France Will Never Be the Same!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Moorgard, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mithrilendil Guest

    thanks for coming with the team Moorguard.
    You'll see, France and the "Côte d'azur" are really beautiful this time of year

    and we'll welcome you as French know how to do it ( /pizza :smileyvery-happy: )

    A french man in Cannes who only wants to have fun in playing EQII :smileywink:
  2. ARCHIVED-Pineknot Guest

    Hurry Back Moorgard !!!! Devs sitting around with feet propped on desk and playing with paper airplanes.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kyriel Guest

    i say is fair to /kickban some of the a holes who ruined the post. anyways have a good time, and hurry back cause the whinners wont have a dev to pick on :p, btw bring them back some cheese!
  4. ARCHIVED-Bevyn Guest


    Helpful advice: never announce your itenerary ahead of time. While many of us really like what you've done, some anonymous disgruntled Shadowknight might call the security ahead of you and hint toward a suspicious figure that should be stopped and examined more... thoroughly....
  5. ARCHIVED-Arkenor Guest

    Have a great time with our European friends. Give us a wave as you fly over the UK. Once you've sampled the famous hospitality of the French, you won't want to come home.

    Beer on wine, feel fine. :smileyhappy:
    Wine on beer, feel queer. :smileysad:
  6. ARCHIVED-Leonai_art Guest

    Have an awesome time in France! Be sure to give the guys from mondespersistants a hug from me!

    And uhm... disregard the people trying to derail the subject
  7. ARCHIVED-Curative Guest

    whats a France and can it be found on the broker or is it crafted?
    Bah SOE will prolly nerf it anyway so never mind

    takes a drink of ale*
  8. ARCHIVED-cocoa_boy Guest

    I hear the french fries are awesome in February.
  9. ARCHIVED-kardolan Guest

    I got one !

    It's a relic from an old far country that give :

    - Wine resistance +200
    - Cheese smell, good BUFF 1/day
    - Invocation of Smaultzi the NoBrainTroll (very powerfull use carrefully) / Every time a day you don't want him

    I give one to any American who comes to my old far country, just to meet and drink a beer, and to speek with an other human beeing living on EARTH !

  10. ARCHIVED-Woodmanseee Guest

    Moorgard is going to france and some how you guys turned it into a Usa vs France thread...

    Thats pretty rude guys. It dosnt belong on this thread, and tbh it dosnt belong anywhere on this forum.

    Leave this thread to wishing moorgard well...
  11. ARCHIVED-Shunidar Guest


    Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful time.

    I'm so embarassed at some of the idiots posting in this thread. Where the heck is Farr?
  12. ARCHIVED-Ryndar Guest

    Safe trip Moorgard, have fun and come back in one piece, welll at least keep all your pieces together for reattachement on your return..... :p

    That being said, everyone should realize that derailing this thread into what one poster said was a USA vs France debate is wrong.... everyone has their own political views, me included, and believe me if I posted mine, I would get flamed from all sides strictly because i can generate arguments :) . The vast majority of people from most countries worldwide are good, honest, hardworking people whom usually don't like the way things are operated by their governments but shrug their shoulders and go on about living their lives. The Governments are what drive the Us vs Them mentality, not the majority of good people in all nations.... /rant off
  13. ARCHIVED-FitzChevalerie Guest

    I'd rather have the hug directly from you Leonai! ;)
    Or at least from Oreliya....:smileyvery-happy:
    Admin EQ2-Mondes Persistants.
    P.S : Oreliya, i want my VIP flag back :p ;)
    Message Edited by Ambrae on 02-22-2005 06:53 AM
  14. ARCHIVED-Mithrilendil Guest

    lol fitz ... I've got the flag ... but I don't have the hug :(
  15. ARCHIVED-BRavens Guest

    Just want to point out that while I do not support political garbage being thrown on these boards, if one side starts it, the other is entitled to answer. The anti-Bush crowd fired the first shot. If you want to blame someone, blame them.
  16. ARCHIVED-Despak Guest

    lol children will throw stones at each other no matter what. I always thought the biggest insult to someone wanting to start arguments was to ignore them. You can't argue when no-one answers.
  17. ARCHIVED-Raggle Guest

    Woot, lets wreak havoc while he's gone!
    Oh uh, have a good time!
  18. ARCHIVED-Faarwolf Guest

    Ahh, but I am still here to make any havoc you wreak negligible :)
  19. ARCHIVED-AhsidhRaean Guest

    I would bet that Faarwolf alone could wreak more havoc than all of us combined. :smileyvery-happy:
  20. ARCHIVED-DionysosTomas Guest

    Cautious Moorguard there is snow for the first time in the cote d'azur :) (closed road ...), if it s too cold for you go to marseille and take a drink (a pastis) it will be enough strong to warm you :)


    Provence, nicest place in France
    Barcelona, Nicest city in the world :)