[BUG] The daily lag of Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DMan6505, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. S1eB

    It's... it's.. DEAD!!!! :eek:
  2. Maruun

    NAh its not down, bercause of the lag it will just reset himself until VS get Indar with the cont bonus back...there is no lag on Indar...

    Seriously SOE do something this is getting ridiculus...5minutes to repair a lightning that was on 50%...awesome.
  3. AltF4Fun

    They should just share the load of people on two servers and connect them,its that simple,other games already did it.SOE is just to greedy like every buisness company.
  4. GamerOS

    They should do what EVE does, have a lot of low pop maps/servers on a single server and dedicated or multiple servers for extremely busy servers/maps.
  5. Maruun

    Greedy never! They even brought us new stuff! So we dont complain about the Lag...

    Bread and Games...like the old emperor of Rome says...
  6. Raap

    EVE does it better than most games, even if it is nearly 10 years old now. But one thing to keep in mind: The user interactions in EVE are a lot fewer than in a FPS based game, not to mention the amount of data the user needs in a FPS is much greater (otherwise we'd have lots of problems with hit registration, amongst other things), which saves a ton of bandwidth.
  7. squairs

    For me the messed up hitreg is the one that breaks the game for me the most atm.
    Its extremely frustrating and made me quite the game faster than any bug before that... repeatedly.
  8. AltF4Fun

    Were like the biggest server and they dont give **** about our problems.I already feel sry when the same happens to smaller servers.
  9. Raap

    I'm not noticing any hit registration problems, even with the lag. A target might be warping, but if I land a hit on it, it will take damage. Atleast at up to ~300 meters. I do know there are a few weird moments when trying to hit infantry at very long distances, but that rarely happens because infantry don't render that far (anymore).
  10. Killy80

    I had my tank destroyed today because I was hit once and stayed because it was only minor damage. After a minute or so a 2nd shot landed and I backed off to repair. Repairing of course didn't work properly and at that point I realized I was not hit once at first, but multiple times. The hits just registered in 30s - 1m intervals. Then my tank exploded.
  11. Raap

    In moments like this you will often find a Liberator hugging the flight roof, sniping your tank. The projectiles of a Liberator do not render when it is at the flight roof (something they needed to fix a long time ago).
  12. GamerOS

    I remeber reporting this bug ages ago.

    It only got worse now tough, in a Tank I usually knew what it meant, but now they can see infantry often from those ranges and it catches me offguard...
  13. IMTasty

    Bumping it just to keep it top-top-top.
  14. PS2Freak

    yeah, we try to keep it on top
  15. Zitroxious

    i sometimes die before i see the other guy open fire.. so yeah its laggy for sure
  16. Nariquo

    well guys it will get worse.
    because of that that woodman dont get merged. big outfits will transfer to miller too, as soon as server transfers are aviable
  17. ergie

    Yeah, yesterday after the server went up again (20:15GMT+1), everybody went to the Crown, and I had to disconnect due to frustration. Warping people, warping vehicles, 1 shot kills with gd7f at +100 meters ¿¿??, full magazines in the chest under 10m and no hit reg, ace tool strange behaviours, impossibility to dispense an ammo box, etc. lol. Thats why I never go to the Crown. But this time the Outfit Leaders asked to do it, so...
    I've noticed it mostly from the last update...but its worse on Indar
  18. IMTasty

    Bloody gnomes, I know it's them sneaking into the server room and tinkering with Miller for some mad science experiment.
  19. Raap

    You seem to know things. Do tell us more, what foul practices is SOE performing with these bloodied gnomes?
  20. Luighseach

    If it renders more people that means more info going through the server etc. Changing render distance does increase lag. Also rendering that many people is taxing on most computers.