Heavy assaults to be nerfed next patch

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Nyscha, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Mianera

    Honestly, frak off! The farming classes don't need more.

    Give the LA and INF more, the LA especially needs a buff right now!
  2. Hiding in VR

    Agreed. I've said elsewhere that I find this change second only to the ADS/Flight nerf as most unwarranted change.

    Don't think Infs need anything though.
  3. Corvus Corax

    Bad change is bad.
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  4. HeavensSword

    I mainly play engineer, so the worst thing I've done was launch a rocket at the max or vehicle I was trying to repair... :oops:
  5. jaktrobot

    They should let resist shield be as it is atm, its perfectly fine and u have ot use it before u go i, so its not a iwin shield.

    I really hope they let it be as it is, nerfin it would be stupid :(
  6. Landaren

    They aren't the tanks, you don't have "tank class" in a shooter.

    Highest life, highest damage, best CC.

    Clearly it needed to be nerfed. I personally would have just reduced the damage of all LMG or made heavy move more slowly then everyone else.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    ^ (Shakes head)

    this comment tells me you haven't been playing PS2 in a long time.
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  8. Corvus Corax

    so much wat
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  9. Exonis

    Heavy Assaults DO move slower than everyone else (With Ability activated)
  10. RockPlanetSide2

    Flat. Out. Owned.
  11. Exonis

    I'm sorry, wot, since when was PS2 a generic shooter? Since you showed up from COD/BF and whined until the dev's killed themselves or changed the core of the game to suit your needs?

    The shields slow you down, have a penalty consumption for activating, AND slow recharge rate
    The LMGs were nerfed already to a point where ADS is the only viable way to kill because hipfire only works if you're behind your enemy at 0M, and even then they can still beat you. Its gotten to the point where it's just sad for me.

    I play HA quite often and I can tell you the shields don't make much difference outside of 1 vs. 1 (Which IS not how PS2 is supposed to be) And even in 1 vs. 1 the shield barely changes the outcome because A. they get the drop on me and kill me before I can shield. B. Out DPS or Maneuver me. or C. Kill me before their mag runs dry.

    Plenty of times I've had infiltrators uncloak in front of me and spray a bottomless pit of SMG rounds into me before I can even start firing at them, and even WITH my shield I only last milliseconds longer. Death is guaranteed
    If the Infiltrator isn't smeared onto the nearest terrain object by a Hacksaw Max the second they uncloak.
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  12. Bl4ckVoid

    It is pretty sad and unfair, that they change this after a year!!! So the game was broken for a year and now they realize it, so they have to fundemantally change how a class plays.

    People got used to a certain playstyle and now it will become worthless. All abilities are instant, but now HA shield will have delay.
    Then cloak, heal and jumpjet should also have delay.

    This change may backfire as lots of people play heavies - some of these may leave the game entirely.

    With all the buggy releases, the infiltrator, vehicle and MAX spam + this nerf, just might be enough for me to abandon game. SOE is very very lucky that the competition is asleep. My prediction: once other persistent world shooters start coming out, this game will be dead very fast.
  13. wuffar

    Rather they balance it late than never at all. We will need to see exactly how they implement it and see what it's like.

    I don't think heavy is OP but it's a very strong class right now.

    Also for example, a medic pressing F doesn't get the first tick of heal right away, it takes a while.
  14. Hiding in VR

    Where is the evidence/any evidence that it needs rebalancing at all? So far every single person I have seen calling for Heavies to be nerf performs far better with other classes than they do with their Heavy. What this says to be is that class bias is playing heavily into this, no pun intended.

    Of the classes I actually play, my Infiltrator has the best KDR and I have spent far less certs on him than my HA. But you don't see me calling for Inf nerfs. Contrary to what people say, the HA is NOT an easy cheese class and relies on flanking and surprise to survive just as much as every other class. Its role places it firmly in the front line though, and to do that it needs an "Oh ****" Panic Button. That Panic Button already comes with nasty penalties in the form of its movement penalty, which since the loss of head protection, is a significant downside and puts you at a real disadvantage against anyone that can aim.

    Seems to start as soon as I press F. You sure that's not lag? When I activate the Overshield in battle is never seems starts straight away. Which is another reason why this is a bad idea.
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  15. miraculousmouse

    So what if it's a "very strong class" just because it takes a few extra shots to put him down when he has his shield up? Assuming you the drop on him, aka playing smart. The heavy is the first to go in assuming there are no maxes, with his shield flaring and his guns blazing. Instead of getting into his face as a lighter class (unless you're an uncloaking infiltrator) play to your class's strengths. And if you are a Medic, there's a reason so many heavies want access to ARs if this nerf does go live.
  16. Casterbridge

    Nerf won't heavily affect me as half the time I forget to use the shield anyway, as been mentioned the thing kills you as much as it saves you due to making you light up in the dark and the speed penalty.

    Honestly the main reason I play Heavy over the medic is access to the rocket launcher and AV/Concussion grenades so I can go Max Hunting, I love ARs so very much, and I would consider it an overall buff to nerf the shield but give Heavies access to ARs.
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  17. OldMaster80

    My 50 cents: I didn't feel the need for this change and honestly I just play HA like 5% of my time. I hope they don't get too far with this, maybe the shield needs some adjustment, but surely not a nerf.
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  18. Elkybam

    Totally. ARs have the best accuracy and best RPM bonded together, in opinion. I never played Heavy Assault for the overshield anyway, only when forced to repel MAXes or counter the Heavy spam the enemy would use.
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  19. Exonis

    Neither does the heavy shield, because latency delay (This has killed me hundreds of times)

    Strong class but not very strong, there's nothing wrong with that, it's a COMBAT class. It's purpose IS to fight, and it SHOULD have the upper hand in a fight. You don't run head-on into a MAX and expect to live 100% of the time, Heavy Assaults are MiniMAXs, they're faster, run off medics, but die easier. Counter heavies with heavies, MAXs, lights, cloakers, more than one guy, or a vehicle. Medics Heal and revive, Engineers repair, resupply AND can provide better AV Assault than HA, don't even get me started on Infil CQC

    The Problem is the Heavy Assault is outdone by every class because they have something better, and people want to nerf it's only useful thing left because they already nerfed everything else when they whined their SUPPORT class doesn't always win against the Heavy COMBAT class.

    same NERF-Cries happened to Light Assaults, the OTHER combat class (Seriously, it's a joke now). They had it NERFED into pretty much nonexistence, AND NOW THE ONLY THING IT'S DECENT AT IS C4ING TANKS, giving it the bad reputation because whiners diminished it's existence AND FORCED IT TO BE THAT WAY. And Tankers want to nerf them more because of this.

    Don't hate The Light Assault for C4ing you, Vehicle Operators, hate the people who whined until that was the only thing they could do.

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  20. Landaren

    What the hell are you talking about their purpose is to fight? The whole point of a shooter is.. well to shoot people. Last time I checked everyone had guns, so everyone purposes is to fight. The heavy assaults purpose is to deal with those pesky max suits and vehicles, not be a walking I win button over every other class in the game.