If we want diversified faction gun play, long range fire needs a global nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazyfingers, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Cowabunga

    The OP is just talking out of his ****. He uses a TR character with BR 6 against his NC in BR 29?? 100 bucks that his TR score evens out once he's played long enough. You might get a lucky streak but if you're generally bad at FPS games it will always show in the long run - No offence.

    Different factions should cater to different people. If you like how the TR weapons handle then stick with them - Pretty simple.

    Stop whining and asking for the devs to change everything to a mirror match. Diversity ftw.
    I don't mind getting my *** handed to me because a faction is better in different situations. I have to adapt and overcome or get squished.
  2. MiZrY

    NC have Semi-auto sniper Rifles too.

    Shooting someone in the chest with say, the Longshot isn't too hard close range.... takes some getting used to but its more then possible, plus it HURTS
  3. TheBloodEagle

    OP, just leave the game please.
  4. Iron Savior

  5. LordMondando

    Nc has guns for both short and long range, but only a few that work in both relatively well.
  6. Doogle

    From the screenshots it seems you are comparing a heavy class to an engineer which wouldnt be a fair comparison.

    Secondly aside from the NC6 (which is a very good gun once upgraded just not a good gun for new players) NC default guns are mostly fine.

    I would say to give the NC default guns a minor dps buff to bring them closer to the 750 rpm weapons but this has become much less of an issue as more people unlock other NC weapons with higher rpm for CQC.
  7. Jurav

    NC does not have any semi-auto sniper rifles. They have semi-auto scout rifles, but they cannot headshot kill like a sniper rifle does.
  8. Xiphos

    The NC semi-auto sniper rifles are the Gauss SPR and Impetus.
  9. Deathcapt

    Gauss saw 4 life.
  10. Crazyfingers

    In hindsight I wish i hadn't made this into a faction rant. I was playing NC at the time and being ***** by long range fire. The point stands for any and all short ranged weapons. The fact is long ranged weapons are incredibly lethal at short ranges, making them the defacto go to weapon. We'd have more variety of play if they weren't so lethal at short range which is what i think the devs are going for with the factions, it's just not working out with certain guns dominating in all arenas.

    RANDOM IDEA! Instead of nerfing long range weapons, maybe equiping short ranged weapons would make you inerently beefier? So lets say you're running around with a shotty, you get +20% HP and shields.
  11. TheBloodEagle


    How long have you been playing the game?
  12. Crazyfingers

    Ok just tried out the shotty, I gotta say I feel pretty stupid now. I'd only done the trial for 1 other gun and it was nearly identical to the base gun. I had a really skewed view of how much power new guns can bring to bear. Thought this was all faction flavor that made players to dominant.

    Well, figures the stupidest post I ever make is the one that takes off and everyone bumps :p
  13. hellin

    If you do not compare carbine GDF7 (I think it is balanced relatively normal), then most rifles inferior in performance. In particular, if we take the AC-X11 is a low accuracy and rate of fire - caused damage to the rifle is not essential. If you compare the damage from one cage at similar rifles TR, damage from bullet should be increased to 280 (compared to the current 200), or increase the accuracy for withdrawing from the class of close range weapons.