The medic class is an obnoxious failure.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Bankrotas

    Oh, I could disagree. I use my shotgun tranquilizers to calm those acting too agitated and sometimes, there is no help from nanite healing gun we carry and best course of merciful action is a bullet to the head. Also helps to remove mind control for awhile.
    I mean, who doesn't like the sound of my sweet sweet automatic shotgun.
  2. Haterade

    The problem with the current experience system is the idiots who don't understand that you get more experience by maxing out your medic gun than you do by reviving and healing. But there's an easy fix to this: Pay attention to those who are reviving you. If a dude revives you gives you with 20-40% health and you immediate drop again, don't accept his second revive. It's that simple.

    Some brought up the BF3 adage that you neutralize a threat before reviving. That's bad advice for Planetside 2 for many, many reasons. For many reasons (including the inability to spawn on squad members or kit switching) medics are hard to keep on the front lines if they die. Assaults in BF3 are also the most effective combat troops, while in Planetside medics have to worry about MAXes and Heavy Assaults. Planetside 2 medics can revive from behind cover very often with an upgraded medic gun, but in BF3 you have to get very close to a dead body anyway so you might as well engage the threat first.

    Don't take BF3 adages and apply them to Planetside because the games are rather different.
  3. Dethfield

    Exactly. If some of you have ever played TF2, you know that having no medics around can be a serious problem for you team and can leave you at a massive disadvantage against a team that does. Dont discourage people from a class that already has a questionable amount of interest.
  4. Aghar30

    Medic is fine, it can't make up for stupid.
  5. Techup

    Just an FYI to the people saying "I wish I knew the level of the med tool when being revived", the faster you are revived, the higher level the tool.

    Hell, I've only been playing around a month and I can easily tell when someone is reviving me with a lvl 1 tool compared to a lvl 3/4/5 etc.

    Start having a bit more awareness and worry less about spamming your bullets across the screen.
  6. Sowahka

    Lol, I LOVE enemy medics. I kill the person beside them and without even hesitating or trying to find me they take out their tool and revive their ally. Then I kill the revived player right in front of the medic, if the medic runs I'll shoot him, if he tries to revive again I'll repeat the process. It's hilarious and blatantly obvious that they just want the revive exp, they take out their tools without hesitation despite the fact that ten bullets just went over their shoulder to kill their ally beside them.
  7. Nikushimi

    Its not a issue with the class its a issue with people not putting certs into their revive/heal gun. With a maxed out heal gun you are pretty much topped off the moment you hit the Yes button.
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  8. Vachek

    Nothing wrong with medic class, however we still can't fix stupid.
  9. FurorPlacidus

    Delay the reward for a revive for 5 seconds. If the revived person is still alive, profit.
  10. Commissar38

    I play a medic as my primary and I know what you mean. You see a medic ducked behind a corner constantly rezzing a guy that becomes a bullet and meat pate the second he's up. Yes that medic should know better than to put someone thru the die-rez-die-rez situation but also the guy getting rezzed needs to get a clue and respawn in a place nearby where he won't keep feeding someone certs. But not all of us medics do that. I mean I've run out into high fire zones just to rez my squadmates knowing full well the only one likely to get out of that situation alive are the squaddies I just rez'd. All medics should have the motto "I'll happily give my life to save yours".
  11. Morpholine

    After the first time, it's the dead guy's fault if he gets farmed. Not the Medic's.
  12. Zaik

    Biggest problem here is that you can't see whether an area is clear or not, you're stuck staring at that dumb deploy screen.
  13. Stringz

    I play medic as my main. With a fully certed rez tool I will hit you on the run, be at full rez as I pass, switch back to my weapon and keep truckin. In a meat grinder like a bio dome, if I can get you up I'm going to try. If you don't want the rez, don't take it. My POV is the more people I can get up and back into the press, the better. By not being the guy hiding behind the wall, my K/D ratio is really bad... but I'm not into it for that. I'm into capturing and moving the map and that's done by keeping my team on their feet.

    If I see a group of allies who are down, but are in the thick of a firefight, I'm going rez grenade. I can't get in there and rez you 100% and live long enough to maybe get one or two up. But if I can pop 10 people at once, some may go down due to lower health, but the ones that live might be able to help turn the tide.

    Again, don't want it... don't take it. You're the one in control of the Accept/Decline button.

    One of the things that does need fixing are the corpses that are present, but can't be rezzed. And I wish they wouldn't allow people to call for healing unless their health is actually damaged.
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  14. Alexandurrr

    Easy fix. On death screen:

    You are being revived by Medic Mcdurpson [LEVEL (1-5) MEDIGUN]
  15. DeadOnArrival

    Cert-wise, you are worth more to the medic dead than alive. Not all medics are bad. But if you TK me for rezzing you (maxxed rezz gun), I WILL ask my members of squad to TK you on sight. If you don't want the rezz, don't take it.
  16. Athanasius

    Weird, from the subject line I thought this topic would be about how Medics' ability to revive really spoils the game as any zerg with sufficient clued medics just can't be killed (permanently).
  17. Crazyfingers

    I don't play medic, but my knee jerk reaction to playing them was "clunky". The range on heal isn't long enough, it's hard to know who needs healing, the targeting required to maintain healing is tough, and the effects in general for healing are lacking. In contrast:


    This guy was incredible, and the mechanics of allowing "overheal" meant you were ALWAYS contributing to your team as a healer, you weren't just a regular soldier with a gimpy heal gun, you were a gimpy soldier with a bad *** heal gun, the way class warfare should be!
  18. AnotherNoob

  19. BlowSmoke

    I have myself a lvl5 medgun, hopefully before the end of the week maxxed out too lvl6, but when i started the game, i had no idear, took me a few hours too learn the ropes of the game, the Do's and dont's.. But it takes time, some take more and some take less, and a few never learns, and a few are born ready..

    In a game as massively as this you just meet all kind, the good the bad and the normal ones, its up to you i think too accept and do things wisely, you cant assume everyone knows everything, and some are just blatant egoists and other just *******..
    If you cant adjust too that, then games as this maybe for not you afterall, excuse me for saying so.

    The class as far i can tell now after 2 weeks of playing, if fine, dare even too say one of the most balanced classes of all, but its versatility comes with a learning curve that in the chaotic fights might take a while for some too master..
    have patience with the good ones, and ignore the bad ones, and just dont get overstressed bout it, there is no personal glory in this game, no-one but a few will remember your deeds in this game..
  20. Aerolath