Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. mags

    Missing one important thing: Cert respec in the Depot.
    Quite sceptical to the immortal after rez.
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  2. PrincessFrosty

    Any balances going to occur for Vanu and NC? Currently it seems to largely be understood that Vanu are easy mode and are dominating on most servers, TR seem for the most part in the middle and NC are getting stomped.

    Most notably the Scythe and the rocket pods, the Magmower being a clearly dominant tank and the VS light assault and Heavy Assault weapons being clearly OP.
  3. D0n

    Uh, I want it buffed 1v1? do tell.

    You speak of a zerg vs zerg tank rush? TR wins hands down just waiting locked down, if there is high terrain or very bumpy terrain the mag wins, we win by rushing you on flat and popping invul, both of your secondaries are 100 times better than ours.

    What is this a joke?
  4. Jac70

    Some decent changes. I like the sound of the redesigned spawn rooms to allow for defenders to more effectively defend against spawn room campers.

    Not sure about invulnerability for freshly spawned players, that sounds a bit BS to me. A spawned player is going to be safe anyway. A revived player I can understand but the period should be very short. Like a second just so they can get their bearings and take stock of their position and whilst they are in this state they should be visibly different. Currently a freshly revived player flashes as their shield comes back up and this should be present whilst they are invulnerable so enemies know they cant be killed.
  5. Shakugan

    Can you please make the projectile speed of the lasher faster?
  6. MasterChiefette

    Still want to see some of the things that we saw in beta go back into the game. Better bases, with actual ability to defend them. Plus, I'd like to see changes to the areas around bases - added actual killing zones. Why is there a huge *** tree in front of my field of fire? Why is there a gun facing a cliff face and my angle to shoot at anything dropped to 5 degrees total - it is totally useless and pointless to have it there.

    Game needs so much added yet - that we had in PS1. Sundies had invisibility domes - why was this removed? Why are there no defendable bases like we had in PS1? Why does Tarwhich even have a force field gate to the North Road when there is a huge rock pillar right next to it you can drive a tank through(why doesn't the gate cover that gap as well?)

    Who puts a base at the bottom of a pit? Especially one that allows for complete domination from above? No one - that's who does it. Why wasn't a little more common sense used at placing and laying out bases?

    Why wasn't there some means to control faction pops all ready in place?

    Why does PS2 seem like only half the game PS1 was at release?
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  7. Purg

    If it's the only infantry being rendered then it's obviously a MAX - that's the point. While I don't fly ESF's, I presume the Q mechanism still works in them? See a couple of rendered infantry in the distance that any ESF driver with a bit of practice will know how far to fly to filter MAX and not other infantry. Hit Q to mark them up. Profit.
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  8. Dingus148

    Just quietly, locking down in the face of a zerg will get you killed. Only time lockdown ever works is if you want to bombard a spawn point. Maybe I'm just not a good enough tankie, but my experience is stopping movement more or less equals death.
  9. comrade

    We caught this bone from Higby and we are so happy because we did not eat for almost 2 months.
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  10. OldMaster80

    Nice stuff. I just don't get why should playes be invincible when they're revived or respawned. This sounds total crap to me.
    I mean, if you respawn in the middle of a combat that's YOUR problem. If you accept to be revived in a place where the battle is still raging, that's YOUR problem again.

    I'm totally against this.
    The rest sounds cool, even if it's sad we have no news on CPU bottlenecks and Infiltrators stuff that suck hard.
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  11. Worthless

    I love just about everything and am willing to try everything else except for this. This is a mechanic that will only add complexity to a problem we have yet to sort out. Gaining little to no XP for a fresh spawn is a step in the right direction but this would change too much at once.

    In the worst case scenario an exploit would be found that would allow someone to preform actions while invincible after a revive. In the more likely scenario the invulnerability will make gameplay frustrating to the average player. If you have an area on lockdown and suddenly a revive grenade gets thrown and 20 invulnerable people are able to rush your position what the hell are you going to do? Maybe quit after it has been done to you enough.

    Just think about it, TheEnclave rushes one of the new tunnels that the VS have on lockdown with some Lasher spam, one medic throws a rez grenade and now a ******* immortal platoon of TR rush your position in the time it takes for the buff to wear off, and all they would need is a second nade anyways, AND you would get practically no XP if you did manage to hold.

    In short, be conservative with pushing out invulnerability before you are sure of all the unintended consequences.
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  12. Ak69

    Increase, as in make bigger , longer. Longer reload speed as opposed to increased rate of fire, so less shots per minute.

    Edit , Sorry I sounded like an ******* , was not ment to be that aggressive. Fixed
  13. Garzin

    So... we HAVE to pay to transfer from a bad server to a good one (after the patch)?
  14. Revorn

    - seems to be a Nerf to MAX, not to render was their Defense, looks like hard times are comming, depends on the Air Weapontweak and Imagine, if MAX are rendering like a Vehicle, its a oneshotkill for any AP Tank.
    - seems to be a simple performancechange, but dont changing DPS means, It stays at being unusefully.
    - seems to be a Buff, good to read, but depends on the Numbers
    - seems to be a Nerf. good to read, but depends on the Numbers

    Phuh, im intrested how this will work out ingame, once the Update is online.
  15. Diamond Sword

    Late would be having this posted February 1st. :p

    I love all these. I did notice, however, only 1 item about rendering and that was for MAXs to render better for AA. A post on twitter indicated to me that there were to be more rendering fixes in this update. Are they just general bugs also included in this, too minor to list individually, or is the MAX rendering properties the only thing being tweaked?
  16. forumo

    Great changes coming.
    Any news of a Jackhammer fix?
    It's worse than the regular common pool shotguns at present.
  17. Thardus

    So, what are SMGs. How are they different from the guns we have now?
  18. Spookydodger

    3-5 pixels high at 800 meters looks like a rock, bush, stump, or whatever. You're not going to be able to see in the distance a MAX better than you can see a tank, and at maximum range a MBT is still pretty tiny.

    Q mechanic doesn't operate beyond like 500 meters. I don't know how far, but normally when you are a MAX looking at a Liberator at maximum render range, you can't Q highlight him.

    And even if you could, it wouldn't really matter. If someone was closer to fire at the MAX, they probably would already be doing it. Heck, they would more likely be the one to target them.

    In the end, this had to happen. My "professional" opinion is that this was the quick solution to a problem and then they'll code something like "If it is aiming near you and can see you, render it to the thing that can be seen" or some such fix. Or maybe just an overall optimization that will make the render distance temp fix superfluous. Right now a major reason to uses MAXs is because they are invisible. Maybe Skyguards will be the new preferred AA because engineers repairing the skyguard, for now, will still be invisible and can repair it with impunity. It doesn't matter, because it will be overall better for the game.
  19. Arcanum

    Just so I'm not too negative, I love the buff to streakbreaking XP reward, now that it's dynamic I assume it can only go higher. Wasn't expecting that to happen, but it's something that I think is needed more than it looks. This is a big improvement IMO, despite being such a small thing. I will start enjoying the game more because of that.
  20. Baleur

    Or they just let Maxes render at the same distance as vehicles, since they essentially "are" vehicles.