This class lacks the basic tools required to perform its advertised role.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Dr. Euthanasia, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Skeith

    boy it's so satisfyng reading your answers

    "yes l2p"

    you know you could post something like "insert something to prove my theory here"

    because right now you are only trash talking and giving 0 evidence son.
  2. Toshogu

    what needs to be proved? you asked if I do it, I answered yes, I do it all the time.

    this is not a theory, but a statement of fact.

    Learn 2 Play
  3. soeguud

    Learn 2 Play? Learn Two Play!? Oh wow by repeating this bundle of symbols I can throw up an image of competence and adequacy in any game I play!

    Beyond that why the heck are infiltrators not given explosives? They stink and only idiots trying to snipe only use them. Rename Infiltrators as Snipers or compensators and things will make more sense.
  4. Skeith

    ignore him,he is either trolling or stupid

    imo the devs are going to deliver a CQC inf kit in a future patch imo,i refuse to accept that the devs actually considered that the infiltrator in the current state is acceptable.
  5. CaptHayden

    As I sit and read, the only thing I can conclude is that the ppl who are arguing that the infiltrator class is working as intended (Pachins), obviously NEVER played an infiltrator in the original game. Sniping was never even an option. Your goal was to get behind enemy lines and wreck as much havoc as possible by hacking enemy terminals, rigging enemy turrets to fire on their own (AUTOMATICALLY), hacking vehicles out from under people and if you had the inclination you could go hunting infantry.

    Snipers were my target of choice in the original game, because they would be looking through their scopes and not see my approach as I knifed them in the back. Scores of wounded infantry would run back to their base to get healed, only to get incinerated by a plasma grenade that got tossed out of nowhere.

    Sneaking into generator rooms to plant bombs, not to destroy the generator, but to divert enemies from the front lines to deal with a believed attack from within their base, thereby aiding my allies on the front lines....

    THIS is how the infiltrator was meant to be played. Not running from rock to rock in the desperate hopes of not being seen.
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  6. Xiphos

    The sniping aspect is fine. The infiltration aspect is half finished. An infiltrator doing infiltration needs better cloaking and more stuff to do in bases. These two roles can't share the same cloak though because if snipers get better cloaking there is the risk of them becoming overpowered.
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  7. CaptHayden

    Agreed. And anyone who played the original game will tell you, the infiltrator was great at sneaking around (as his cloak was indefinate and perfect when motionless), but hardly overpowered as his hit points were low and night-vision was your worst nightmare.

    Engineers were the counter to the infiltrator. By using their kits to UNhack terminals and using their motion sensors and spitfire turrets to catch unwary infiltrators trying to sneak into the base, these two were clearly the ying and yang to one another.

    Snipers were a class of their own. Now, if they want to give snipers a cloak, I could care less; go for it. But for the love of God (or whatever you deem holy) bring back the infiltrator of old!
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  8. Pachins

    It funny that you mention all these things you did in PS1. I still do that stuff in PS2. It's easier to say l2p then to explain why you can't adapt to class mechanics. Jumping on the Toshogu band wagon.
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  9. BeachedHead

    Well seeing as any non-blind person clearly can see an infiltrator when moving, and you HAVE to move because your cloak lasts 12 seconds, and you are dead as soon you are spotted, it is abundant clear that what he SHOULD be saying is: learn to play aiagnst blind newbs. No one else has any trouble seeing, and killing, an enemy infiltrator. So that leaves you with "infiltrating" a deserted base, (wow, what a cloak-worthy project) or the ones with so stupid defenders they don't even keep watch over the important keypoints (like generators). I have snuck into bases several times, and it's doable. But you'll mostly kill people who have no clue what they are doing.

    The bottomline still stands: LAs are a hundred times better at infiltrating than Infiltrators, simply because their silent and unseen movement abilities are so much better than ours. Jetpack beats cloak hands down in the contest of sneaking in anywhere.
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  10. Pachins

    LA equals an easy kill. Fly in the air in a slow steady pace equals a pistol to the groin. Go out back and shoot some cans with your pistol for practice.
  11. Dr. Euthanasia

    I don't want to know how Toshogu and Pachins get inside enemy bases undetected. It could be the result of forgotten djinn magic for all I care. What I want to know is how either of them thinks that the variety and importance of things they're able to do once inside (kill enemy players who probably don't matter) is even remotely enough to justify how much time and effort it takes to do so.

    Like it or not, it is completely possible to sneak anywhere at all in this game with any class, provided it can be reached on foot in the first place. You can debate the advantage that Hunter Stealth gives us in such endeavors all you want, but it isn't something the Infiltrator cannot do, so you're never going to convince either of these people that it's too difficult because they've already convinced themselves that the current balance of risk versus reward is perfect. I'm interested in hearing what the reward is, myself. I mean, it can't be blowing up sunderers or taking down the base shields in tech plants, and no matter how "elite" they are as infantry, I seriously doubt it involves spawning sunderers from hacked stations with any kind of enemy traffic around because numbers can overcome the skill of a solo bus driver easily, so... what's the payoff here? Shooting clueless campers in the back with the worst sidearm in the game? Detailing the name and movements of one very confused enemy inside of his own base using the shout channel?

    Please, enlighten me. I'm willing to hear you out, and that's a hell of a better chance than most of the guys here are probably willing to offer you.
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  12. Chestor

    My problem with inf is sorta the absurd nature of them being the only ones that can hack terminals yet giving them a primary gun as a sniper rifle. Most terminals aren't just out in the middle of nowhere. You have to get in close. Personally feel like the automatic scout rifle with a foregrip and 2x reflex sight is more than adequate in most of those situations. It's just the roles of "sniper" and "infiltrator" just don't seem to work together most of the time. I'm not saying it can't be done, just that it doesn't make sense to give someone the job of hacking terminals and defenses, an up close job, but then hand them a sniper rifle? I just don't know another class that has two roles that seem to be so diametrically opposed to each other.
  13. BeachedHead

    Well, strange thing that I just killed to infiltrators as LA then. No problem seeing them move in their "cloaks". Most LAs don't fly in a straight line at a slow steady pace for enough time to aim, and even if you managed to hit them in the groin, they'd loose about half their shields from the great rifle we have. and if you're close enough to hit them while moving, a normal scoped assault rifle from t.ex. HA would be so much better. Infiltrators main purpose, it seems, is to kill other infiltrators. After all, they're the only ones standing still so you can pick them of from a distance where any of the other scoped rifles from other classes aren't vastly superior... The only thing they do, is make sure everyone else moves... And THATs in the sniper role, which has nothing what so ever to do with an infiltrator - which this game currently doesn't have, other than in name.

    To sum it up
    - Due to the limited visibility range, there is a very small amount of metres where a scoped normal rifle isn't better than the sniper rifle, and because of bullet speed, the target needs to stand still, or move from a to b in a straight line at one speed.
    - The infiltrators are worse infiltrators than LAs, because then can't get anywhere, except trough the obvious places which are guarded, unless you are playing against dimwits. And they will see you. If you move. Which you have to, because you're only hidden for 12 seconds. Even if a guard is blind, you'd still have to spend a large amount of time doing this, which is much more than it's worth, both in XP and satisfaction. Why do you think 99%s of the infiltrators in the game only snipe?
    - The infiltrators can achieve nothing worthwhile by infiltrating, unless the base is virtually empty. Here a HA, LA, Medic or Max would give you a much better chance, so it's the worst role at this also.

    As for who is the troll in this thread, I think Pachins has proven that a long time ago. ;)
  14. Pachins

    Try working a base ahead and hacking all the systems/ turrets. It is very important for your oncoming horde to roll over the competition as they scurry back to your already hacked base to setup some kind of defense. Most are not spawning back to defend a base as an infil so most will be stuck with what class they have as well as no vehicles. I have done it plenty of times and sniped those trying to figure out what to do now without their precious vehicles.
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  15. Pachins

    Lord help me I was proven wrong by your leet skills in one situation. Good for you. I am doing just what I have been saying and am level 29. Guess I must be doing something wrong.

    When most of you get it through your head that the infil is not a face to face fighter you will do much better. If your in a base you should be accomplishing your objectives while running away. I never fight face to face and always pop a couple of shots off and move. As said before adapt to what you have. Use your weaknesses to your advantage.
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  16. Jourmand1r


    Rename Infiltrator to Sniper. Replace dart gun with a placeable decoy that displays a fake version of the player. Add a 4th item which allows an instant respawn if the player dies within 10 minutes of placement. Allow only 1 to be carried.

    Rename Light Assault to Infiltrator. Allow Light Assault to hack terminals and fix Adrenaline Pump.

    Rename Heavy Assault to Dreadnaught/Bruiser/Zealot for TR/NC/VS. Fix Jackhammer and Lasher to not suck. Allow heavy assault to be the "main infantry" class and also make them more faction stylized.
  17. BeachedHead

    No, you are proven wrong by the fact that a total noob - ie. anyone - can spot a cloaked infiltrator inside a base with no problem whatsoever. This is a fact. Acknowledge it. Ignoring it certainly won't make it less of a fact. In addition, the cloaking/decloaking sound gives you away even if they did look the other way. That you play against idiots who leaves their base undefended so you can hack all their terminals says more about them, than you.

    And of course an infiltrator should be worse off than the competitor in a f2f encounter, noone has said anything to the contrary. IMO the only way to do this is to knife them in the back first, and then shoot them - but at the very moment you decloak, any sane enemy would jump away, turn around and try to kill you. Against an alert and capable foe, the capable Infiltrator stand small chances IMO. The foe needs to be incapable or unalert.
  18. Pachins

    Easier to put a couple of shots in their head. Not going to argue about it since I do it all the time.
  19. BeachedHead

    Acknowledge that the cloak is useless inside bases, unless you play against blind n00bs (or people with graphics problems). I meant "the best way" btw, not "the only way" sorry about that.
  20. Xiphos

    Take a big biolab fight. Both entrances are guarded by 15 people and there are others constantly patrolling the inside of the biolab. Who is the only class capable of actually wreaking havoc in there? It's the LA. He can enter via teleporter and then get on the rooftops/trees/balconies/etc. Once there he can drop people who are busy with headshots and maybe even drop C4 or grenade into clustered enemies. He also gets to capture points faster and arguably safer than others.

    Meanwhile the infiltrator must stay on the ground, at eye level with the patrols and the weapons at his disposal are mediocre. The best he can do is sneak into some corner and try to snipe somebody, hoping that he doesn't get spotted. He has no C4 and takes MUCH bigger risks when trying to grenade a cluster of enemies.

    Now that's the theory.

    In practice, how many infiltrators do you see doing this compared to LAs doing it? I almost only see LAs.

    PS: also, there are no hackable objects up in the biolab platform besides the aircraft terminals at the landing platforms.