Skyguard Worst Cert In Game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainQQ, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Epoch/Eep

    The majority who mentiond the walker were in december or earlier Ogre. This is a necro thread :)
    Its been buffed since then. if you still cant use it then i guess i can appreciate that. I find it one of the better AA guns now though.
  2. Talc

    Skyguard is a waste of time! It should obviously be able to inflict more damage to esf than a max (it's a vehicle, not infantry). Several of them should be able to protect a tank column, which they cannot. It should be a real and viable threat to libs (bombers) which it is not! SKYGUARDS are rubbish... Troops wouldn't need all this rocket spam if a real multi armed force rolled out...
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  3. teks

    I just bought a skyguard. Took it into a tech plant under heavy air attack. I was able to quickly put it in an obscure place outside the tech plant and took out three fighters right out. It's very effective.

    My first day, I'm still getting the time to target right. A fellow outift member told me I had to lead the target very far so I did, and it tears them apart. It tears apart liberators just fine but you'll need to reload to kill it. I even got a galaxy kill.

    Consider this, Unlike the max I can quickly move from point to point so the air can't just avoid me. I can follow other vehicles and quickly respond to air while a max is limited to riding in the sundy and has to jump out before hes ready to fire, then the sundy will have to wait for him. Thats no fun. With racer I can shoot air, and still keep up with a moving column.

    I bought the weapon thinking it would fend off air and I was surprised just how quickly it takes enemy air down. I get kills.

    You guys need to improve your time to target. this gun is far from rubbish

    edit: One trick I heard of which I used. I wait until the air is right upon me before I fire. They don't know I'm a skyguard until its too late.
  4. Tasogie

    unless he comes at you from behind, which many can do, an youll be dead before you get him.
  5. Zaik

    The MAX can also simply retreat indoors, and doesn't take more damage when shot from behind.

    Deploy -> three passengers pull 2xbursters. Mobile AA!

    On topic: Skyguard damage is probably fine. It should do more than the MAX in exchange for being a big fat target that can't enter most buildings. It shouldn't be so easy to kill with spammy air explosives though. The AA Phalanx turrets were recently(ish) buffed to take a lot less damage from aircraft explosion weapons, and they needed it since a rocket pod spammer could hover and kill the AA turret faster than it could kill the ESF, even if it had fired first.

    Same thing here. Just give the skyguard a good amount of resistance to aircraft explosion weapons, same as the AA turret. Consider raising the rear armor to side armor while using skyguard, since there is no way to prevent air from coming up behind you.
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  6. Tasogie

    Sigh, wish you lot would actually try things occasionally, rockets have FA splash damage, a single inf can stand on top of a mountain full view of a ESF an as long as rockets dont hit him, he wont take a scratch.You haven't actually said anything correct about the issue. Turrets WILL kill an ESF, easily.
  7. CrashB111

    The recoil is just ********, the Skyguard which is mounted on a tank chassis kicks like a mule while the dual-burster MAX which is just a man inside a suit has no kick at all?
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  8. Zaik

    Did you just skim it or are you not able to properly read english?
  9. {joer

    The day my skyguard gets taken out by a single, or double ESF attack is the day I start asking my wife if I can play words with friends with her and her friends, instead of planetside 2.
  10. Arkha3

    Skyguard is pretty annoying to use, but it's alright. What I think it does need, is much better accuracy. (or cone of fire or whatever)

    (Then infantry wont laugh at me for having my shots go but them . _. )
  11. wowie

    So I decided to try the jokeguard again today, just for the fun of it. Here's a funny story...o_O

    I got 1 lightning assist, and 1 heavy assault kill, and then got killed by a non-flak armored liberator facetanking all of my damage at point blank while he calmly emptied two mags of tankbuster ammo into me. Ridiculous. Deterrent that can't deter. He still had 1/2 of his HP after flying off. And don't give me the "liberator is 3 man A2G durrr" rant either. He was one-manning the lib. And literally flying ten yards in front of my face. Had I been using AP rounds instead, he would have died, or at least been "deterred" by it.
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  12. Arclyte

    Skyguard is awful. Don't waste your money until it gets fixed.

    It has ONE role and the best it can do is scare off ESFs for a few moments.
  13. X3Killjaeden

    No AA can face tank 2 clips of a liberator tankbuster. No max and no turret. Max and Turret are alright. Why do you think the skyguard should be able to facetank two tankbuster clips and kill a lib in a single pass? Not even a Vanguard face tank that properly.

    Shot speed should be increased however, it's alot more difficult to hit with then the burster.
  14. wowie

    The point is that the failguard should at least be able to "deter" the liberator before it can even get into that range... BTW, don't just pick out bits and pieces of my post. Quote the whole thing if you want to quote it properly. The piece you pulled looks out of context when it's by itself. I never asked for it to one hit kill anything. I just want it to AT LEAST act as a deterrent. But it can't even do that. And before you ask me why I didn't just back away from it, I was trying to protect a parked sunderer.
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  15. X3Killjaeden

    how do you deter a kamikazee pilot? Only by destroying him. If you want to deter something it has to care about it's life. You should have started shooting earlier. If you start shooting as you see him already lining up, well... it's too late. It would need insane damage if you would want to deter a lib in 5-7 seconds.
  16. Kwanza

    lulz people still use the sky tickler? It's unfortunately given the cost (SC/Certs/Resource) been grossly overshadowed by virtually all other forms of AA. Don't waste your time. Get a HEAT or HE lightning, all others are useless trash atm - post patch MBT's chew lightnings up and spit them out.
  17. TeknoBug

    I still hardly hardly hardly ever use the Skyguard, saw a Reaver the other night and started to shoot at it and he realized where I was and rained pods down on me and I blew up, his aircraft only had half health and I would've finished him off with bursters (and flak armor). I stick to HEAT and HE, I have all cannons and AP isn't even worth it either.
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  18. OgreMarkX

    I am referring the newest tank secondary aa gun , which is perhaps the Ranger (I said Walker earlier and was mistaken). I dunno--it came out about 3 weeks ago and is supposed to be an HE shell that bursts near aircraft. It sucks. I want mah money back, cause it really is bad.
  19. Kwanza

    I find it's not so terrible at medium range (even though its supposed to be long lulz) and short range - that thing tears up ESF's and libbys. I have dual rangers and dual walkers on my sundy and lately I've rolling with dual rangers bc they do alot more dmg esp to libbys. You CAN hit things far away with it but you need to lead alot and the hit ratio is poor bc of a wide spread.
  20. Tasogie

    I think your imagining things to be honest. I just got crucified by a sky-guard in my Scythe, I was dead in under 5 seconds flat. from at least 100m out.