Statistical liberators kill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by boobeb, May 4, 2014.

  1. Kristan

    A single player can pull only ONE Skyguard or only ONE Burster. But as Axehilt said aren't proper Lib killers.

    Lib able to flip quickly. In any direction. No matter where you go. That means fighting Liberator without facing it's belly cannon is IMPOSSIBLE. Or it will take you so long to kill it. You will be able to do only small chunks of damage. Which means you will end up on enemy territory or/and get pucked by enemy ESF.

    So again. Bad argument. Reread what I said about PS1 Liberators above. Belly gun should not be threat to aircrafts at all or at least don't instagib them. If it does - it's poor game design.
  2. Huxer

    Yea man, this is rock, paper, scissors. That's why you can't kill libs from ground. In this case only rock beats rock noob. Get used to it and L2P.

    The lib has 3 seats and therefore you should NEED to coordinate with 2 other guys for it to be fair to the lib. Exactly the same way it takes 12 guys to kill a sunderer right?

    Libs aren't OP, they get killed by everything you're just a scub. In fact everyone who has ever flown a lib is proving that everyone else in the game is a scrub, only lib crew are not scrubs.

    You can get better score per hour playing medic during a biolab invasion on a Wednesday night during a biolab alert in the last 20 minutes of the alert, this is obvious proof that libs take skill and are not op.

    Oh Libs have been underpowered for so long, it's their turn to shine. Its just the way the nerf buff hammer comes around. You'll get your turn. My brother used to hand me a line like this after he ate all the pizza.

    If they buff AA I won't be able to stay alive in the fight! Hey buddy, how many times did you die taking the point this battle cause I've been alive in this Lib for the last 17 battles?

    Once again gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the air game after the "COD infantry scrubs" DO ACTUALLY leave this game for one that is more enjoyable for infantry.
  3. iccle

    Yeah it is rock paper scissors, except ground units only have rocks, and libs/air have all 3.

    There needs to be specialization on aircraft as there is in vehicles. You never see anyone complaining that libs or air can't kill air, vehicles or infantry, because they don't even have to change loadout to do all three, I like how tank shells get nerfed vs air but no counter nerf from air to vehicles or infantry. It is absolutely ridiculous that 6+ AP tank shells do not gib a hover lib, when a lib can utterly destroy a MBT in a single clip, that's not balance that's shaft.
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  4. Jeslis

    This. SO much this.

    There is nothing more scary to me as a lib pilot then a bunch of lockon heavies crossing an open field. They aren't in obvious places near doorways.. They generally have tree cover (thinking Amerish.. Indar has it's own problems).. and all it takes is.. what.. 3 lockons (x2 times) for 6 shots to set a lib on fire?.. not to mention that until you fire the first time I won't even know how many lockons I'm facing.
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  5. Justicia

    Yes yes, in PS1 Liberators were blablabla. This is not PS1. Give the Liberator another name and stop comparing it to the Liberator of PS1, there's no connection at all.
    Sunderer 12 guys? Well, 3 is more like it, then it has two gunners, just like a Liberator. Try taking out a double manned blockade basilisk sunderer with your single manned tank. You will fail if the Sunderer isn't terrible.

    What is this about Liberators suddenly having this much attention? The only thing that was buffed is their composite armor, and almost nobody uses that, and the only thing it affects anyway is tank shelling / daltons, rockets and tank buster still wreck a Lib, and ESFs do the same damage they always did.
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  6. Axehilt

    Skyguards are specialized, but it's not that bad. ~9% of my kills are infantry with the Skyguard, and I often use it to lay damage onto tanks and sunderers. It's fundamentally a support weapon, so you do want to avoid situations where it's likely you'll run head-first into a AV-equipped ground vehicle, but you're also faster than everything but a harasser (which you can typically fight to a stand-still, especially with front armor.)

    So Skyguards are in a solid spot right now. And again, they're my 7th best SPM weapon (6th if you eliminate the shredder. I only have the 12th best Shredder SPM worldwide because of how I solo in my libs. My Skyguard SPM is better than my overall Lib SPM, which is a more accurate of the true SPM I earn in Lib.)
  7. Axehilt

    I've stated several times in this thread that Libs are a little too good against ESFs currently. If the agility was reduced, their ability bring the dalton to bear on a target wouldn't be fast enough to adequately deal with ESFs who understand the Dalton is a scary thing.

    Your group of ESFs didn't seem to treat the bottom side of his Lib as a scary thing, even after watching each of you get picked off one at a time. That was your mistake.

    So you either fly in a manner that evades his nosegun and secondary gun, or you continually snipe from long enough range that he's extremely unlikely to hit you (it's much easier for you to chase at med-long range while landing 80% or more of your shots than it is for him to deal with you at that awkward range.)

    Either method works. But your experience in that fight should've shown you that flying straight towards him doesn't work.
  8. Axehilt

    Well that also works, but ESFs are the slightly better counter.
  9. Axehilt

    It's a soft RPS system. Loadout choice should provide noticeable advantages and allow you to somewhat offset a skill disadvantage (because loadout/class choice is itself a decision that involves skill,) but shouldn't be done to excessive extremes.

    I don't think they can necessarily go hard into the full specialization that would fix ESF's current balance. Currently the power of nosegun+rocketpods is sort of ridiculous, and that basic loadout is very strong against both air and ground. Ideally you want to start to work real specialization into the system, but do it in a way that thinks through the holistic unit interplay that's going to happen.

    So we can imagine a world where ESFs are 30% better at killing other air, where a truly specialized A2A ESF exists and has very limited options for engaging ground targets. And in that world, these A2A ESFs fly, are fast, and basically win against all aircraft. So since there won't be anything fast enough to counter them by catching them, you would need them to be countered by hard ground defenses instead. Which is why a great first step towards this style of specialization might be:
    • Interceptor Armor (defensive slot): This lightweight armor preferred by ace pilots provides +10% top speed and +40% bullet resistance, but at the cost of 20% reduced max armor. (Which means you have 80% effective health against flak, but 133% against noseguns and other bullet-based weapons.)
    Another new slot item might be added for the utility slot (to ensure ace pilots usually lack flares, but to give them something relevant to dogfighting, like a brief period where reloads are accelerated.)
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  10. Kristan

    I mentioned PS1 Liberators because that's the way they should be. As dedicated A2G unit. Balanced.

    Current Liberator is unbalanced and OP because it's a huge flying 150mm tank turret! It's a friggin flying VANGUARD!!!
  11. Justicia

    No, no, this is a flying Vanguard:

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  12. Forkyar24

    use your brain, another note is libs were popular way before you guys started complaining about them, you trolls.
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  13. Planeswalker

    I get killed far more from invisible ****ers (read: infiltrators) than I get killed from libs. If there are liberators outside, DONT GO OUT YOU WILL DIE.

    Yes, I mean it! Simple as that. It is your own fault if you are stupid enough to wander out under a lib. It is like knowing a nuke is going to drop on your home town, and still willingly sit inside your house for a cup of tea

    Just press "U" go to the nearest Aerospace terminal. Take anti air ESF. And go kill the bastards
  14. MichaelS

    it's against air - but not that air and not aircraft. sounds total logic tome that you need 8 guys with launchers coming out of 4 different exits of the spam room with clear view to the target to kill a lib, oh wait .....
  15. SacredRay

    Still what a bunch of crying in this thread.

    I am ISK and me and my mates lib almost every session. Whenever we get killed by ESF's, we say "omg what an ***hole! I wish I could fly just like him!"

    Because that is the bare truth. Flying in this game is the undisputed skill ceiling, whether its a galaxy, lib or ESF.

    Vehicles - Point and click adventure, no skill. Get thermal and fire away. I have a certed up Proweler on Mattherson and I don't even use my brain to make the certs back. One scrub can go on a 10killstreak with an uncerted Lightening. HMM, WHERE ARE THE NERFS?

    Infantry - The gun play in this game is ATROCIOUS. TTK is like negative seconds - because you propably already died before you saw the guy. Hit registration is awful and noobs can win if they just hold down the trigger - because screw aiming in this game when everyone just hipfires. If you actually want to be an infantry peasant in this COMBINED ARMS game, then go back to call of duty - because at least there it takes skill to win a gunfight. Not in this game. All those montages with the enormous killstreaks? The player was using positioning to the best of his ability. ADAD is an AWFUL metric by which to judge skill. What happened? Weapons like Scout Rifles, Burst Fires, Bolt Action (apart from Bolt Driver and TR/VS equivalents) Battle Rifles (which take skill to use) remain garbage, VS lmgs have 0.75x move speed for SUPERIOR ADAD LOL, TR lmgs just spray all day, NC have no horizontal recoil, just vertical recoil for easy head shots. All weapons have ridiculously small CoF for hipfire and new weapons are just rehashes. New content is just another rehash whilst hit registration and client ping remain crap.

    Metagame - C4 LA for example. 2 Bricks of C4 = 700 Certs or something. Jump/Drifter Jets upg'd ~ 300 Certs for a decent level. Superior positioning + luck = Coin flip on whether you get a kill or just waste C4 and die. If LA sees a tank or max, he has to risk his life and 2 100 resource bricks to kill it. His positioning and timing needs to be PRECISE. What happened? Many tears, noone bother to look up into the sky - LOL NERFED. C4 deploy and trigger delay is RIDICULOUS.

    Battle Flash - NERFED. Because noone likes a guy who can go invisible and kill stupid 0 awareness zerglings with his CERTED Flash. Noone likes anyone who can actually use his brain and do black ops behind enemy lines.

    Nanite Autorepair - NERFED. Because everyone wants to solo a tank or aircraft by himself and get an easy kill.

    Aircraft - 90% of players cannot fly. Those 10% that do, spent ages learning how to do it and they are nerfed everytime they get kills in their aircraft. MattiAce has a popular saying when he is farming in his C75 Viper/MAX:

    "If only I had Rocketpods, because God forbid I get kills in an ESF".

    Liberator pilots say they get killed by ESF's and concentrated flak.

    ESF pilots say they kill Liberators on equal kill levels.

    Infantry/vehicle noobs cry imba.

    Seriously, shut up already. This game is getting garbage everyday because the devs cave in to crying noobs and just nerf everything. No new content or mechanics lets they get a backlash from forumside veterans. Just rehashed weapons, nerfed weapons and god damm camos. Everything that kills you, nerf it. A couple of weeks ago, another noob was crying to NERF THE SHREDDER. WTF! Are you kidding me? To use the shredder, you need to fly dangerously low and you need good aim to keep up the sustained fire. I don't give a damn if it kills maxes in 2 secs. GOOD. Shoot from behind shields like you noobs usually do.

    Noobs have to realize that they can't win and go from zero to hero if they keep crying for nerfs and helping hands from the developers. It waters down the game, Lowers the siill ceiling, reduces retainment.

  16. Kristan

    With most of capture points under open skies with swarms of Liberators and ESFs?

  17. z1967

    Feel free to pick and choose which annotations you want to take a shot at. This post did look kind of ragey from the get-go, so that may have shaped my opinions about this post.

    And sorry to hear about the username change, Reich is German for "Kingdom." So your old name was basically sacred kingdom... Oh well, best to just open a support ticket on that and hope for the best.
  18. Jachim

    The HE Prowler has to worry about Libs, since it can't damage them at all anymore. Also C4, mines, AV turrets, AV weapons, Spear turrets... ESFs, other tanks, slight inclines...

    What does the Lib have to worry about? ESFs, bursters (if they get all 6 clips off) and other Libs. Lockons are a joke, don't even.
  19. Vixxing

    Best nerf to LIB against ESF is Shredder nerf... (if they hit you with Dalton they deserve the kill) Shredder is just to potent against everything compared to how easy it is to use!
  20. Justicia

    It has the spawn locked down. How would C4, mines, turrets, etc, get to it?