PS 2 is a huge disappointment so far because ......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cimota, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. BANGbangBANG

    Kind of agree. comparing planetside1 to planetside2 is like comparing the first3 starwars movies to the last 3. I get the feeling higby is a big jarjar binks fan.

    I do have to admit flying in planetside2 is much better.
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  2. QuantumMechanic

    I'm a lot more interested in hearing what new players to the franchise have to say about the game. To all the vets vocalising your issues... we know already.
  3. SBSAlbertino

    That's quite a good comparison.
  4. Neritus

    Thanks for contributing to the community in the least constructive manner possible. Me, I'm sticking it out, because the developers have a vision and they need our support, not our vacuous, nit-picking concerns.
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  5. Cimota

    Good point,yes that is basically what I am saying,it's just not enjoyable to play it right now.I used to play PS up to my all time Max session of 19 hours 23 minutes in one go ! I get bored with PS2 in about 10 minutes or so,oh and the damned triangles make my eyes go crosseyed :)
  6. Cerus


    Not seeing it, I agree on the MBT gunner bit, but they've got some interesting plans for that if you do some research. No complaints on the "AA gun", not even sure which one you're referring to.

    They're not designed for that, they're designed to be fun to fight in.

    I miss the voices too, but honestly rarely used them, built-in and 3rd party voice comm supersedes them for the most part, and the most important ones are all here anyway.

    Default "H" expands the minimap a bit, I'd like a manual zoom too, doesn't bother me much. Not a major issue.

    There's a directional indicator when you take damage, not broken as far as I can tell. Do you want something that tells you when a bullet misses you? That seems awkward.

    I find Amerish in PS2 quite pretty. Starting to wonder if you're serious.

    Depends entirely on where the devs go from here, I think it's easily got a year of life without any major changes, if they keep up on content delivery / performance and visual updates I could see this getting to nine years quite easily.

    They've got a leg up on the content delivery part too since most of what Planetside is all about is sand-boxed player interaction, which has a lot more potential for novelty than an endless stream of theme park style content. That doesn't mean they get a free pass to let the tools stagnate though, they need to provide us with new gadgets at a pretty brisk pace to keep the sandbox interesting, and they seem equipped to do this.

    If you'd been paying any attention at all, you'd realize they've been listening quite well, just maybe not to you.

    I'm sure they have their reasons.
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  7. TRman

    don't feed the troll
  8. Cimota

    They also need to know what is wrong,up to now all of the posts in the Beta forums about changing things was ignored.So what do you expect ? it's no nit picking, that is if they were minor points but they're not.

    As for the Star Wars comparison,only thing is with Star Wars was that the episodes were shown the wrong way around.I.E.putting the beginning of a story at the end is kind of strange isn't it ?
  9. Dhart

    Please call Guinness when you find a Dev team that listens 100% to Beta Testers. You guys/gals were testing specific creations... your purpose was not to create more hassles. I always thought these games were more fantasy than reality... if reality is your thing- enlist or go play Call of Duty.
  10. Cimota

    Well I'm not the only player to have voiced negative comments AZK did as well, I am hoping the Devs will listen even to me, this is my opinion and I am entitled to it as you are to yours.

    I would love nothing more than this game to be as good if not better than PS was and is,that is what I am trying to convey here.It's a bit like in a restaurant when a waiter comes and asks your table if the food was ok and most people say "yes" to be polite and not make a fuss.Well you probably will never go back to that restaurant again,better to tell the waiter that the food was bad and why and hope that it will improve, your much more likely to give it another visit if you think you've been listened to and what you said is being acted upon,instead of silence.
  11. Cimota

    I was in the British Army for 22 years, that good enough for you ? re-COD 2 it was actually advertised courtesy of ITV news,funny not seen one advert for PS2 on UK TV yet.
  12. Uben Qui

    Like PS1 was all that great. It never made it past 60k of subs. Even for 2003 that was very low. The last 2 years? They never even broke 5k.

    I am sure some where out there is someone complaining about how BF3 was not as good as BF1942... :rolleyes:
  13. Lightwolf

    Maybe the bases are laid out like they are because.... they aren't military bases? They're civilian instillation with hastily added defenses.
  14. wokelly

    I do like the vets who completely forget PS1 was a total mess when it came out and it took a few years before it morphed into what it was during its height in what, 2007? This game won't last 9 years? Lol the original PS1 would not have lasted 9 years in its released form. It took constant changes over time for it to do what it did.

    I have no doubt this game was rushed out the door, it was originally estimated late december but it was pushed out a month early. No reason to see why this wont just improve over time if it proves successful. There is enough here right now to keep things going for a bit, but they need to keep up the pace of development.
  15. Valor

    If i can recall the massive MOBA hit game League of Legends had a ton of problems after its beta but they worked on it and fixed most of its problems. Hell, there was a glitch i remember where a certain characters ultimate ability would crash the whole game for everyone playing in that match.

    Give em some time. I would be surprised if the game doesn't have most of its problems fixed within the first few months of its release.
  16. SBSAlbertino

    The player base was really good for a game that had zero marketing.
  17. DrThraxTR

    The New Conglomerate is strong in you!
  18. Ancalagon

    Go away troll.
  19. IronWarrior

    Their only vision is your money.
  20. Skizerz

    The screen is cluttered up when there's a lot of people? :O u don't say!?