Skyguard Worst Cert In Game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainQQ, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. RainQQ

    Vehicle certs, Skyguard has to be the worst one. Massive waste of cert points for this anti-air joke. Do you think it's the worst cert in the game currently?

    Holy heck did they beat this thing into oblivion. It is beyond pathetic, you cannot kill anything with the skyguard because it is weak and slow. Planes can outrun skyguard fire, and if you do manage to score a couple hits, planes just laugh at you. If a plane gets any kind of minimum distance from you, you won't register a hit, period. It's so bad.
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  2. LtJoeBob

    Yes worst cert just get max suit also cheaper and can stand its ground
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  3. D0n

    The only reason the max stands out is because you cannot see it, maybe spec stealth and don't try to solo 5 aircraft by yourself?
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  4. Rothnang

    The Walker is much worse.

    And yea, sadly the biggest thing that makes Bursters good is draw distance making aircraft unable to fire back or even see where the shots come from.
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  5. Bone

    I agree the Walker is a really bad AA weapon, I wish I had never wasted my SC on it..I thought that I would at least try and add something to stem the tide of Airside 2...I was wrong to think it would work as advertised.
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  6. LtJoeBob

    I literally can open fire on a mosy at 50 yrd looks like a fireball on my screen and the mosy will laugh empty rocket pods destroy me and run off laughing with 1/4 hp left I call that balance
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  7. DukeWrecker

    Yes, the skyguard is absolutely horrible in its current state. I open up on a relatively nearby ESF, and it does so little damage that they can literally just turn around and hose me with rockets, confident that they can outdamage my flak cannon. And they're right. If my tank that can't do ANYTHING besides shoot at aircraft can't even take a singular ESF on... that's just a crime. Skyguard should be renamed Rocket Bait.

    "Hey let me tickle you a little with my tennis ball cannon! Free XP over here everyone!"

    Absolute waste of SC/certs.
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  8. Cosian

    A worthless piece of crap by any account. And this is supposed to be the defacto best anti-air platform in the game? Thank goodness I thought to Trial this weapon prior to spending certs on it ....
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  9. Grotpar

    Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that bursters are just straight up better than the skyguard turret.

    Which they had been for a while during beta, as well.
  10. Whiteagle

    Hey it could be worse...

    ...You could have wasted Station Cash on it... like I did...

    ...Have a comic:
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  11. Malgalad-NC

    Not sure why people are still crying about the Skyguard, if you can use it properly you can absolutely annihilate Air. It kills Mosqs/Scythes/Reavers in less than 1 full mag providing you actually know how to fire and aim it properly, aiming directly at targets will generally get you nowhere, you have to time it and aim before and just above most targets to compensate for travel time + bullet drop.... if aircraft are hovering or going in a straight line towards you they've pretty much signed their own death warrents as you will kill them faster than they can faceroll rocket pods (I guarantee)

    L2P issue as far as the Skyguard goes, just because its rapid fire doesnt mean its just point click and win, using the Call of Duty mentality is your shortfall here not the vehicle itself.
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  12. f0d

    the A30 walker (another AA gun) is much worse than the skyguard

    why both vehicle based AA guns are the worst certs in the game is beyond me - maybe if they made the skyguard and A30 walker actually useful then rocket podding ESF wouldnt be so OP
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  13. JonboyX

    You might disagree with the op, but just saying how great you are isn't really a counter argument. In addition, all the guys above I'm sure know to lead a target. If said target turns, then at range you can't see which way they've gone to lead again. The ps1 skyguard is where the ps2 version needs to be in my opinion. 75 percent of a clip if they hit should nail a basic esf
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  14. Recca

    You and all the other players with your baseless arguments, ACTUALLY USE THE WEAPON AND TEST IT OUT.

    I show video proof after video proof of all these arguments with mines, air, weapons, and you guys still argue.

    This mosquito has zero composite armor and i shot it at point blank range with my skyguard doing only half of it hp. If you think that is balance you're clinically insane.
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  15. Admiral Ackbar

    Think they should just make 1 cert = 100 exp.. Its quite ridiculous at what it is now..
  16. TomaHawk

    Wrong. The Skyguard's only worthiness in the field is SCARING air away with the big boom booms, not much else. If Skyguards aren't already pounding damaged, slow moving craft, forget it. ESFs hit rockets and you're not doing anymore damage, period. Now take Armor, for example. Once an engagement between two tanks, two Lightnings ensues, one is walking away, not both, it's just a matter of time. That does not happen with Skyguard/Air encounters, so don't go there. The damage is underwhelming for the difficulty in keeping a sustainable aim to the point the craft is downed. Should it be a one shot killer? No. Should it always be in the Skyguards favor? No, but I expect something more along the lines of a fair encounter when your SG happens to be the rock and air the scissors... I've played my share of the SG, and I wish for a refund.

    Lastly, if you want to argue the idea of reality in fighting between the different vehicles and craft in the game, then consider the realities that Anti-Air is far more powerful in reality, even in the movies. It was enough, in WWII, for example, to bring down a large, armored bomber with one well placed AA round. This might be a hint for improving AA mechanics in the game.

    It seems to me that although ground infantry can land headshots and do far more damage than to another part of the body, air doesn't work this way. It seems in this example, any shot to any part of a fighter does similar damage, so landing a shot on the wing is no different than landing an AA round under the cockpit. Should they be the same? No. If I land a "head" shot on an aircraft, then my skill should be rewarded with significant damage, just as is done with a shot to the head. Which is implemented for infantry AND armor (butt shots).
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  17. WilsonMG

  18. Vempire

    Skyguard is a piece of junk, biggest waste of SC in the game thus far. You are lucky if you can burn one down, ive had a few squad members try it out and the out come is the all the same. "what a piece of $&!%!!!"
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  19. {joer

    People don't understand how to use a skyguard or its role.


    Roll your sunderer out with a couple of skyguards. You now have mobile AA which will keep ESF's and most libs off you. Open travel problem solved.
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  20. Opticalsnare

    Useless pile of piss.
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