Implants....let me get this straight...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kartaugh, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. PlanetBound

    Same here. I'm guessing they converted chargers and implant counts into implant points.
  2. Direlithe

    It's less about that and more about the unrelenting whiteknighting on certain subjects.
  3. No0T

    Yep they didn't give me back to much either. And I vvill have to spend 7500 certs into it to get vvhat I vvant its really to many certs.
  4. Problem Officer

    Pretty sure they lowballed the ISO conversion by about 90%.
    What should have been given back is certs, not just the new resource that's a byproduct of LOSSES AT KOREAN MMORPG GACHAPON.
    What is this, Aeria? Nexon?
    It's quite competitive at the game of "sink hundreds of hours into RNG entitling you to the minimum reward of 'go f!ck yourself'"

    Get real, the minimum reasonable way to do this was to sell all specific implants for varying amounts of the ISO.
    That makes it the same as all the other gameplay unlocks in the game, where everyone can eventually get anything in a tolerable amount of time.
    Don't like that? OH, because "we shouldn't get everything all at once, stop being so greedy"?
    How about go work on your Directives, unlock those weapons that reward the existing system you want so much.
    Quit the "ooh you're whiteknighting/circlejerking over this" trash, the (current) developers chose poorly and there's no reason to defend them. People put real money into this game hoping it won't die and that money was used to harm it further.
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  5. Okjoek

    I'm fine with it since they compensated me with a metric s*** ton of those green credits. And now I don't have to recharge them all the time THANK GOD I could never be bothered to do that.
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  6. Dufayne

    I love the approach to the implants themselves and think it has alot of potential to change the game.

    But I too just have spent well over 5000 certs simply to obtain Battlehardened and yet it still is the single implant I don't have.
    This could have been used to cert out my ESF or something akin, but instead it is all ISO now.

    Frankly this is a cheesy method of purchase. I'm running into others with Battlehardened who have stated they paid less for it to luckily show up for them in a pack.

    This is frustrating. I'm a paying member yet have grinded for something I still have yet to obtain while non-members have been able to obtain it at less expense. While I don't expect anything more than promised as a member, This massive oversight & makes me feel pretty slighted. Why am I and others paying an unequal amount of certs to not receive implant when all other items are equally costed and guaranteed for use by every player.

    I can only imagine how vet players feel or new players who don't have Iso at all. DBG, this needs fixed.
  7. entity009

    RNG can be ok when you put some limits on how much it can **** people. RNG just running wild is horrible and frustrating.

    2 simple RNG limitations would fix this:
    -Each large pack MUST give at least 1 un-owned non-rare implant (until all greens are acquired)
    -No pack can contain more than 2 of the same implant.

    I get the gambling aspect of it. Let people sit there and gamble for the rares. Making people buy pack after pack of duplicate stacks of already owned implants just to try to get all the common implants is sadistic.
  8. FLHuk

    This thread caused me to rethink implants.

    Now using them for the first time and enjoying them. Thank you OP.

    P.S. No cash was spent....
  9. Tankalishious

    Am i the only one that loves the new implant system?
    I never used the old one due to too much micromanaging, so i have 2 gazillion metric tons of ISO(enough to upgrade all new implants to lvl 5), and only have to spend 750 certs now and then to buy implant packages?
  10. Eranorz

    Of course it's a cash grab, they know they aren't skilled enough as devs and lack the resources to pull this game out of its decline, so they are trying to gain as much profit from it before the inevitable crash and burn.

    Through the history of these forums posters like Dillishous and Demigan have been a blight and a cancer to meaningful discussions. Would not be at all surprised if they are paid shills for DBG, or possibly DBG employees.

    Never holding the devs accountable, never criticizing the patches, never giving an unbiased analysis, it's just always "they know what they're doing and these changes are in fact awesome and you're just too stupid to see it"

    So keep singing that tune, much like the band that played as the titanic sunk. The difference is that they played in the solemn dignity of being resigned to their fate, not because they were trying to bullsh1t everyone into thinking "things are just fine".

    The current group of devs for this game are the most clueless I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of clueless dev teams.

    They literally haven't listened to community feedback for years now and it shows. When developers stop caring what the most experienced players of their game think and feel about changes, it's just a matter of time before it dies. I've seen it countless times. The writing was on the wall when they nerfed thermals without giving anyone a refund for the thousands of certs they spent.

    Glad I uninstalled when I did.

    RIP and peace,

  11. Liewec123

    i'll call it as it is,
    when they do something stupid, i'll point it out, (like they're currently doing with their addiction to nerfing base defense so much that all anyone does now is zerg on the attack because defense sucks.)
    but the game isn't done yet, people say "RIP, dead game" about every game,
    PS2 still has another server merge to go, and that will boost pops up to levels that we haven't seen in years,
    you'll have 2000 people on your server at primetime again.
    that'll keep the game going for a good while longer.