This class lacks the basic tools required to perform its advertised role.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Dr. Euthanasia, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Dr. Euthanasia

    Predictable. If you think you're so much better than me, how about you tell me what I'm supposed to do once I get inside an enemy base? Even if hacking upgrades could make the process instantaneous, there would still be virtually no benefit to a majority of my faction, I'd still have to run and hide from largely defenseless deployed sunderers, and even if I could overcome this difference with skill, I would still be at a significant disadvantage in a direct one-on-one confrontation with anyone at all, especially if they either caught me out of stealth, saw me through my stealth, or simply used an IRNV scope which is something I can't predict or prepare for except by simply never using the ability in the first place.

    C4 is already available to the Light Assault, Heavy Assault, Engineer, and Medic. Much like a new higher-velocity bolt action rifle with an identical model to its predecessor likely cost very few resources to put into this game, something which already exists on literally every other class is not a feature that requires work. Rather, it requires thought, since it was clearly a deliberate design decision to keep C4 away from Infiltrators, even though Light Assaults demonstrably perform the exact same roles as us far better with the singular exception of hiding - something we're the best yet still terrible at. I could understand if hacking vehicles was a bit of a logistical nightmare when they're owned and equipped by players rather than static assets which exchange control hundreds of times each day, but an extremely close range anti-vehicle tool would ultimately be far less destructive since it would limit us to one vehicle per trip to the infantry station and wouldn't allow us to steal mobile spawning points for use by our team.

    Agreed, although we're already just as much of an "instawin" class as anyone else against morons who don't care to look behind them. Three shots even with the worst pistol in the game to the head, or three to the body and one stab with the knife, and they go down pretty easy. The only way this class is ever going to become tournament viable, though, is if it gets 100% invisibility and IRNV scopes either get some kind of meaningful drawback or an acceptable counter. For the moment, I'd just settle for a way to know that my opponent is capable of seeing me bright as day no matter what I'm doing so that I can react appropriately.
  2. Drazen

    just GTF0....
  3. Dr. Euthanasia

    Both are necessary. A superior pistol is only required if we're going to be given Stalker Camouflage, which is something I wholeheartedly support, but taking away our primary weapons is only meaningful if we have a use for them in the first place. Snipers that are capable of hiding forever at 100% invisibility shouldn't happen, but there's a significant middle ground of Infiltrators who want to sneak around and fight rather than hide from people, and there's no way any pistol should be adequate to this task.

    I think those people need another stealth system designed for short distance running, honestly. 100% invisibility, of course, but maybe with some clause about not activating immediately after you get shot so people don't complain about Infiltrators vanishing mid-gunfight.
  4. Pachins

    Drazen is the glass always half empty with you? Practice with a pistol and you could be as good as me.
  5. Gypsycream

    I just want the stalker camo that they teased us with in beta (it was essentially the same as PS1 cloak: invisible while stationary, sidearm only, firing while stealthed) and a few optional sidearms to go with it would be nice too...
    I would also like to see some kind of hacker dart (a thing that would mess up the control and movement speed of tanks) instead of this near useless radar dart, it would give infiltrators a real use in combat and would more than make up for the lack of C4...
  6. Drazen

    its so obvious that the devs just want people to play as sniper and don't really care at all about what an infiltrator truly is. They want people to just shut up and take the nerfed cqc weps and stop complaining, we deserve to be the weakest non-functioning class, unable to hold a position in a base that we infiltrated against any of the other classes.

    What they don't realize is people will be running out of patience soon.
    and when someones favorite class is turned into crap and no announcements whatsoever on the matter are made( instead mocking us by blatantly trying to shift everyone to a sniper role) the situation is going to explode back at them and they will be looking like squishy, b- faced, little fools.

    When 1/5th of the player base is discounted, that is still a lot of people who can't enjoy the game, any way you slice it. You may think you are sacrificing us for the good of the majority, but you couldn't be more wrong. Word of mouth spreads. In this age, bad unskilled gamers will be crying out for nerfs on this and nerfs on that, this is op and that's op. Plain and simple, infils fell victim to a bunch of whining nubs on the forums and the DEVS LISTENED TO THEM. perhaps shotguns were op, but what they did was WAYYY OVERKILL. even if a game as theoretically good as planetside 2 was developed, it fell victim to the modern age of gaming, the age of COD and battlefield clones, where the 10 year olds cry that sht is op and the devs listen.
  7. Pachins

    You are doing the exact same thing. Crying on the other side of the spectrum. I have yet to see any devs make significant comments about class changes yet. How about we wait longer then a month to see what they have to say.

    A class not being played nets them no money in a F2P game. Things will change when the money does not roll in for that class. Don't spend your money and you may see change.
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  8. Drazen

    pachins said "You are doing the exact same thing. Crying on the other side of the spectrum. I have yet to see any devs make significant comments about class changes yet. How about we wait longer then a month to see what they have to say. "

    I'm just telling it like it is. And I won't wait around more than a few more weeks if the issues aren't at least commented on and acknowledged by the devs. And I'd say I represent a huge chunk of dissatisfied infs, it wouldn't just be me abandoning the game. People aren't putting any money into infs already, they are the least played class.

    you can always flip a statement back on someone else, that's easy to do. Doesn't change the FACT that i'm right and you are dead wrong. I find it funny that almost every poster(poser) trying to bring the class down is using a vanu infil if that gives your statements any gone....i've destroyed you countless times already pachins, care for another?
  9. DeltaGun

    Infiltrator was usable as and infiltrator when they had a shotgun. Now it's just Sniper. They need to release the SMGs.
  10. Pachins

  11. Pachins

    @Drazen Learn to work with what you have.
  12. Skeith

    wow i have seen a lot of idiotic posts today but this one takes the cake.

    we are talking about how the infiltrator can have bad times at infiltrating and you link the stats of your weapons?
  13. Drazen

    * DEEP YAWN*......wake me up when we have good smg's, or shotguns back,,,,,till then i'm taking a nap....
  14. Pachins

    Don't get mad because you can't post any leet skills. Anywhere close to 50% with a sniper rifle is music to my ears.

    Yawn? You copy and paste the same junk in every new post so I doubt you have time for that.
  15. Dr. Euthanasia

    It's not even just infiltrating. The problem is that even if we end up successfully reaching the deepest and most important parts of an enemy emplacement undetected, we have nothing to take advantage of our hard work. We can't blow up sunderers, we can't mess with generators beyond destabilizing them and then praying that someone comes to check when our 12 second stealth is still active (and they aren't Heavy Assault, and they don't have an IRNV scope, etc), and all of our information gathering methods aren't class specific anyways. It might feel great to finally get so far behind enemy lines that people are no longer expecting close-range attacks, but I know all too well that nothing is actually coming of it. I've snuck up on upwards of five people just to toss mines at their feet and run away, but without the ability to prevent those people from being immediately replaced, it only gained my faction an insignificant reprieve. I could have earned that much XP and done just as much good by staring down a doorway as a Heavy Assault, and it wouldn't have required me to die several times and spend minutes simply getting into position to do so.

    My sniper accuracy is over 50% with the V10, but you don't see me bragging about it in a thread that has nothing to do with sniping. It's a shame that there's no stat filter for kills achieved and deaths suffered while exclusively using the Beamer - your proof might have been relevant if that existed.
  16. Pachins

    Once you reach the deepest most important part of an enemy base try spawning a tank or sunderer. I like taking down all the defenses then creating a spawn point so that my team can leap frog to my base. Nothing worse for a team to spawn at a location in hopes to get ammo, vehicle, or a plane to find everything locked out. I usually sit in a turret and wait for them.

    It is also helpful to never go head to head with another class. Stay on the move and stealth when crossing open areas. Throw down a proxy mine where your previous kill was and watch the fireworks.

    There will always be times that you run into that heavy which you have a tough time killing. The game has to be balanced so in some situation you will just not win regardless of how good you are.

    @Dr. The post was not originally intended to show the skills but was proof that I am vanu infil. It was directed at our poor excuse of an infil Drazen who is quick to bring his negativity into every post.
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  17. Dr. Euthanasia

    The most important bases in the game are the ones where large shields protect their vehicle spawners, and while I can't claim to be able to infiltrate Amp Stations at all since literally all approaches are blocked by said shields, I do have a somewhat reliable method of getting into Tech Plants without getting shot. Would you like to know what happens when I try to spawn a tank or sunderer in those? The driving controls get locked and roll me out of the one-way shields, although the kind of enemy traffic those bases tend to have ensures that I'd be obliterated in seconds even if they didn't.

    Destroying sunderers is perhaps one of the most game-changing moves a player in this game can do, with base generators being a close second. We have nothing that allows us to reach these objectives more effectively (if at all, because again, shields), and we have nothing that allows us to destroy or defend-as-they-explode them respectively. Someone mentioned visiting bases before they're even available for capture (so they'll be unoccupied) and wrecking their generators and SCU in another thread, but there is nothing about this task that requires an Infiltrator's complete lack of skills to accomplish. Once the base is yours, you can just drive a Sunderer in as anybody else and the effect will be the exact same.

    We need more tools. I find it unbelievable that anyone could even debate this point.
  18. Dr. Euthanasia

    Whoops, double post. You're probably going to argue that stealth lets us gets places and proximity mines let us defend generators, but they simply aren't effective enough to actually get the job done on their own, and you often can't make up the difference and be successful with your weak shields and even weaker guns.
  19. FoeHammer_42

    ROFL stopped there.
  20. Pachins

    I do agree there is still some work to be done. I do not agree that taking the approach that Sony needs to give me something or I am going to quit is a worthy approach.

    Every class is not supposed to be able to do everything. That is why this game is marketed as a squad based game.
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