn't inherently bad, it devalues the need for infantry troops. Most places can be controlled with 1 infantry dude with lots of air or tank cover.

    I suggested adding more cover, city landscapes, underground areas, stuff that makes it much more difficult for vehicles to get a direct line of sight on infantry. Travelling between areas should remain dangerous to tanks and aerial bombardment. In my opinion, aircraft should be used more for killing reinforcements and spawn points (sunderers) moving in on a position that is already under attack. Sure, they should provide some direct support at some control points, but as it is now it's pretty much every control point and farming infantry.

    I love infantry combat. 75% of my kills are from shooting people with handheld guns. I don't like being killed from 1000 meters in the air or from 300 meters away by some sniping magrider. Even with this in mind, I'd still prefer to be given tools to avoid being hit (terrain) or take them out. I'd much prefer that than making some land only game. There are much better games that specialize in that area that I can play.
  17. Kesh

    Mate, I was in 6th grade when Rise of the Triad came out. Most people in this game aren't my age and don't know what the older games are. It's much easier tossing out CoD as it's an extremely popular infantry only game.

    I actually love the CoD franchise. When I feel like playing a fast paced infantry shooter, I load it up. I also love the battlefield series as well, even though people from each side love to hate the other game.

    I installed PS2 because of exactly what it is advertised as. Could things be rebalanced regarding air? Absolutely, 100%. Is it fun to sit up in the air going 100-1 killing those little white ants running around? Yeah. Is it fun to be that ant? Hell no. I've been both (usually the infantry dude)

    Are there ways to deal with air? Sure, somewhat. Could there be better ways or easier ways? Yeah, that would be great to have.

    In this game territory matters. In other games it doesn't matter what server or map you play on. I might not want to play on a large air map in battlefield so I can choose a close quarters server. That's fine - what goes on in the large air map doesn't affect me one bit - there are no resources, no conquest bonuses, nothing.

    In this game, every territory matters. Even if i never want to play on your no air continent, what goes on there does affect me. It affects my resources (should that mechanic change and go planet wide), it affects my bonuses. I can't ignore it. In a game where the entire goal is to conquer the planet, you don't want a bunch of people never wanting to leave one continent. You need to change things at the macro level.

    You keep trying to discredit me by saying I'm some rocketpod or dalton spammer. That I only want to keep killing the ants. None of that is true at all. I give alternatives to just wiping out a major mechanic of this game starting on page 3 of this topic.

    Look, I don't think you're a bad dude. I think your heart is in the right place here. I just don't think you've completely thought it through. There are better ways to fix a broken system than applying a bandaid such as this. I really do think this would be game breaking. Segregating players as opposed to fixing a system to allow them to play together will kill a game based on conquest of all lands.

  18. Chiss

    I don't play on Esamir much... but i was flying an ESF the other day there, and it was kinda foggy and glarey from the sunrise. I literally couldnt see a ******* thing. MAYBE 50m visibilty... I flew into a hill... It was awesome.
  19. Kesh

    I don't think it's fun when I'm trying to capture a point (and winning) and then all of a sudden the entire NC empire comes and stomps on my 12 dudes.

    I don't think it's fun when I'm trying to kill some infantry dudes coming up on my base and get killed by the 25 magriders out @ artillery range just shelling the base continuously with an ammo sundy.

    What's the solution for this? Get more dudes to kill the NC zerg or get more tanks (or air) to kill the other tanks. The solution is not to create another continent that disallows this. If there is no way to counter something then it is a major issue and needs to be fixed. The answer is not to create another continent - the answer is to provide ways to counter things and even offer shelter from them.

    Call for that, not another continent.
  20. GraphicJ

    So if they make a "Ground only zone"... they should also make a "Air only zone". But take away the silly A2A lock ons. All real, intense dogfighting.