Can we get an official Statement on why .75x LMG HA exist? SRSLY?We need a true answer after 2 years

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Shanther

    Your only argument against 0.75 is "it negates the HA shield movement penalty." This is some what true, however and people have provided arguments for it, it doesn't really matter. It is a non issue.

    *cough* Farmers League *cough*
  2. Scr1nRusher

    If its a non issue, then why do you VS guys overly defend it(and overly abuse it)?

    Also how is MITIGATING the balancing factor(downside) of the HA shield a "non issue"?

    Do you know what your saying?

    "Its gamebreaking, but its a non issue so shut up".
  3. Shanther

    The VS defend it because there is no reason to remove it. There is no "abuse" If you can track a 0.75 AR or Carbine you should EASILY be able to track a 0.75 HA. They move slower. People NEVER complain about 0.75 AR / Carbines though. Or even Cyclone HAs which move FASTER then Orion HAs.

    You are still moving slower then ARs and Carbines when you are shielded, if you can hit the former you can hit the latter. Anything else is a personal issue.

    Watch Farmers League if you think 0.75 ADS speed is broken, they proved that it is far from the case.

    It isn't gamebreaking, plain and simple. Not only is your argument poor at best, you ignore every counter argument people make.
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  4. Mxiter

    Counter argument:
    better DPS
    better recoil
    better mag
    better velocity.

    Better DPS
    better recoil (thanks to AFG)
    better mag
    worse hipfire COFs

    Both are beaten by NS15M by a large magrin?

    So i let you imagine CARV & ASM-R VS orion.

    No surprise.

    To your question why VS uses more NS15M than TR/NC? They're used to 0.75ADS move mult heavies because of Orion and SVA and feels them more natural than Ursa.
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  5. pnkdth

    You're so entrenched in forumside you're just making up stuff to argue against, as evident by deciding what the thread is, and then arguing against that.

    If your hypothesis is correct, PS2 players would flock to 652RPM weapons... We'd see threads about the Polaris/Bull/Rhino/SAW/etc, etc. So yeah, try again, with a less hollow argument.
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  6. FateJH

    To be fair, the only argument that has been presented whose very premise isn't contestable is "should the Heavy Assault class have easy access to a mechanic that partially mitigates the primary downside of one of its own utilities?" At the very least, that is a design consideration worth deliberating since it affects raw numbers.
    Would you fault TR players coming forth in defense of their 40 round magazine standard in a such a complaint thread?
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Corrected several things there... and the VS use the NS-15 more than any other faction mostly because our options to get the balancegoose after the Orion/SVA-88 are is the Polaris which is basically a T16/EM1, the Pulsar LSW which is horrible, the Flare which again has the worst recoil for any 167 LMG in the game, or the Ursa which has the second worst recoil for any 167 LMG along with the second worst DPS for any LMG.

    I've been saying this for a very long time but it warrants repeating. Once you get past the 1-2 good LMG/Carbine/AR the VS has everything else is worst in the game so it's no wonder why we defend the only 2 LMG's we have that actually makes us competitive since if they get nerfed into the ground (and removing the 0.75 ADS after they have been nerfed hard for having that stat in the first place would be nerfing it into the ground) would leave the VS with literally zero reasons to play HA.

    But hey maybe, and it's obvious that I'm blinded by my love of 0.75 ADS here so continue to totally ignore what I'm about to say since it disproves your entire argument... but maybe the Orion/MSR-W/Anchor are actually pretty well balanced right now against each other which means there's no reason to remove 0.75 ADS since it's not like stats don't prove this or anything or that there's a competitive league that anyone can watch to see that 0.75 ADS doesn't actually make the Orion/SVA-88/Balancegoose game breaking.
  8. 00000000000000000000

    This is true, if only by a small margin (same damage numbers, the T32 & T16 have 27 more RPM, which is pretty small)

    This is arguable at best. Both the T32 and T16 have side to side shaking which is generally considered a very bad thing. Sure they go straight up but that side to side shaking is much less predictable than the angle the NS15 goes at, even with the forward grip.

    By 5 bullets. And in response you get a short reload that is longer than the NS-15Ms long reload.

    This is true, and by a decent amount this time as well (45 bullets). However you again have a longer reload time, and this time the SHORT reload is over a second and a half longer than the NS-15Ms LONG reload.

    Only by 30m/s

    The NS-15M has more going for it than you give it credit for.

    I would argue it has better accuracy than the T32 or T16
    and it has a significantly better reload time than either gun.

    And the advantages the T32 & T16 have over it aren't as big as you make them out to be.

    You should have listed the numbers.

    T32 Bull
    +27 more RPM
    +30m/s more muzzle velocity
    +5 more magazine size
    +/- Different recoil pattern, can both be better or worse based on player
    -0.74 Seconds longer short reload, 0.78 longer long reload
    -0.5 ADS

    T16 Rhino (I personally use this)
    +27 more RPM
    +45 more magazine size
    +/- different recoil pattern
    -1.81 seconds longer short reload, 2.42 longer long reload
    -0.5 ADS

    +0.75 ADS
    +Faster Reload
    +/- different recoil pattern
    -Smaller Magazine size
    -Lower RPM

    Saying 0.75 ADS is not a benefit and/or not relevant is wrong.

    Saying 0.75 ADS is OP is also wrong, as most weapons with it on have lower stats across the board (the Orion is a worse CARV if you take away 0.75)

    Now for the argument of LMGs should not have 0.75 ADS. Maybe you are right, I don't know, is if you take it away you should replace it with something, same as if they took away the CARVs 100 bullet magazine it should be replaced by something.
  9. Gutseen

    All mighty Blizzard can do straight nerfs without compensation, and ppl agree with them, why there sould be 1n for the 750 RoF 0.75 ADS LMG with insane hipfire
    toll it down to 640 and call it a day

    VA have some of the best gunz, from the lasher (yeah, its a pure pain train if u know how to use it) to the 0.75 ads orion/ infinite ammo betelfag
  10. Mxiter

    All those difference are way higher than difference between CARV/MSW-R and Orion.

    So yeah, you admit that 0.75 ADS move mult makes weapons way better and that Orion is way better than Carv and MSW-R.

    Thaks for proving my point.

    Also, nice to see that you're one of those ignorants that think that recoil bias makes weapons easyer to control, while recoil bias is just added recoil to horizontal recoil and don't helps at all to control it.

    It's possible to control, like vertical recoil is, but adding a recoil bias to a weapon is a straight downgrade.

    Any people that used both weapons know that the T32 and T16 are both more accurate than NS15M.
    If a weapon have better accuracy and better DPS/TTK, what makes the other weapon better?
    1 solution left.

    Maybe Carv with 50 less bullet would start to be balanced with 2.7sec faster reloads and not by better accuracy/ADS move mult?

    Like telling than other 0.75ADS move mult arn't well perforimg. LeL
    Jaguar/Zenith are the most performing TR/VS carabines.
    BR carnage/Tar/HV-45 are among best performing ARs.
    Orion (as starter weapon)/SVA/Betlegeuse are best performing LMGS.

    And if 0.75ads move mult weapons arn't good even for confirmend players, why are those the most used weapon (when avalable for the faction) on SS/PSB/Competitive events?

    But ok, i'll be gentle, i'ld give Orion overwhelming best attachment: SPA or keep it it's 0.75 ADS.m.m and tone down it's ROF by 27rpm, add it 5bullet in mag and increase it's reload time?

    At the release it was OK for VS to get 0.75ads move mult on LMGs:

    TR had the monopoly of 0.75ads move mult Carabines. (jaguar+Lynx
    NC had 2 ARs + JH
    VS had monopoly of 0.75ads move mult LMG: Orion +SVA

    Now that everyone have 1 0.75ads move mult carbine and all have 0.75ads move mult ARs and VS directive LMG have 0.75 ADS move mult, the assymetrical balance is broken and needs to be fixed.
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  11. Rhumald

    I've been trying to ignore this thread, because people are just rambling senselessly here.

    the last thread on this, which Scr1nRusher opened, I posted some definitive information that shows the differences are negligible, and don't negate the full 25% movement speed nerf, and I feel it's high time it get re-posted here.


    (from here)

    Granted, I still think the Heavies shields in general are an issue, but the 0.75ADS weapon is most certainly not the root of, or even a part of, the problem. Every class deserves some diversity in their choice of weapons.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS an issue, when factored into the HA shields move speed penalty.

    Also your own data showed that 0.75 ADS makes the HA with shield on move faster then a normal HA with shield on.
  13. CapEnTrade

    This thread is stupid.
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  14. Shanther

    Let me just quote myself for you.

  15. CapEnTrade

  16. HydeAut

    Actually your numbers just prove that a VS-heavy has more ADS-speed with shield on than every other heavy with shield off - meaning Orion even overcompensates the slower movement with active shield. So you´re smart enough to get the numbers but fail with the clear conclusion to your own numbers? *facepalm*
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  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Lasher and Lancer are only amazing if they're used en mass. If you're the only person using it they suck but I did get a kick out of people like you saying "VS have great guns like the Orion/balancegoose" while totally not mentioning the crap I was talking a thread trying to nerf the Orion/balancegoose because people like you have no data proving they're OP outside of what you're misinformed opinion is.

    Again, link to the proof that show VS are OP because of 0.75 ADS.

    I'll accept stats, server smash, or farmers league results.
  18. CapEnTrade

    Dude, an official statement was already made on this...
    It's not changing.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    It has nothing to do with strictly VS.

    0.75 ADS is a broken mechanic, and it causes issues with the HA shield.

    people have been over this.
  20. Iridar51

    So I pointed out a numerical error in your post, and you reply by quoting an unrelated post of mine that wasn't even addressed to you, then edit it to an unrecognizable state, then said you disagree with it.

    I don't even know how to respond to this inadequacy.
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