If we want diversified faction gun play, long range fire needs a global nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazyfingers, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Crazyfingers

    Short range weapons are USELESS at range

    Long ranged weapons are just as, if not more effective at close range.

    Am I missing something here? Seems terribly in favor of VS and TR. I like a lot of things about this game, but the gun balance feels really terrible. The slight damage increase for NC is countered by the inability to hip fire as you s stand still and take head shots, let alone not being able to put up a fight at range.

    My NC character:

    My TR test character:

    Somethin' ain't right with the gun balance in this game. Only solutions I can imagine are nerfing long range damage on non sniper weapons (this doubles as giving snipers a true niche), or put a detrimental short range modifier on accurate weapons.
  2. ImGladUmad


    I use LMG...They suck 100% at Long range.

    I own people in close range

    You have no idea what you are talking about, NC has a lot of guns with accurate hipfire.
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  3. Jrv

    You probably spray, hence why you do well on TR but suffer on NC. It's true, TR/VS weapons are LEAPS AND BOUNDS easier to use. NC is to Counterstrike guns as TR/VS is to Battlefield 3 guns, if you catch my drift.

    However, once you master NC guns, they have far more potential.
  4. Lakora

    You do know your screenshots doesn't really show anything regarding range right? It just shows a TR with a bigger gun... Also it's NC engineer from the looks of it versus a TR heavy so ofc his gun looks bigger. :D

    But yeah I know what you mean TR/Vanu can easily countersnipe without being an infiltrator nor using the Battle Rifles n Slugguns
  5. Sledgecrushr

    I love the guns just the way they are. The gun development team has done an excellent job here and we dont need to **** it up.
  6. Crazyfingers

    Hmm, I do, I always thought the alternate fire mode was more of a novelty, I'll have to try it and see if that improves things.

    But if this IS the issue, I still firmly believe the starting guns should be adjusted to something more "noob friendly". You have 1/3 of all "noobs" picking this faction and there is nothing to instruct in the proper usage of the guns.
  7. Smaisteri

    Im finding fast firing CQC weapons MUCH more effective at long range than weapons that are supposed to fire at long ranges.
    Take the Reaper DMR for example: it has too much horizontal recoil, massive spread, low rate of fire and doesnt do any more damage than other rifles.
    Then there is this GR-22: about the same amount of horizontal recoil, minimal spread, high rate of fire and massive damage. The Reaper DMR is pointless.
  8. Malsvir Vishe

    I'll have to agree. I feel that the NC guns are great in potential (since when I get killed by them, it's extremely quickly) and VS/TR are a little easier.
  9. hellin

    Their potential is not measurable ... So that you can honestly say that they are junk. If we compare the weapons NC inferior in volume and speed of the cage fire in close combat. And accuracy on long distans.
    That would really improve the combat capability of getting used to the weapon. Be sure to shoot namely sitting, or recoil inaccuracy play a cruel joke. Must remember that even improved grip does not eliminate the horizontal impact. You have to know that the full damage to the enemy will come only 2 seconds. You have to know that the speed of the bullet is lower than the other therefore barrel lift up above. We still have a lot of things to know.
    But all of this up for only 1 carbine.
    In short we have to admit that the most noob of NC is a professional of the other factions.
  10. MrK

    Actually, DMR is more burst friendly, and so is better at burst ranges, ie long range. Due to lower First Shot Multiplier.
    NC weapons for this are DMR, EM6, Gauss S, Gauss Compact S, AC-X11, GD22S (as strange as it seems) and Gauss SAW
    If you use short burst where the first shots are the hitting ones, these are good weapons.
    I find modded bursty weapons better than modded CQB high RoF for range fighting.
  11. Xiphos

    OP has no idea what he's talking about. He thinks NC is the close range faction and bad at longer range.

    The (presumably) AF-19 Mercenary that your NC character is using is a fine weapon by the way.
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  12. Intruder313

    The Mercenary is indeed good.
    The GD-7F is great for Close range and the AC-11X is a Long range gun but the Merc is great overall.
  13. The King

    I would say it's easier for the NC to counter snipe the other 2 factions infiltrators much more easier.....
    I agree with Xiphos, the OP has no clue what he is talking about.
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  14. MrK

    Exactly, mainly, because you are not dead at first shot, and it's easier to counter snipe when you are not dead, and second, you can return accurate burst firing which hurts more
  15. Smaisteri

    Im surprised that people actually like the stock NC LA/Engineer weapon. I've found it to be the worst weapon in any game I've played. Its the only gun which can miss all the bullets while keeping the ironsight directly at the center mass of an opponent.
  16. Flarestar

    Posts making claims with two images and zero supporting data make my **** hard.
  17. Nephera

    Unless the reaper dmr is currently bugged it should be functionally identical to the ac-x11 which does 200 damage per shot, which is higher than most other weapons.

    which does result in less bullets to kill but is not enough to reward long distance pinpoint accuracy very well against higher rof weapons.
  18. Jurav

    I think the ranged weapons are fine. The only big disadvantage the NC have in this area is that the TR and VS sniper rifles can be semi-auto. All NC sniper rifles are bolt action making an up close fight impossible.
  19. Vertabrae

    Diversify gun play by nerfing long range? Sorry but how does that diversify anything? Just mean less long range and more close range. I see tons of both now, so nerfing long range and forcing people to use more short range won't diversify anything. You go from being able to use long or short range weapons (which is diverse) to being able to use only short range weapons. Kinda the opposite of what you want.

    I'm sorry to do this but I am forced to use what has become my new favorite thing to quote on these forums. Edited slightly for you.

    Crazyfingers, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  20. Vorpal

    NC is actually best at long range.

    TR best at short range where all the bullets hit.

    VS though seems to be better than both at either : they have good ROF, so are competitive at short range, and no bullet drop off almost no recoil, so are competitive at long range as well.