Official Lancer Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Grotpar

    Said we.
  2. Charlychop

    im going to test this out xD
  3. TeknoBug

    Overall not a bad weapon, only worth using when charged which is fine since you can still move around and do it outside ADS, I'll probably be taking out passing tanks.

    One thing that doesn't make much sense though, a charged shot takes a tank's health nearly half but barely does 1/4 of the Sunderer. The Decimator is still better against the Sunderer.

    Someone in the VR room said 1 shot = 250, 2 shots = 750, 3 shots (charged) = 1500 damage.
  4. Synen

    I would like to suggest adding a zoom option and maybe lowering the time to charge up.
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  5. treeHamster

    WHAT?!?! That's ********. I noticed the 3 shot thingy and wasn't sure if that was a bug but since everyone says it shoots 3 shots, this makes it pointless at ranges over 250m. UGH, no wonder I was barely getting any damage against a Sundy that was 250 meters away, only one shot was hitting it. SOOOOOOO stupid.
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  6. Haya jii san

    Tested all ESRLs so far and i find it being the weakest imo.

    For me it would be Phoenix > Striker > Lancer, since the damage is not where it should be to compensate for the biggy charge up time. Won't bother buying etc
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  7. Nyscha

    It's quite hard to replicate because the spread is random but I noticed it and damn its bad.
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  8. Mazdam

    It needs a huge buff

    The damage is low, vs air it is imposible to hit anything, except the typical liberator standing still bombarding infantry.

    U hit the lib full charged and u take 10% of his hp, way too low..

    It cant be charged in hipfire mode and then ADS when u want to fire it.

    When it reaches lvl3 charge u cant retain it and chose the moment to fire it, that would be too funny.

    Hipfire accuracy sucks hard, hell... accuracy sucks even ADS while in charge lvl2 or 3, the problem is that instead of firing 1laser x2 or x3 the potency, it fire 2lasers or 3lasers respectively, and when this happens the "bullets" just doesnt go where u are aiming, they go around it.

    The bullet travel speed is high, but it should be instant to be able to hit esfs.. but it would be way too OP against tanks. :(

    We got a creative launcher, but useless. What a pity...
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  9. Qaz

    Killing an MBT (front armour) will take 45 seconds. The biggest issue it has that its range is capped at roughly 500m, and that the grouping of the 3 projectiles isn't really tight enough for sniping. Higher range before despawn + a little more zoom are needed, imo.
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  10. xvader

    1. Low Damage in accordance with its mechanics. It is not so easy to hit your target unless it is standing still, compared to say a lock-on mechanic. Charge 1 has a delay and charge 3 has be held for too long.

    2. Cannot move while holding the THIRD charge. If you can do it with the default rocket launcher (move with it and dumb fire at will), you should be able to move with the Lancer while holding up the third charge and release at will. Especially considering the Lancer damage is lower.
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  11. Navoletti

    now i check!!really of this 3 new Rocket launcher vanu have the most por!!!

    much time in recharge and low damage in the max level!!!

    this is unuseful!!really s.... this weapon other time SOE left behind vanu...


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  12. Sov21

    Well since this is now the 'official thread'

    -Seems like as a team it could be pretty effective
    -Ability to act as a sniper - against vehciles, hitting moving infantry from distance is near impossible
    -Looks pretty cool

    -2 shots infantry and maxes at max charge
    -Charges slow
    -Unable to enter ADS if you began charging in hip
    -Sometimes duds out firing 1 rocket at full charge time
    -Uncharged shots not worth firing
    -The beam it leaves has a very long staying time and is very noticeable, essentially its a giant blue kill me sign that extends right to you
    -The 'laser' is actually up to 3 projectiles together, ie 1 can hit and 2 can miss

    Other observations...
    Charge time from 1>2>3 isnt even, takes much longer to get to lvl 2 than it does for 2 to 3
    Can't cancel fire (expected this)
    Damage I am being told is 20%>50%>100% for charges
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  13. Nyscha

    Yeah its confirmed, my friend just tried it on my scythe and it did less dmg.
  14. YoXn

    The Lancer is very, very, very bad. It is worse then the S1, and of course we get the short end of the stick. The thing is, this gun doesn't do what it should do. You said it would not do well against infantry, but it doesn't even do well against armor or air. It is a total waste of certs/sc. I am really disappointed. I will not be spending any SC on this garbage weapon. I do know SOE, I just don't know.

    Oh, and Locking-on and jumping removes the Lancer countdown.
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  15. MrEclectic

    I love the damn thing. The look, the charge up, and oh that beautiful sound it makes. It's like the Death Star charging! Very satisfying weapon to use, and especially its core mechanics and aesthetic set the bar for what the Vanu weapons should look and feel like. Please, more like this. The damage is definitely weaker than the standard RLs, but I think it's a reasonable trade-off.

    That being said, the ammo count doesn't work, and also the ability to charge it up in hipfire and switch to ADS to shoot. Is that intentional? HAs firing any kind of RL are already sniper bait, having to ADS the whole time it takes to charge it is a bit too much.
  16. Mefi

    The Lancer looks much worse than S1. It even less accurate than S1.
    IDK, with its effective range, accuracy and damage it's just terrible.
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  17. Kwanza

    .....COF? What a load of crap. ***** SOE - **** wish I was a down syndrome monkey then I could have a sweet job there too!
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  18. Nyscha

    They need to hotfix this, it's pretty gamebreaking.

    If I wanted a shotgun "sniper" I'd use my slug phobos with the zoom scope.
  19. Myka

    Really not long enough. For this weapon to be effective, it needs to be used by squads simultaneously (because the damage is so low). The only way that's going to happen is if we can hold the third charge until everyone in the squad is ready - doing it the other way round and calling for the squad to 'charge the weapon' will result in non-simultaneous fire, giving the target time to escape and nullifying the whole point of the weapon.

    The 'max charge firing as three distinct shots' thing has to go as well, as it makes accuracy at anything resembling long range a real hit & miss (literally) affair. But most importantly:

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  20. Nyscha

    I'll post it again so the devs can see.

    "Tested it on a lightning and I did less damage when 2 out of 3 from the charged shots hit, it did even less damage when one out of 3 hit....

    Feels like the horrible proton pods for the scythe needing 2 hits to do the max damage on something..."

    You need three of the orbs to hit when fully charged to hit to do the max damage its meant to do, if any of the 3 orbs miss once you charged it does considerably less damage.
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