Greetings From Your New Community Manager

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Ulrichvon Lichtenstien New Member

    Thread locking may be a good thing really many of these threads go way past their prime.

    Over moderation, while nothing new here, really only further lowers player opinion of SoE, but they have a right to put things in their best light being their forum, credibility with crusty old players may not be valuable to them.
  2. Rijacki Member

    Grats on the new gig!
  3. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    read the guide lines, stay within them and the thread most probably will not be locked, same in real life, stay within the posted speed limit, don't run red lights and you don't get a ticket.
  4. Ulrichvon Lichtenstien New Member

    Just never give your honest opinion on anything they do, cause that's when they over moderate.
  5. Avianna Well-Known Member

    Actually from what I have seen He has been very involved and active in the forums and even when I was rather disgruntled about a topic he took the time to answer it in a professional manner and he looked past my disgruntled demeanor and saw my concerns and addressed them. I was able to reply and correspond in a way that resulted in positive feedback going back to the team. Dex would have just removed my post for being disgruntled.

    So thanks radarX for doing a great job.

    P.S. Have you reached your 6% goal yet?
    Wingrider01 likes this.
  6. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    Have not actually seen them "moderate" a post that was honest and stayed within the guide lines, have given my honest opinion and see other give theirs and it was not moderated, in fact they have stepped in and asked to tone it down so the thread would not be locked. Again follow the rules, be polite
    Alenna likes this.
  7. RadarX Community Manager

    We really don't allow discussion of moderation but here is my philosophy on it. The forum guidelines are not a suggestion and in order to have an effective community in my mind it boils down to 3 things:

    1. Respect your fellow poster. It's fine to disagree but name calling and poking do nothing but create a hostile environment.
    2. Respect SOE employees. Don't like a change the team made? Feel free to let us know. Don't single out team members, call them stupid, etc... It doesn't improve your situation and honestly makes your feedback less likely to be seen.
    3. Keep your comments as constructive and specific as possible. I can't tell a level designer that X zone is dumb. What I can tell them is someone doesn't like how the bosses are laid out or the amount of trash mobs in it.
    As I said I can't really discuss that further but if you have a comment about moderation, please feel free to drop me a PM. Those of you who have can attest to the fact I not only read but respond (even if I can't solve your concern).
    Airos, Wingrider01 and Calthine like this.
  8. Astealoth Member

    Oh great now I have to deal with ya on PS2 and EQ2 forums :p

  9. Sucha Active Member

    Grats Radarx
  10. JesDyr Well-Known Member

    Lets find out how many is too many PMs ....
  11. Vegentius New Member

    Congratulations, RadarX. May the sun always shine upon your back.