Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Kargul

    Free or paid, it doesn't fix the core of the issue - too many servers, not enough players .
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  2. KrystOutlander

    I am a little concerned with this particular one right here. How long does 'Freshly Spawned' last? Alot of our kills in fights are players who have just spawned within the last minute and don't even have a single kill yet. In fact I would say that is a significant portion of our kills.

    This is called a XP system enhancement. Anything that will cause us to earn less XP than we are now is NOT a enhancement.
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  3. Dingus148

    Yeah, I kinda giggled when I saw Prowler in the middle. I think the Magrider is empirically the best tank, but I'd rather a Vanguard any day
  4. NyaR

    If anything we should be able to fill up "dead" bodies with bullets so that they stay dead - not invulnerable revives. There is already a slight invulnerability delay - if you spawned in the wrong place it is your fault, changes should be made toward UI encouraging players to spawn in a different place or players owning up to their mistake, not invulnerability timers.
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  5. Pella

    Not good enough.
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  6. Verisimilituder

    ''Future daddy has to double-kill these corpses so they don't come back as zombies and murder us all.''

    Seriously though, no/low exp for fresh spawns and spawn invul are just what the doctor ordered. Invul for rezzes: probably unnecessary.
  7. AnkBuro

    Hmm... I don't see in notes any mention about VS buff and TR nerf. What is that? Okay, okay. VS is fine (but needs tiny-tiny BUFF, anyway), but what the hell with TR ignoring? They shoulld be nerfed, because they are fricking OP!

    I will leave the game, if you will not nerf the TR! Like my post if you agree.

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  8. Frosty The Pyro

    if I had to guess I would say either increased bullet velocity, reduced bullet drop, or reduced spread as those are generaly the way you increase acuracy in this game.
  9. Arcanum

    Announcements like this are kinda complicated. IMO when they're not sure what they're supposed to do they should just state what they see as possible problem and how they think they can fix it if they have any promising but untested ideas. That would allow them to say things like "hey, maybe this tank is OP, players report that... we're gonna verify that and then see what's the best we can do to patch this situation up in this short amount of time". But even that can lead to whining and doomsaying, or further loss of faith in them because some people assume they're supposed to be omniscient. It's complicated, we just have to deal with it, that is wait for the update and hope for the best. Besides, tank balance is lower priority, if the update is only coming in the 30th this means they're short on time.

    But I'm just a random guy, suggesting how to go about announcing is probably arrogant to the point of being offensive. Just my opinion.

    If I were to complain about something so soon it would be that they didn't mention any more direct increases to "certing speed" while at the same time they consider changing XP reward disparities high priority.

    It used to be like that, actually. Guess that means it's not coming back.
    Agreed. I guess they just had to cave in to *something else* BCP suggested, but that's just a insane conspiracy theory. I'd rather just have deaths not count and kill XP nullified instead of that. But it's not a bad change assuming it works perfectly.
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  10. WhatsThatNoize

    I love you. I fracking love you so much - I could kiss you.

  11. The King

    Magriders are fine, they're super easy to kill if you actually tried.
    I am going with, you rarely tried.
    Adjust to it.

    Only a fool would park right next to a spawn room with a sunderer.
    If people feared that, then they will have to back off that room now.
    There will be 0 issues with people invul knifing people or invul mining. If you're that close to get harmed by that, then you shouldn't be there. Even if Orion does beat all stock HA weapons, each faction has their good points about each one. Personally, I don't think it's that great, because, it's just so-so to me. I would take the NC's slow high recoil one over it. It's easy to pop heads. Just aim.

    As for the update, it looks great. It'll make people have to actually get out of their vehicles to do stuff now. Because, there will be defenders within the place.

    However, I would like to see XP given on captures based on the amount of people and time.
    And give defenders XP too. No reason for them to not get it.

    I know, that could be exploited, I am sure you're all working on a way similar to what I said, so keep working on it and we'll sure to enjoy it.
    Thanks for the feedback from you guys.
  12. Tharrn

    Every existing account with characters on it should get one token to switch servers for free. Everything else is bad service in my opinion, as this situation is to be expected and should be figured in by companies by now. Which game didn't end up with too many servers after the launch hysteria recently?
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  13. Gypsycream

    If they are increasing the render distance on maxes for people in vehicles (which undoubtedly needs to happen) they are really going to need to increase the effective range of the AV max weaponry.
    The AV max is already pretty weak as it is (the only time you would ever use it over HA is if you've already pulled a max suit and don't want to waste it), if they give tanks anymore of an advantage over it then it's going to be near useless...
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  14. DeadAlive99

    I'll read the 14 pages later..... for now, my initial thoughts:

    GPU enhancements? We need CPU enhancements.

    Spawn invulnerability: Great idea, but, can we please have that for I.A. drops as well. I.A. many times is a suicide run, and with a 20/25 min. timer, it kinda stinks.

    Squad features: Ability to right click on player in various lists and select, "Join this player's squad/outfit". Ability to alt-right click on player in field and do the same. I want to be able to quickly join a squad of players that I'm currently surrounded by.

    Base lockout timers to enhance forward progress: Capture large base, it locks down for 30 minutes, small base, 15 minutes. CP's cannot flip during that time. Timer could be adjusted by influence.

    Xp bonus for holding majority of territory: Example: Faction holds 40%, gets +1xp, 50% + 2xp, 60% +3xp.

    Transport situation is a disaster. It needs work from many angles, but this is one idea: For teammates inside a base or near the spawn pad, they can press a hotkey to be added to the next Sundy or Galaxy manifest. Driver will have ability to lock vehicle before spawning. If vehicle spawns UNlocked, then all players on the list will teleport inside the vehicle if they are still in range.

    No more chasing after Sundys, begging for rides, wasting time, complaining about solo drivers who just spawn and drive off, etc, etc.. No more pilots and drivers begging for passengers and then leaving with one or two after waiting for 10 minutes.
  15. Spookydodger

    Think of how small a fat person would be at 1000 meters. Or 800 meters. You're not going to look at a particular lump of pixels and say "that's a max!". You're going to have to follow the tracers. Just like even now, most Liberators have to be hit by skyguard fire before they can find the skyguard.

    And it doesn't terribly matter if it is a nerf to the MAX. Just like making someone who was doing a wall hack unable to float in the walls wouldn't be a nerf to hackers. It's something broken and they probably can't just make everyone render, that would drop the game to its knees in terms of optimizations. So instead they make one unit render more since it maybe accounts for 1% of the player population at any one time. Then they buff the accuracy on skyguards to make them more relevant, and give XP to people for damaging aircraft with AA, so more people use AA because it is rewarding.

    End result, skies are clearer of aircraft and no one particularly feels like they are being punished with broken render distance issues.

    My goodness, are you so jaded that that is the first thing you can think of? Look at the big picture, my good sir!
  16. Yloh

    Tunnels yay, buggys nay? :-(
  17. s8888d

    Looks sweet! any changes to attaining certs though? a little too hard to rack them up unless i'm attacking/defending The Crown :(
  18. Spookydodger


    Are you asking where server mergers are? I do believe that with transfer tokens, anyone could transfer anywhere they wanted to.

    If they wanted to do a merge without making it look like a merge, they would just given every character one token and then say "you are free to move where you want" and let human nature take its course. Servers are merged an no one brings up the term.
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  19. Xarx

    The funny thing is, you are the one that wants it buffed 1v1. Magrider is an incredible 1v1 tank but suffers greatly when massed since maneuverability is the first thing to go in a zerg. Shield only gets more and more powerful the more Vanguards there are, as does lockdown for the Prowler.

    Countless times I have seen Vanguards crush a Magrider zerg taking minimal losses only to be picked off by one or two sitting on hills because they are careless.
  20. Dingus148

    Whooooole lotta likes there buddy. If I give you a like, will you leave?