C4 needs a 2-3 second arm time or it will destroy this game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. WycliffSlim

    Here's the thing... do you want Sunderers to just be indestructible? If you get it in a good spot and keep it defended it's very difficult to destroy. Parking it behind a rock 50m from the base you're assaulting means the literally the only way for the defending force to destroy your Sunderer is with C4 and a LA unless they just have a huge strength advantage in which case it doesn't matter.
    Everything in the game has a counter, LA's with C4 are a counter to deployed/unaware vehicles. What it feels like you're doing is just asking for you Sunderer to never get blown up.

    I'll make you a deal. Allow C4 to not arbitrarily despawn on death any more, and make it so that when some ******* HA shoots the Sundy I'm getting C4 on and blows up my 2 C4 and me(and gets the kill) that I get the kill credit, and you can have a 10 second arming time for all I care. C4 is the only explosive the despawns on death which means you can't suicide charge with it anymore. Engineers can charge in, throw down 3 mines in about .5 seconds then throw a sticky grenade and you're dead in about 1/4 the time it would take for a LA to do the same thing and even if you kill the Engineer before the mines go off he still gets you.

    I've died 10+ times to get 1 Sunderer destroyed as a LA and who knows how many other people died for that same one too. If the defenders are throwing that kind of resources at you you're going to die. C4 is already incredibly annoying/difficult to use due to the low blast radius and all of its other mechanics.
  2. Neopopulas

    They can? Maybe i always run into things with speed chassis on them but i've chased a BUNCH of Vanguards and prowlers and then reverse faster than i can catch them WITH my adrenaline pump. Then they usually shoot me in the face a few seconds later. I think the key is seeing the LA first and backing up early, this is why you should always have someone around to look up...
  3. Liquid23

    it's reasons like this tankers are known as DATs to the rest of the military...
  4. Stargazer86

    And then you repair it, completely foiling the LA's dastardly plot and wasting 200 of his resources.

    Oh, wait, no. You're nowhere near that Sunderer, are you? A shame. Could've easily prevented it dying had you actually been by it.
  5. WycliffSlim

    ANY CLASS CAN SOLO ANY VEHICLE!! Well... other than an Infiltrator. Every single class can carry 2C4. A HA could theoretically take out 3 or 4 MBT's without every resupplying by putting one C4 then detonating it with a dumbfire to the rear. That's 2... then you can take out at least one more MBT with rear shots from the Decimator.

    A solo Liberator can destroy any tank in the game in about 1 second and can take out a sundy in 2 passes. A solo tank with AP rounds can decimate any vehicle in the game. One engineer with an AV turret can take out your Sundy in 4 shots. That's about 15 seconds from the time the first round hits till when you're dead. 2 engineer turrets working at the same time? 5 seconds from the first impact till when your sundy blows up.
  6. ThundaHawkPS

    the price for low awareness is death

  7. Jac70

    That's kind of the point of C4 - it's supposed to be an offensive weapon, otherwise it would be useless in this game.
  8. TintaBux

    C4 actually needs less time you can trigger it, need to be able to trigger it faster.
  9. Cortosis

    So far only arguments i have seen from you LA fan boys has been.

    Dont go anywhere near bases\buildings unless you have omnipresent 360 vision or 100 guys backing you up to watch from every angel
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  10. DuckSauce

    (that's the joke)

    (OP is mad 'cuz he's bad)
  11. Stargazer86


    Or just stick by your Sunderer as an Engineer. But, you know, if you want to get 100 guys to specifically guard your vehicle, that'd work too.

    Still doesn't stop you from being bad and melodramatic, but it'd help.
  12. Cortosis

    O so you trying to tell me vehicles take no damage at all while we wait for you to do only 99% damage to a sundie or 100% to a tank because i mean in a heated battle that never happens
  13. Craig1287

    I actually think the C4 system needs a buff. Make C4 able to be tossed a slight amount further and let us throw the 2nd one faster.

    I would like it if C4 took more shots to blow up. Too often to I go to C4 something and by the time I toss the 2nd one, the first one gets blown up by a teammate, killing me and giving them all the credit.
  14. Neopopulas

    True that... Also that .. don't go near a base without 360 vision thing man.. whats up with that? if you drive a tank without some backup or guys to watch your back, right into a base.. you deserve to get C4'd, or hit with rockets from all directions, thats why tanks don't roll into bases

    Also , why are we whispering?
  15. Stargazer86

    They do. You're supposed to be an Engineer repairing that damage. But you're not. Because you're bad.

    As for tanks, they don't have to sit still like Sunderers do. You're perfectly capable of backing up from an LA. If you didn't spot the LA, you were obliviously parked somewhere near enemy infantry with no support and deserved to die.
  16. Cortosis

    I know right my op weapon is totally fine as long as they have a small chance of surviving it.
  17. Jalek

    I have to admit, it's quite satisfying to see a LA toss C4 onto a sunderer, then shoot him before he can set it off.
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  18. LahLahSr

    All that is needed for a single attacker to make it close enough to a parked Sunderer is a terrain where you can't see small, fast landbased threats at 360 degrees. All you self-imagined "tacticians" completely fail to recognize that there is a complete opposite relation between what constitutes a good position against rockets, tanks and airplanes versus what constitutes a a good defense against suicide-bombers with C4.

    Sitting on a flat, clear stretch of terrain where you can see all around you and have 2 AI guns is great against incoming ATVs or runners. Doing the same against tanks, rocketeers and planes is terrible.

    And now that we have cloaked ATVs and now that the HS/NV scopes (stupidly!) no longer detects cloaked enemies.....

    Hip-shooting platitudes as if they are "tactical solutions" in defense of the suicide-bombing technique merely reveals your bias in favor of the technique and your ignorance about tactical realities.

    A game the actively and specifically rewards suicide-bombing as a viable tactic in a military setting like this AND where the potential reward is the complete stifling of an assault, is a sign of poor design. Perhaps not in and of itself, but when held up against how most other mechanics are designed, it just doesn't "fit". It is the tactical equivalent to letting engineers dig a hole in a mountain to find a BFG9000 that will fire explosive grenades with a blast-radius of 50m insta-killing all infantry and vehicles in it's blast zone.
  19. Seasickness

    Suck it up, cupcake.
  20. DuckSauce

    I don't know. I hear the 'T' key is pretty good for situational awareness though, and the 'S' key is a pretty good counter to LA's.

    Shhh. It's a MLG pro secret.
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