C4 needs a 2-3 second arm time or it will destroy this game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. S0LAR15

    C4 is the LAs only real tangible utility.

    I say this as someone who nearly has more kills with C4 than you have with your most popular gun......you're a vehicle junkie and C4 takes them out...........like it's supposed to.

    Tbh though I do think that Mineguard ought to cover C4 as well, so you can spec to prevent sundies being taken down so easily this way, but you're squishier to HA rockets and rockpods etc.
  2. Cortosis

    lol deserved to die for daring to go near a building, do you even realize how full of yourself you are. Getting destroyed with out having the chance to react is unbalanced not having any counters to it is unbalanced. A small amount of resources a block does not balance it.
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  3. WycliffSlim

    Hehe, When they're backing up, if I'm up high enough and I do it quick enough I can look at the sky and still toss the C4 onto them. It's hilarious, obviously the counter to this is don't back up in a straight line but most people don't for some reason xD.
    No, my argument has been that with a bit of awareness you can make a LA's job VERY difficult. But you're supposed to be able to destroy a Sunderer. That's why you have backups, all I'm hearing from you is. "my sunderer got blown up, other people being able to kill me/destroy my stuff is OP, nerf it into oblivion".
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  4. Amouris

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  5. NoctD

    Nah - it just destroys bad players with 0 situational awareness. ;)

    Stop hiding in your Mag or find yourself a good gunner/spotter.
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  6. Stargazer86

    Blah blah blah I'm bad at playing this game so I'll spout all this drivel about tactical nonsense to make it seem more complicated than it really is.

    You park a Sunderer behind cover to hide from rockets. Fine. You now have no excuse not to keep your Sunderer at 100 percent health. You're not taking enemy fire since, by your own admission, you parked there to prevent exactly that.

    2 C4 do not kill a full health Sunderer. Stay by the Sunderer and repair it. You've just prevented it from dying. Voila.

    If you die to C4 while in a tank, you were sitting too close to where the enemy infantry are. Find some cover farther away or have friendly infantry support you. Like how combined arms tactics are supposed to work.
  7. Flying Mug

    C4 is already awkward to deploy.

    My opinion is that the Kobalt and possibly the ES anti-infantry weapons need to be able to aim up more. Then your secondary guns can shoot down LAs if they're:
    a) Actually manned.
    b) The gunners are aware.
  8. Herby20

    It's called shooting him. Try it sometime.
  9. IamSalvation

    C4ing Tanks takes lots of Skill and Luck... if the Tankdriver has half a brain and does not park afk right next to a building/rock.

    Guys.. its very realistic that Tanks SUCK HARD in urban enviroment! Thats a FACT.

    Tanks LOVE open fields, rolling hills and stuff. I don´t get that why many ppl seem to think a Tank should take cover at rocks or houses like infantry does... that is what kills tanks! the more open the field the better for your tank...

    You can avoid lockons by moving behind a small hill in hull down position, dumbfire rockets are no problem at all if you keep moving and the distance right.

    The only thing that really ruins this is the Rocket Pods... they can sweep in and kill you in one pass... do it myselfe when i am flying... and this is what ruins my fun in Tanks 90% i pull one... not that C4 Guy that worked his *** off to sneak near me, predict my movement, fly off at the right time.. etc...
  10. Being@RT

    I can't be the only one who saw the 'nerf C4' threads coming when AV mine nerf was announced, right?

    If I didn't mention this before, I sure as hell thought it. "C-4 will generate even more whine than AV mines because every class (except infiltrator) has access to them".

    Why didn't people use C-4 to begin with? It's a larger cert investment, and the game was younger.
  11. WycliffSlim

    Yes, it's true that good against rockets/planes/armor makes you vulnerable to C4 but... that's kinda the point. If you could just hide behind a rock there's no way to stop an assualt which means the attacker would always have an even bigger advantage beyond the fact that they can spawn faster.

    HAHAHA, the fact that HS/NV could detect cloaked enemies was complete **** and horrible mechanic. It made infiltrators halfway useless since so many people use NV. I used to go infiltrator hunting with my HA. Literally, just hunting them because they'd cloak and I'd just ADS and gun them down as easily as any other class.

    You can't really suicide bomb as a LA anymore since if you get killed you C4 despawns. It actually makes complete sense since you never actually DIE. That means that people would be perfectly willing to "die" repeatedly in order to achieve the end goal. Suicide bombing in the context of PS2 actually makes 100% perfect sense. Besides, if your entire assault is relying on one Sunderer and no spawn beacons and that sunderer gets destroyed then you assault deserves to fail due to horrible planning. :p
  12. Neopopulas

    Whoa whoa.. hold on there partner.

    Light assault running up to you or jumping from the roof onto your - possibly moving - massive vehicle and throwing explosives all over then jetpacking away before they die, and blowing you up is unbalanced. Because there is no counter to it (besides blockade armour, moving away, shooting the guy before he does all this, etc).

    But shooting a guy from 300 meters away, through a doorway, or around a corner, or just straight up in the face, while he has ZERO ability to defend himself (flak armour might help a little) but no amount of C4 can't fight back at that range (or ANY range), ONLY a heavy could shoot at you and do ANY damage and can't even kill you without SEVERAL shots, where ONE of yours can kill him. and this IS balanced?

  13. LT_Latency

    c4 is fine.

    All vehicles can just drive away if they see the infantry until coming as they are faster.

    Sundies are stationary but they should have people pooring out of them, If the mob of people spawning there can't keep them safe from a LA. Oh well
  14. Stargazer86

    Uh. Yes. Tanks should die if they park next to a building that has enemy infantry in it.

    I don't like to give real life examples, since this is a game after all, but tanks have never done well in urban environments. Especially tanks without friendly infantry support. Why? Because enemy infantry can easily kill them in the exact same manner as infantry in PS2.

    And we've given you plenty of counters. You just conveniently continue to ignore them.
  15. Phyr

    C4 already has a 2 second arm timer. You'd know that if you ever used it.
  16. McChimperson

    OP is a total scrub. Hit reverse. If you drive up to a building full of infantry, expect them to toss C4 all over you. Just because you suck in tanks and are too dumb to guard your sundy doesn't mean C4 needs a nerf.

    Oh and you do have 360 3rd person view in any vehicle. You really have no excuses.
  17. BalogDerStout

    This thread is just another XYZ killed me so it needs to be nerfed thread. Some of them are justified or worth debating.

    This is not one of them.
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  18. Eckstacee

    wow. VS likes to whine. Want some crackers and cheese with that?
  19. Cortosis

    Side note if i have learned anything about PS2 its just complain enough and people get what they want,

    Still cant see how anyone thinks in a mmofps team based game that one guy pressing spacebar and spamming a few blocks of c4 to effective remove a spawn of tank by himself is balanced
  20. McChimperson

    Still can't see how anyone thinks in a mmofps team based game that one guy pressing LMB and spamming a few tank rounds of HE to effective remove a spawn of an infantry by himself is balanced.