what are the plans for the enchanter classes?

Discussion in 'General Mage Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-dlove183, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Aanadorn68 Guest

    Reko@Najena wrote:
    Sad, but kind of gives you a perspective on the importance of this issue to the devs.
  2. ARCHIVED-Eugam Guest

    Carthrax wrote:
    You have no idea about an enchanter. Not the least.
    You cant reduce a class to its buffs. Its boring like hell to be a buff bot. Why do you think people always LFM for bards and chanters ???
    I can only talk about the Illu. There are three spells for the so called powermanagement. 3 out of maybe 25. There REAL powermanagement was taken away back when DoF was released. Before that an chanter was able to make a named go oom.
    There is more like dps reduction, stuns and stifles. We have been 0.5 healer before they made any mob immune. More boredom.
    There is active dps enchanting of a group member that has to be recast.
    There is mental debuff to increase the own and the enchanted group members dps
    And sometimes there is real cc.
    Inbetween all of this we have to care for cast speed and press in any little dps spell. This is one of the most button mash stressing classes and nobody recognizes. Not on parse and nowhere. Just good power regen to run a zone faster.. holy crap can you spell boredom ?

    Perosnally i agree that an enchanter should be between T3 and T2 dps. not more. We lost some DPS since those curusades tank :p Guardians hit more with their weapon and did thereby enchanted damage. But i dont like the trend to be a wizard with some sort of cc and power regen. Most probably my chanter will remain at 80 and turn into a pure provisioner :p
  3. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    I think you all need to stop your belly aching.
    OK, so crowd control is out. As an AE DPS class, or even on my AE Tank, I don't like crowd control (in the form of mez) except in dire emergencies. It severely limits the tools that my classes have. Stuns, Dazes, Stifles are OK, and extremely useful. Mezzes? No thanks.
    I've done EQ1 raids where mobs had to be locked downwith mezzes for an extended period of time: Emperor Ssraeshza, The Rathe Council, Rallos Zek, Xegony, Quarm, and many, many encounters in Plane of Time. Guess what? They weren't as fun as you'd be led to believe. Get a resist on your mez or stun, you draw aggro, *splat* dead enchanter, *splat* raid wipes. And keep in mind it took 9 healers to keep the main tank up alone, keeping an offtank up was an impossible task except for the very best raid guilds.
  4. ARCHIVED-Anduri Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    I cannot believe you actually wrote this. We have collectively read and understood the plight of Summoners for the past 18 months. I have even posted championing your cause. You yourself have set out the whine stall on a fairly regular basis.
    Only a few weeks into an expansion where Conjurors have been buffed finally and now you trot this out. I'd have expected you to have a little empathy.
    Oh well, you get to read all this stuff now instead of write it.
  5. ARCHIVED-Carthrax Guest

    I suppose Troub's are CC also, since they have a mezz?
  6. ARCHIVED-wickermanuk Guest

    I quit my raiding with my illy about a month before the release of SF, after seeing in beta exactly what was happening. The ONLY way I would ever play my illy again is if the following happened:
    1. Buffs (Single target) - Something would have to be done about this, its beyond belief how tedious it is to buff people if you die or if they die. I can't think of one class that has anywhere near the number of single target buffs that a illy has. Group buffs are fine, but damm when your talking 7 or 8 individual buffs you have to put on people it gets silly.
    2. Button Mashing - Healers have it with cures but I think the illys have it worst. Over the last few years there have been those illys who could button mash and work their cast order and do dps and those who just couldn't or wouldn't. I never did do what I wanted to and work out on something like POA exactly how many buttons I pressed and compared it to everyone else on a raid. Damm I wish I had done that.
    As for SF even button mashing isnt going to matter, i'm of the opinion that its best to save myself the carpal tunnel and put the illy to rest. I think i'm just getting lazy or its just dawned on me that i'm not having any fun.
  7. ARCHIVED-Spryt Guest

    Carthrax wrote:
    Going by that logic I guess all classes are CC as they all have some kind of stun/root/stifle/daze/mezz?
    Yes a Troub has 1 mezz and can CC. But having one spell does not mean it's the primary function. Illu has 3 mezz (they can cast while running), 2 stuns, 2 stifle, 1 daze and a very strong root that can affect epics for CC. This makes them better suited to be main CC class, do you not agree?
    Lots of classes have similar spells and abilities but usually a few classes are better suited for the job then others. That is one of the great things about EQ2, class diversity. SoE picked chanters to be the masters of CC. That is a fact and they make this very clear when you read the class descriptions during char creation.
    If you want to pick a troub as your main CC then sure that's your choice as the option to do so is there. I am sure that troub will do it to the best of his ability.
    If I wanted something locked down I would have picked a chanter instead.
  8. ARCHIVED-Spryt Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    So you prefer zones where you can just run in a room pull everything with a duel wielding zerker and aoe it down in 10 seconds, then move on the next room and so on until the zone is clear?
    I would prefer a bit more complex encounters where you have to think what you pull and how you pull it, where you tank it and what mobs need to die first, etc. Where you need to have control over the encounter and think ahead instead of just running in blind and hitting gibe.
    I have a zerker too and yes room pulling is great fun. But is it challenging? not really. It gets boring very fast.
    Yes a lot of EQ1 raids were a pain like you described. But isn't it exactly the same in EQ2? Instead of having someone control the mobs to stop the raid going *splat* they added scripted mobs with a fail condition so anyone can make the raid go *splat*. To me that just sounds like they moved the *splat* from uncontrolled mobs to "a red text message".
  9. ARCHIVED-Aanadorn68 Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    This whole "just AOE the entire zone" dps thing is just really boring as hell. Different strokes for different folks and all, but for me it's just so shallow and superficial. At this point we are really going towards just having a tank/healer and 4 pure T1 dps as the most viable group.
    I don't think enchanters should stop asking for crowd control gameplay at all.
  10. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Anduri wrote:
    Forgive me, but I am unsympathetic. The simple fact is, bards and enchanters will get group and raid spots for simply being bards and enchanters, and occupy 1/3 of the raid in the process.
    Summoners have to compete for DPS spots, which are limited. And we have to work our keysters off to justify our raid spot, lest we be replaced by Sorcerers, Predators, or Rogues who can (and often do) outparse us.

    And to anyone that thinks they can switch from an enchanter to a sorcerer and get in a new raid guild easily, good luck with that. Sorcerer spots in raid guilds rarely open up.
  11. ARCHIVED-Shyftyshadow Guest

    Just because enchanters are in demand does not mean they are balanced, or working correctly. There are a lot of things enchanters have that next to useless and it needs to change.
    And no, they shouldn't stop the "belly aching", squeeky wheel gets the grease after all.
    It is not very fun to sit there and only provide power to the group, it's more fun to use your abilities in a strategic way to change the outcome of a situation or actually see your efforts make a difference.
    Currently its like a hamster running on a wheel, run run run but not get anywhere.
    There are changes that could be made that would ultimately help the classes, the groups they are in, and the raids they are in.
    Just because they have raid slots does not make them overpowered.
  12. ARCHIVED-Spryt Guest

    For some people playing a fun class is more important then getting a raid spot.
  13. ARCHIVED-Shyftyshadow Guest

    This is part of the reason why I have been reluctant to level my coercer to 90. For a while my coercer was fun but lately it hasn't been. I rolled one because my guild needed one and there weren't any to be found...hmmm maybe cause no one wants to play one cause they aren't as much fun. Go figure.
  14. ARCHIVED-007djdeadly Guest

    Anduri wrote:
    You should probably stop posting in this thread, lest we remind you of your bias when OP Conjies are nerfed in T10.
  15. ARCHIVED-Aanadorn68 Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    Stop bellyaching.
  16. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    007djdeadly wrote:
    They need to be nerfed NOW .. so do Wizzy ... and Lock ... and Assassin ... and SK .... and Rangers ..

    Monks are good .. they can stay where they are ...
  17. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    They should just remove IA, TC and power flowing abilities from chanters and then replace them with dps skills to make the class fun again.
    Its beyond stupid having a class that is so needed and wanted yet is not fun to play.

    Im fully aware that eq2 has many, MANY mediocre players who are willing to play whatever it takes to get into a raid guild, but eventually you will fight something that requires moving or clicking something and you will be unable to pass this content.
  18. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    No one wants your sympathy, they want an equal opertunity to earn their raid slot.
    Player ability has become void with the recent chanter changes and the chanters who remained will also quit or reroll once they realize that their class has effectively become wizard light.

    Seriously though grats on being able to compete, chanters dont have that option.
  19. ARCHIVED-dlove183 Guest

    I just closed my account. they have until the 21st to at least acknowledge a problem or I'll be gone. I can go play in RL where they don't have the power to screw it up. that means an illy raid spot will be opening up for some of you guys that just wanna spot.

    we raided tonight and one of the inq was above me on the parse on a few fights. that's just stupid.
  20. ARCHIVED-Exordus Guest

    Jesdyr@Unrest wrote:
    Ouch...that hurts.
