Screwed Up Mage Gear Still Need Attention

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Vicah, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Chronus Active Member

    It's probably to future proof the system as they add more and more skills on gear.
  2. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Here is the thing. Two charms after completing solo quest line in scars can be used by both priests and mages. And again mage charm is inferior to priest's. Sure. Vishra's ribbon of prowess has +22 to magic skills and focus. But there is no even spell reuse speed. No multiattack, no damage increase, nothing except for ability casting speed. Really?

    As a chanter I rather have multiattack with spell weapon ma to reforge for something useful and with 7.8% of ability reuse speed over 22 magic skills that i can get up by applying adornments if I need.

    Mermut likes this.
  3. Lordtomcat Member

    Actually all the mage gear is the same or equal to the Sky shrine raid gear as it has an increase in int sta stat but lacks the blue stats and procs yes u can get a proc from the new adornments in CoE but then u are giving up once again something else i have struggled with each piece to keep my stats capped and although i can do this ( usually by taking the priest gear over the mage gear to reforge for it) i am finding that i have to give up ability mod in place of increased Int. and the dps has not changed on my mage what so ever. This game is not kind to mage types at all. nor the tanks mind as well all roll monks (which is stupid idea for tank IMO) and beastlords raid with them and w/e healers wont really matter and u should kill everything with your eyes closed. forget the mage type just delete them.....sad