Skyguard Worst Cert In Game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainQQ, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Bagginz

    You guys are ridiculous. If you've flown very much at all you would know that those skyguards hit harder than anything else out there... Max is good too, but you sacrifice speed when you use that, and it doesn't hit as hard as the skyguard. It's far easier with the skyguard to take out an unsuspecting pilot if you know how to use it.

    And you guys complaining about the walker? Wow. Again, not sure what you guys are expecting but I have MANY kills on my sundy walker. You're not going to instantly solo ESFs in the thing, and if you could everyone would be complaining about it being OP... I can keep 2-3 ESFs at bay with a single walker on my sundy, so saying it sucks is absurd.

    edit: it seems like this is an old post, and I'm suspecting things have been patched since this discussion took place... fail to whoever revived this lol
  2. SilentWindOfDoom

    Jumping on dis hate train. I used the skyguard throughout the beta and the live game and had my fun while it was OP and my tears when it was UP. As it stands it is absolutely useless. You're more effective as a dual burster max, both in damage output and defensive capability. The people suggesting that it's about rendering distance are just being silly. It's not about that, it's about the lighting being a giant target that cannot realistically hide when/where it needs to when providing air defense. Meanwhile the burster max is a fraction of the size and capable of going indoors when stuff gets too crazy. Even if B maxes rendered at the same distance lightnings did those maxes would still see you first, you know, because you're a fairly large noisy plane contrasted against the sky whereas the former is around clustered buildings and msc ground clutter.

    Now that they nerfed the Annihilator into the ground maybe they can make the Skyguard OP for a while so we can recoup our losses.

    If this were true you'd see a **** ton of Skyguards. You don't because they suck. Don't tell me you're the skilled genius while the combined PS2 population just don't know what they're doing and moreover, don't want to farm kills with the "hardest hitting AA out there". Bagginz please. If it were good people would be exploiting the hell out of it.
  3. MrLee.NO

    Forget about the damage, I can't even hit with the damn thing.

    Got burster maxes. Can do reliable damage, get good hits.

    Roll a skyguard, can't hit anything. Possibly due to the flak burst not going off, I dunno, but the damn thing is a PIA to hit with in the first place and then does too little damage when you actually hit.
  4. wowie

    The skygarbage is still just as UP as it was when I made that other post earlier.




    FlakMAXes were, and ARE, still better in every way imaginable.
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  5. robo

    The Skyguard's flak doesn't work like Burster flak, you can shred light armor and also infantry with the Skyguard if you can compensate for the recoil. It's hilarious getting kills on tanks and large infantry mobs with it, and it's not all that bad AA. If you want to get in a Skyguard and go rack up loads of AA kills, this isn't the weapon platform for you, but it's good for many things. You will, however, get a good chunk of surface-to-air exp and assists.
  6. Talizzar

    I will take an AA MAX any day over Skyfail.
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  7. BlazingTiger

    I will take ALL of the AvA guns. The Busrter, Skyguard, Walker, Ranger...etc. I don't expect alot of kills with any of these. Just expect it to work the way my mind set has accept it. When I'm in a Burster Max, I don't intent to kill, I just intent to scare and keep those flyers away from my area of operation. Skyguard is the same. As for the Walker, OMFGosh, I'm so gladded I ***** bought this turret. When driving Sundere, with two of these baby, it just tears the flyers up like woodchucks. When I'm a tank driver, I cannot go without the Walker...those flyers get really happy when they see a tank rolling around. Suprise suprise, here some Walker in your face. No, it doesn't alway kill on the first round, but it has save my tank *** SOOOOO many time. Without the walker, I'll be lucky if I can drive more than 20ms after being spotted by flyers. Ranger are....hmm...ok. I have gotten kills with it. If i didn't have the Walker, I would use the Ranger instead.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I've kill plenty with these mentioned turrets. I scared ALOT of flyers away more though and I'm perfectly happy with that. REMEMBER, it's meant to keep the flyers away from your area of operation. Don't expect to be a 1 man Burster Max or a Skyguard. This is a TEAMWORK game, and when team-up, they SHINEEEE baby.

    I won't tell you to L2P, but learn to accept it and don't expect to be 1 man of anything. Good luck and USE IT!
  8. Armchair

    IMO, the skyguard is the worst AA in this game. By far. I think it is one of the worst cert unlocks as well. It is competing against the flashlight for worst value.

    The worst thing a skyguard can do against my lib is shoot at me. Because if I hadn't already noticed, it has just drawn my attention to it. In a few moments the belly gun will have dealt with it. If something else had already done all the heavy lifting, then I might be forced to withdraw for a few seconds to repair. THEN I'll kill it.
  9. Tasogie

    not true, when you as a mossi pilot fly into the barrels of a Skyguard, it will eat you alive in seconds flat. I've died to several in last few days.
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  10. Cyridius

    Necro lol
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  11. CrashB111

    I was having a good time with it last night. Able to shred a good portion of enemy liberators HP away with one reload.
  12. BlackAlpha

    Skyguard is pretty useless for two reasons:

    1. The bullets fly really, really slow. It makes it extremely hard to hit moving targets.

    2. The bullets do hardly any damage, as can be seen in the video on the first page. You need basically two mags to take out 1 ESF. Problem is, you are not going to hit anything with two mags worth of bullets.

    The result is that you struggle to to hit anything and when you do hit, it does virtually no damage. An ESF that has rocket pods and has spotted you will always be able to take you out, let alone a Liberator.

    Now, what solution do people apply for this problem? Go AA lock-on launchers. You can then somewhat reliably combat air. Plus, you have more manpower to fight infantry and shoot dumb fire rockets at tanks. You need AA to fight off Liberators? Go AA MAXes, you'll do much more damage.

    So, long story short. There are things in the game that can do the Skyguard's job a lot more effectively and then some. Skyguard is absolutely useless. Pretty big waste of my SC.
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  13. Tasogie

    LOL oh man...
  14. Sowahka

    I thought the strength of the Skyguard was its mobility, not its power? I've seen lone lightnings keep skies completely clear, didn't really get any kills, but I wouldn't expect a lone AA to be able to do so.
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  15. Kumaro

    Okay this is just....
    First of Skyguard is a team weapon that rips the sky to shreds like no AA max squad ever can dream of.
    It's not very good on range as the bullet drop and the CoF is the biggest in the entire game. But bullet flak effect reaches as far as you can calculate your aim. I ran a 3 skyguard group against a NC zerg whit lots of air on woodsman this evening and we wiped those flyers big time. (we lost on the ground though stupid NC co-ordinate outfits)

    It is by no means a lone wolf weapon you might scare a few pilots but most will turn around and take you in one sweep with the rockets.
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  16. Puppy

    By use... You mean shoot at a parked, team, mossy less then 5m from you..... Skyguard range and slow bullet speed is why it sucks.
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  17. 01101010

    Tighten the CoF and get rid of the recoil considering the platform itself.
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  18. BlackAlpha

    Completely forgot about that. The COF together with the insane recoil makes firing the Skyguard a lot like gambling. You never know when you hit or miss, even when aiming perfectly.
  19. KariH


    I can clear sky rather easy with some co support from other vechiles standard aa canons if there are no +50 br pilots and no high alttitude liberator. Still my first choice would be MAX.

    Skyguards cone is ..... well ... bääd.

    1 clip = 1esf down if esf make no evasive actions.
  20. OgreMarkX

    No, it's not the worst cert (Skyguard). As others stated, the Walker (secondary tank AA gun) is horrible. 40mm HE that bursts near aircraft my ***. It's a dual-spit-ball-firing-limp-wrist-700-SC-1000-cert-waste-doesn't-even-scratch-when it-rarely-hits-anyways item.

    The Walker is a huge joke.
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