Can we get an official Statement on why .75x LMG HA exist? SRSLY?We need a true answer after 2 years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Shanther

    Give me proof. Because I have hours of proof that show otherwise.
  2. CapEnTrade

    Read this guys.

    *rolls eyes a lot*
  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Then show proof that 0.75 ADS is a "broken mechanic".

    Again I'll accept stats, server smash, and/or farmer league results. I won't however accept personal opinions.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    It mitigates the HA shields movement speed penalty when the Shielded HA ADS's.

    The movement speed penalty on the HA shield balances the shield out, its the downside of having the shield active.

    0.75 ADS nulls that downside. Which intern breaks the shield.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    Higby catered to the elite players, its no secret at this point.
  6. Shanther

    "Which intern breaks the shield."
    That is ENTIRELY your opinion. Show me actual hard facts and proof of this being the case. We have brought it up many times in this thread, go watch Farmers League. VS was never dominate and by your logic they should have been.

    0.75 ARs and Carbines strafe faster then shielded 0.75 HAs yet people never complain about them. If you are able to hit the former you should EASILY be able to hit the latter. Any failure to do so it a personal issue.

    Real proof please.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    How, can you still deny that this is a problem?

    Its baffling at this point.
  8. Shanther

    How, can you still not provide any real proof that a problem actually exists?

    Its baffling at this point.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    A shielded 0.75 ADS HA moves the same speed slightly faster as then a non shielded 0.5 ADS heavy.

    The shields downside is mitigated.
  10. ATRA_Wampa-One

    And in exchange for that 0.75 ADS LMG's either have horrible recoil stats or horrible DPS.

    How is this even still an issue?
  11. Shanther

    And? This means absoutely nothing. A 0.75 AR or Carbine moves faster then a Shielded 0.75 HA yet people never complain about it. If you are able to hit the former you should EASILY be able to hit the latter. Any failure to do so it a personal issue and has nothing to do with something being OP.

    If 0.75 was actually "broken" VS would never lose straight up 1v1s. Furthermore VS would have dominated Farmers League. ADS speed is only good against people who can't aim, if you can actually aim it is entirely a non issue.
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  12. Mxiter

    What are you talking about?? :confused:
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  13. Rhumald

    Yes it shows that with shield on, they have roughly the same ADS speed as any other infantry unit using any other, far better weapon, that doesn't grant 0.75 ADS movement speed, and that is the entire point, the basis of this argument has always been that it allows a heavy that has poped its shield to outmaneuver other classes, and that statement is simply false. Additionally, every faction has an LMG that outperforms the 0.75 ADS ones, in terms of TTK, and that means the world of a difference at the only distances where the 0.75ADS speed could mean anything.

    This argument is made from the standpoint that this one number is the thing that makes a heavy OP, when in fact, if you look at the whole picture, the shield itself is the problem, not the weapons. I find these threads rather annoying, because they intentionally dodge that topic; someone is trying, very hard, to nerf a scapegoat, to keep the benefits of their shield in an infantry versus infantry situation.

    Edited to correct some punctuation errors.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    So your telling me that a ADS move speed multiplier, that mitigates a Class Abilities downside/balancing factor is a non issue?

    Do you know how insane you sound?

    No, but 0.75 ADS is gamebreaking on the HA class because it negates the shields movement speed penalty downside.

    This is not complicated stuff guys.
  15. Shanther

    You are 100% ignoring every counter point that people bring up.
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  16. Rhumald

    Could you acknowledge the rest of my argument please?
    Intelligent discussions don't happen if you refuse to contribute to them.
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  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    ADS COF while moving is the best stat in the game when it comes to recoil as proven with the recent GODSAW buff (it went from from 0.5 to 0.4 and it's now performing almost as good as the balancegoose), now name how many VS LMG's have less than 0.4 in that category like the Anchor/GD-22s/MSW-R/T32. Or just name a single 0.75 ADS VS LMG that has better than 0.9 horizontal tolerance, which is the second best stat in the game when it comes to recoil.

    Or name an LMG that has lower DPS than the NS-15.

    When (A) stats and/or scored & refed matches provides evidence that it is a non issue and (B) other things such as DPS or recoil stats are balanced around a weapon having 0.75 ADS so that it's a non issue it's not insane at all.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS is gamebreaking......

    0.75 is also why so many weapons, balance wise are messed up or in alot of cases underpar because they were overbalanced around it.

    I'm not ignoring, I'm just not falling for how you guys are trying to do to the thread & the topic discussion.

    people should really pay attention to how the threads turned into and whos trying to stop people from discussing about 0.75 ADS causing problems or being problematic.
  19. CapEnTrade

    HA is not op... it's the HA class for a reason.
    Your problems is that you don't know how to fight them.
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    What weapons are underpar that have 0.75 ADS?

    Yes, like it's always the same people saying that 0.75 ADS is "problematic" and when asked for evidence always avoid providing any and instead just repeat their argument hoping eventually people will stop asking for proof.
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