[Suggestion] A comprehensive argument for Dual-Weilding

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by SadeSkirata, May 28, 2014.

  1. Demigan

    I got a question, why the reduction in fire rate combined with a higher accuracy?

    Wouldn't it be easier to explain to allow them to fire at normal rates, but add a higher COF increase per shot? Then you can have the levels decrease the higher COF increase per shot until it is equal to normal, with the exception that you will be firing two guns at the same time, meaning you increase your COF twice as fast. With proper trigger control you can hose down entire hallways still and you'll have unequaled DPS at short range.
  2. SadeSkirata

    As I said in my initial post, it was simply speculation for an idea. I built mine the way it did because most people seem to view the halved TTK by keeping ROF normal as far too broken, so I tried to alter it around that. That idea could works well. I just didn't want to see DW thrown aside without even seeing how SOE would do it.
  3. Demigan

    I find people who would object to it narrow minded. There are far too many downsides to Akimbo to make it OP. Having double the COF and reaching your maximum COF (which can also be increased when dual wielding) much faster in effect DECREASES your TTK. Sure, in pure bullets you win, but that would be like saying the Prowler hits 100% body-shots. In that sense the Prowler is one of the best units in the game to attack infantry with. But that's not the truth, people do not hit 100% of their shots. Doubling the COF along with the ROF gives skilled players an advantage, but at range (without optics!) you will end up being a chew toy for your enemies.

    2 weapons is better CQC combat, but we are talking almost melee range here. Without trigger discipline when wielding 2 SMG's your COF will increase to hit things OUTSIDE of your view range, and that might not even be an understatement. Include long reloads and still small ammo capacities and you lose one of the best parts of current LA's: Get in, hit one or even two people, get out and reload while you wait for retaliation. You now lose your JJ to get away as well as your reload. It will be kill or be killed.

    Aside from that, I especially like the idea to have different weapon types and the ability to fire them seperately. Pistol weapons could stay the same in terms of COF increase during fire, carbines and SMG's benefit from being wielded by two hands, so they get a penalty in that every bullet increases COF faster. You can set up multiple ways to engage people. You can use one gun for long-range shots and have a CQC weapon in the other should someone get the drop on you, although if someone has the drop on you, you might as well blow them apart with the dual fire...

    Could your idea perhaps incorporate a reload deficiency? The weapons are held in the Light Max Suit but the person handling them pulls the trigger and reloads them. So you need both hands for reloading (since they are held by the suit there might be no need for increased COF for SMG's and carbines). So once you start reloading both your weapons will be disabled even if one still holds bullets. Similar to a Pump Action you can press fire again, this will cancel the reload and allow you to fire the remaining bullets in the second guns.

    Yours sincerely,
  4. Shadoiex

    Better idea. Bring back Icarus.
  5. DatVanuMan

    It seems that you have a problem with words in which "i" should be typed before "e". Also, dual-wielding should apply to very certain weapons, like the Repeater, the Manticore, the Rebel, etc.
  6. Oktavian1207

    I think there are other, better ways to improve the light assault than giving him two smg´s like increase his speed
    it also would be very nice if he could hold on on flying vehicles and can shoot with his pistol or take the enemy pilot out
    like in the planetside trailer: Death is no excuse
    or this pic:[IMG]
  7. minhalexus

    Dual wielding Magscatters?

  8. Leivve

    Better solution, go MAX style and let you just put certain secondaries in your primary slot, thus letting you dual wield without giving up your other stuff. Boom done, gg wp no re.

    Give me 2 TX1 repeaters, so i can have the power of a shotgun and the range of a pistol in one, double reload time for balance if you must.
  9. reydelchicken

    This could possibly work with secondaries only, but still doesn't seem like a good idea.

    Dual SMGs is just crazy, 0.2s ttk with cyclones lol. And dual revolvers would also be stronger than most primary weapons in the game.
  10. Bankrotas

    Last I heard, they might not do it. Also, they might not do LA revamp either... Well there goes my 5k certs saved up for dual wielding.
  11. Raven-1

    Giving LA 2 weapons in an akimbo style will ruin the best part of the Light assault class. We have the ability to master any terrain and use it dismantle enemy planes. We are literal gods of the battlefield swooping down and ending life with precise aimed fire. If the light assault has to lose its jump pack for any upgrade then that upgrade basically splits and makes a brand new class. then we will have light assault and baby MAXs. The only true addition to the light assault class needs to come in the form of a tool. If SOE wants baby MAXs they can make a whole new class.
  12. Radh

    Tool, Tool, TOOL! <--- that what LA needs in my opinion. I want something like motion spotter, hack ability or ammo pack, something like that.
  13. Redwave

    Motion spotter is taken, ammo pack is taken and hack ability is taken. We need something that is only useful to us and not the team because LA's are lone wolfs. I just can't think of it right now, but it will maybe come to me.
  14. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Each to his own, but I like the Idea of increasing ground speed in trade for a jetpack.
    They gonna be so mad. :D

    I think a pocket Mirror fits the bill. ;)
  15. Rovertoo

    I like the idea of Dual Wielding pistols, I think it would be sweet. As for tools, I think that binoculars and laser pointers are great ideas. However, I would also like to point out that the Light Assault is not a support class, and just like the Heavy Assault, it's tool should be able to kill things. Perhaps in addition to a Laser Pointer tool, there should be a selection of light grenade launchers, or if the LA is more anti-infantry based, a flamethrower or something.

    Shoot. A wrist mounted flame thrower like Boba Fett (or was it Jango?) as a tool would be so freakin cool.

    Another possibility is to make the tool slot for traps. Similar to landmines, (AV and AI), they could be like the flash, concussion, and smoke variants. Maybe a mine that when deployed, sets up a pain field like around enemy spawns for a longish duration? Or a mine that locks a vehicle in place? Honestly I feel like this idea is cool, but not necessarily for the LA.
  16. Radh

    I think about flashlight that shows fresh traces of the enemies to follow them, to hunt them.
    I will think more, maybe someday something good will come to my mind.
  17. SeanFree

    Oh my, the tears would be delicious with this. Specializing the LA as a cold blooded hunter would be quite interesting...until they give it to infiltrators as well because they'd whine :)
  18. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Nah, they'll just update decoy grenades to generate false footsteps. ;)