I am VERY bad at this game and I'm getting worse.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leftconsin, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Huxer

    Yea? Try spotting out a cloaked infiltrator who is crouched and not moving at 150 meters.
  2. KnightCole

    About the only time it's worth much...

    However, oddly enough, at night, moving is when I have the easiest time seeing them. Ive seen them from about 100m off running across amp stations and stuff, shot and killed them lol.
  3. Noktaj

    You are right there. As a game "age" it's obviuous you'll encounter more and more people who have played it extensively. Skill curve is different for each one of us, OP might be BR80+ but since there are a lot of BR80+ in the game already he might have not caught up with the increased average skill level.

    I too am afraid that a lot of new players are scared away by the steep learning curve and by the fact that there are a lot of high BRs out there. I sometimes feel sorry when some random BR5 start shooting at my back, I insta turn 180° and kill him. Poor guy.
    But honestly I don't think that a "ghetto" continent for newbies is the solution, if you play against other newbies you might find a grace period but you'll never learn.
    Best thing you can do is join a decent outfit, play with guys who knows what they are doing, that does training for newbies and helps you out.
  4. John_Aitc

    VSAE's sdvice is the best that you can get, @Leftconsin. PS2 was my first FPS game ever and I struggled for months and months. As the game progressed through beta, youtube videos explaining gameplay started popping up. When FNO started, more of these good instructional videos were highlighted.

    The youtubers changed everything for me in this game. I am still recovering from my abysmal K/D, but I enjoy watching it slowly get closer to 1 (finally). If you can stick with the game, it will become really fun and a good way to spend your gaming hours.
  5. DorianOmega

    You might just need a break from PS2, I find playing other more individual player based skill intensive games like Quake to help with PS2 a lot once you see the stark contrast of game-play mechanics or time difference in tracing targets or twitch aim.

    Plus overdoing anything can prevent those feel good reward center chemicals in your brain not to release as hard as they once did and thus make you more agitated while playing, this might be what your experiencing.
  6. PKSpark

    The functionnal idea would be to spawn at login a player on a continent based on its skill (evaluated by the game client),
    and rolling the continent every x day.
    -Hossin : Easy (noobs)
    -Amerish: Medium (seasoned)
    -Indar: Hard (BR100, vets)
    Any players can then rewarp, "choose" their difficulty. The game will just notify them about the skill required.

    If there were a "ghetto", that should be a place for griefers and cheaters, in that case,
    if Hossin amerish and indar are picked for game the ghetto one would be esamir,
    thoses players cannot warp on the other continents, until the ban of sort is lifted

    In WOW most of the abuse came from vets farming noobs on their mounts, and Blizzard
    even reviewed the possibility to remove mounts...
    To make sure BR100 don't rewarp in an easy continent and libfarm/lolpod on new players, we'll not remove vehicles,
    just change the way xp are rewarded: BR level:
    If you have a high BR the bigger the BR gap, the less xp you get
    If you have a low BR the bigger the BR gap, the more xp you get
    -BR100 on BR1: 10 xp won
    -BR1 on BR100: 1000 xp won per BR100 kill
    -Same BR: 150 xp

    Plus an extra xp bonus based on the player skill, some players actually lose their skill but not their BR...
    Base bonus xp: 200
    -Killer k/d lower than 1, Killed a BR of lower lvl than you, : 200 xp (base)
    -Killer k/d higher than 1, Killed a BR of lower lvl than you, : -2xp per BR lvl from base (BR100 ==> BR1: 0 extra xp won)

    -Killer k/d lower than 1, Killed a BR of higher lvl than you, : +2xp per BR lvl from base (BR1 ==> BR100: 200 extra xp won)
    -Killer k/d higher than 1, Killed a BR of higher lvl than you, : 200 xp (base)
  7. Foxirus

    You probably have what I call a "Variable skill type". Basically, One day you can do really good with a certain weapon and the next day completely suck with it, but do extremely well with a weapon of the opposite type. This is how I am with all my weapons. This is why directives are so hard for me to complete, Because my skill with weapons is always changing. Some days I can obliterate gods with my Polaris, other days I have to use a shotgun, others a scout rifle.
  8. void666

    Learn how to farm.
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  9. Noktaj

    Problem is "continent locking" plus the upcoming (hopefully) intercontinental lattice.
    Plus, I can forsee everybody redeploy on the continent they like rather than the suggested. I know I would. I play on Amerish everytime there's enough pop to grant a decent fight.

    Here you are suggesting a mechanic that works fine on a MMORPG like WoW where if you gank a low lvl player you won't get any honor point. In WoW though that is YOUR CHOICE, since you can see the level of the player you are attacking thus decide if it's worth your time.
    In PS2 you can't, it's not really you CHOSING to gank that BR2 that's running in the open field between two covers. It just happened, and you shouldn't be penalized for you being good and he being a fool.
    Plus, the gear gap between BR1 and BR100 is marginal. Yeah, you might have FULL nano armor on your BR100 but that BR1 with a Gauss Rifle that random spray from afar can kill you just fine.
    I dare you find any Lvl1 WoW player kill any i-dont-know-what-is-max-wow-level-now-lol.

    No, you can't really create any "hard coded" mechanism to make BR100 less deadly or BR1 more deadly or self-aware.
    What makes the difference in planetside 2 is around 20% gear - 80% situational awareness (or skill) where in a WoW example would be the opposite.
    And you gain skill only by playing the game more.

    Once again, we need a system to teach new playes how to survive and how to perform decently.
    I've seen mentor squads running on Miller recently, those might help but are player-driven indipendent efforts.
    Best we have now is Outfit system. A decent outfit take cares of the newbies. Once you hit BR20ish anyway you should have gained enough certs to maximize a specific class abilities and you will be geared enough to compete with any BR100. Only thing you will lack is 2000+ hours of playtime but no DEV gameplay choice can close that gap for you.
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  10. PKSpark

    The way interlock works, there's always 3 options to sort players, hossin, 2 Battle islands.
    If the faction is stuck to defend their homeland sorting is still possible by controlling the reinforcement spawns
    With xp scaling based on level skill, players can still go wherever they wants, it's their pick to win less or more xp

    If the beginner did a better loadout choice than the pro he just killed, more power and xp to him!

    It's about xp gain, not gear; they will just win more or less xp based on their skill,

    I don't see anything wrong with a low skilled player getting a big reward for killing a high skilled one,
    being BR70, i won't mind making certs rain for beginners, the game doesn't have loot; so let's turn threats into treats!
  11. John_Aitc

    I disagree with the rankings of the continents. I am not a very good player, and if I play on Indar I usually end up with a higher session K/D than the other continents. I always assumed that it was because of the volume of players.

    As long as you understand the game well enough to make some sense out of the chaos of Indar, I think it is a good place to get lost in the crowd and succeed versus fighting on a lower population continent.
  12. Ceiu

    In my experience, the gear you use makes a massive difference. Not from a gear vs skill perspective, but from a what-fits-your-playstyle-best perspective. I started PS2 right after the beta with a couple friends. Back then, as a heavy, you only had the Gauss Saw as an option for your primary, which, for me, is about as effective as those cartoons where an old lady is handed a fire hose. It wasn't until my friends convinced me to drop $10 and buy a shotgun (Jackhammer, sorry other factions) that I didn't start to (a) enjoy the game and (b) improve.

    Beyond that, it's all about running with a group of organized people. Don't just jump into the auto-squad thingy -- those are about as organized as just running solo. Find an actual outfit and join with them; at least for a bit until you start to see your stats/skill improving. Either that, or if you see yourself getting ganked by the same people over and over again, send them a /tell and, every now and again, you'll get someone nice enough to tell you how they're farming you so easily.

    To reiterate, as I mentioned above, I hated PS until I latched onto weapons that fit my playstyle and a decent group of players to roll with. They've since moved on to other games and our outfit has dissolved, but I learned enough about how I play the game (and how the game is played) that I can lone wolf without getting terribly pissed off/bored, and my stats are still improving (only .2 away from 1 K/D! :D).
  13. Corezer

    It doesn't get better..... This is why I will never be good at this game...

  14. miraculousmouse

    Do you play with a high dpi (above 1,500) and a high sensitivity? Like above .40 I think. I always thought that the really high sens would turn me into a beast (I'm pretty good compared to the typical guy, no where near the level of tiw, ac, or da though) but many times I lost fights I could've won due to some little twitch that whacked my aim (sometimes off of his body entirely). After some suggestions from top level players I have lowered my dpi to 1200 and my sens to .25 mouse/ads/scope. This has REALLY improved my headshot ratio and my accuracy, I have a much easier time dragging my mouse around and precisely shooting at targets moving horizontally.

    Look at it this way, people say KDR doesn't matter and yes, people can pad it all day with zephyrs or blueshifts or scatmaxes or HE rounds - your infantry KDR is what really matters. How well you do against others on an even footing. Anyways, your stats aren't bad, I guess your TR is your learning account? When I'd take my months long PS2 breaks I'd play other fps games and improve at those, these skills carried to this game. So I'd improve exponentially each time. If I played this game steady without quitting my stats would probably be a lot lower. Your vanu kdr is 2.00+, assuming that is your newest char you are very well off.
  15. Bape

    To be honest it really about
    -The situation you are in. Defending or attacking?
    -Players around you. Are they good or trash player with no awareness?
    -population influence in the base? are you outnumbered? or it pretty balanced?
    -Are you against tank and air?
    -What class are you using?

    All these decide how you will do bad or good. If you are outnumbered with tanks/air and the capture point surroundings is heavily defended you will die a lot. If you are attacking the base and the player from your left/back/right are terrible you will get ganked from the back and that what you get for having faith in players that next to you (Im looking at you NC).

    Hit detection has a big factor as well I can name many times where I shoot someone and it does no damage.
  16. DatVanuMan

    Hey, are you dying a lot? At least your K/D is above 1.
    Hey, are you not enjoying the game? Just be an infiltrator, sit on an Amerish mountain, and watch the sunset.
    A game is fun when you make it fun, man. You just have to believe:)
  17. DatVanuMan

    O Mighty NinjaKirby, what am I able to do in order to garner a place on that great list of amazing quotes of the ultimate Forumsiders? Please enlighten me, O Enlightened One.
  18. Iridar51

  19. FBVanu

    Change your playstyle. This is not an FPS game. Don't try to play it like one.

    If you are mostly infantry and you get wasted too often, maybe get yourself a vehicle. Lightning, MBT ? Or learn to fly.

    There is a youtube video about the "mighty flash", from Paqu.. tons of fun and lots of kills.

    If you keep doing the same thing, over a over, expecting a different result.... well..

    Try something new in PS2.... lots of options.
  20. Iridar51

    That we will not know until we know what your problems are. Aim? Positioning? Awareness? All of it?
    I'm willing to help you become better, but I won't know how until I know the specifics.
    If you could record and upload some of your footage, that would be a start. You can find out how to record with the least impact to your performance in this Wrel's video. You'll need DXtory for that, it costs some dollars, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a free version somewhere, wink wink.
    That depends entirely on you. I've been playing this game for 1.5 years, and I'm still learning new things today, making myself a better player. If I had nothing to learn, and couldn't improve anywhere, it's unlikely I'd play this game anymore.
    You can use my / forumside help in analyzing what's wrong with your play, or you can do it yourself.

    What you have to do is to be constantly analyzing. Whenever you die, it means you made a mistake. Yeah, there are some deaths you couldn't possibly prevent, but there's not a lot of them. There are OP things that will kill you, but since you can't make them not OP, your only course of action is to learn to deal with those OP things so they don't seem that OP anymore.

    1) Start small. First learn to recognize these mistakes: "I died because I rushed in the face of NC MAX". Compliment yourself: "great, I've recognized a mistake".
    2) Constantly monitor what you are doing: "Oh, ****, I'm rushing NC MAX in the face! I'm going to die!". Then die. Compliment yourself: "Great, I've recognize a mistake a bit earlier!".
    3) Then start thinking what you are going to do. If it's a mistake - recognize and prevent it: "Okay, I'll rush this NC MAX in the face and then... no, wait, that would be a mistake! Great job, I've prevented my death!". Then die from passing by AirHammer Reaver.
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