HD VIDEO physx looks awesome, ghost buster medics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mikizle, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Zitroxious

    seems to work fine on 310.70 (when i got the new one i had more crashes so got back to this)
  2. mikizle

    I have not had any crashes on the latest beta drives but I'm using a GTX 680
  3. rocketchicken

    This is great for the 1 percenters out there that have supercomputers fueled by the virgin blood of orphans. I sure hope SOE continues to develop more of these advanced "graphix" options instead of fixing the droves of bugs that permeate the game. Please introduce huge patches that you don't test because you don't know what test servers are; creating more problems than solutions with each patch. Please give your entire development staff a 3 week vacation on the day of Planetside 2's release. Please continue to manage your company and your game like you have no idea what you're doing. We love it.
  4. Gammit

    At the expense of crashing? Check Tom's interview wherein he explains why they are slowly integrating parts of PhysX.
  5. Barana

    Anyone know if it's possible to force PS2 to offload PhysX onto the CPU so people with AMD cards can use it? I can do this in other games, however when I try it here it doesn't work, with both ini settings set to 1. And yes, I know this will lag horribly on the CPU, not going to use it in battles or anything.
  6. Madmojo

    I like the tell, now we both can't fly! lol
  7. siiix

    it work on 560ti but only with the latest beta driver

    and frame rate dropped by about 10%, also some other weird bugs like occasionally jumping airplaines i never saw before
  8. siiix

    depends on your video card, in my case it did .. i have a 560ti

    i guess try it 1st with out the driver, thats what i did... it does not hurt to try
  9. TomaHawk

    Anything that makes Vanu scum dying prettier has my vote.
  10. Phyr

    It looks awesome, but really unstable.

  11. PsychoBat

    Nice constructive feedback. They actually have it disabled until they get is stable so everyone won't run crying to the forums insulting the devs the second their game crashes. Should be in this month or the next I think though. They said it was close to complete.
  12. Hordak

    Hey thanks for this I will try it soon as the servers come back up.

    Plz support your local repair man in my sig if you have time.
  13. NightmareP69

    I find it strange how much FPS, 500 and 600 seirs users are losing with Physx forced in PS2 at the moment, i got a 460 GTX and my FPS did not suffer at all when i turned it on. I even have a friend who has an older 200 series card and hi's FPS was actully boosted with this.
  14. LukeDude759

    Too bad I have ATI. It lags terribly with PhysX...
  15. TheBloodEagle

    I believe some graphics cards have a menu where you can select if it does PhysX in the GPU or CPU, no? Might be worth a shot to see what happens. I can't wait to upgrade my GPU since I'm only in the 40-50 rate FPS wise and PhysX shows up really wonky for me (amongst other reasons for me).

    My options. See if you have this also.