Don’t Eat These “Earie” Mounts!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Lol floofloo, that's awesome! :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. floofloobunny Active Member

    thanks,. hehe. I forgot, when idle hes fine but during idle when he turns his head left and right the ring turns sideways.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Charlice like this.
  3. PHAtkins New Member

    I've fixed this issue with the nose ring. We use tech that we call "swivel". Think of it like an invisible cow bell. The ring would be the weight inside that bounces off of the box around it. The box is invisible but I can control size and shape of the box. The more I tighten it around the ring the less room it has to move. I can also adjust weight and the amount of spring that the swivel item has. I've reduced it even further and this solved the issue. Thanks again for getting the mount. We really enjoyed making them for you.

  4. floofloobunny Active Member

    sounds great PHATkins, you guys really outdid yourselves with these mounts. The floppy eared ones are my favorites by far and I bought 5 or 6 so far of these critters, plus the house pet ones. Wish there was a bundle option for the housepets, maybe in the future. :3
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Luperza like this.
  5. PHAtkins New Member

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. floofloobunny Active Member

    I know right? heehee, thanks again for looking into and fixing this :3 I think ttobey acknowledged this before too.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I love my rabbit mount (white floppy ears with the leather saddle). We had the best time bouncing about and generally hopping over every tree we came across. (And a special thank you to my BFF who surprised me with Fluffy the War Rabbit!)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Just remember, o devs: "jackrabbits" aren't really rabbits (this is why scientific names were invented ;->), but hares (still Lagomorphs), and have a completely different look. Those flop-eared things are true rabbits, and a lop-eared show breed at that. ;->


    Actual rabbit:

    Baby riding bunny ;->
    (from what I understand, this isn't Photoshopped, but was someone's idea on how to feed hungry North Koreans...they must be desperate if they're importing rabbits; oy...just ask the Australians how good an idea that is :-/)

    Lop Eared Rabbit:

    Looking at the pics, I found it odd that the big, flat, plant-cutting front teeth (the incisors) don't actually show when their mouths are closed...ya learn something new every day. ;->

    Naudi and Eshaac like this.
  9. Naudi Active Member

    OMG! That big-***** bunny looks soooo unimpressed! I love it <3
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    LOL! It's like, "Yeah, you got me. Congrats. Now what?" ;->

    Still, I'm not sure I'd wanna be kicked by that thing... :eek:

  11. ShyMidnight Active Member

    I just heard about these hoppy bunny mounts - I think I should come back to EQ2 :p I've been awol in EQ Landmark and real life studies. These bunnies are the BEST!!! Thanks for making them, plus for making them permanent on the marketplace. That'll give me time to check them out properly before picking one. ;)
  12. Luperza Community Manager

    Enjoy! Send us a screenshot when you decide on the one you want.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. floofloobunny Active Member

    Ok guys, so I havent been able to play in about a month and just bought another bunny mount for the sale. I went to jump around and was dismayed to see that the animation has completely changed!

    Color me disappointed, because the charm was the hind feet brought forward on the decent down from the jump. Was too precious.

    Now all I see during the whole jump is the bottom of his back feet from the back and in side view the hindquarter has an unsightly texture stretch.

    Please, oh please, tell me this is accidental and not here to stay? I so very much adored the original animation and this one is disappointing. Especially since I invested alot of SC in buying several over 5 accounts. :( Pics below of new in your face feetsies and stretched graphics.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. floofloobunny Active Member

    /sigh, cant edit my post- trying again with pics--




    Luperza and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Looks cool, but if I could be a complete and utter PitA, my monitor is old, creaky, and would prefer to try to render any screenshots taken in daylight? :-/

  16. floofloobunny Active Member

    If you click on the pictures, it should take you to photobucket where you can blow them up. I really hope the new animation is a bug because I loved the original much better. Im actually surprised no one has mentioned it anywhere. :/
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    (Still a really dark monitor; blowing up the size doesn't really help. :-/)

    "Heh! I eat bunnies, I don't ride on 'em..." --Uwkete Vincentson

    Actually, as far as riding potential prey critters go, I wouldn't've even gone through the whole "Get a flying mount (starting at level 85, with 90th level quests, and for something you can't even use until level 86, as opposed to every other flying thing out there) questline" for the riding griffon that was reshaped by being beaten by the Mystic uber-weapon (the "Ugly Stick" [Cudgel of Obviation]) until it became a "gryphon" and looks more embarrassed to exist than anything else, if I didn't need the Elemental Disc of Flame for Uwk's forge room in his house. ;->

    who mostly just rides the saliraptors for Leaper mounts, though there's something tempting about the armored, bloody-faced rabbits ;->
  18. floofloobunny Active Member

    ttobey any feedback on this? Please tell me this isnt here to stay :(
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Have you also opened this on the General Tech Support threads? I'm not sure what they'd be able to do about it, though; I just wish we had an official Feedback forum, like we have the /feedback in game. It'd be nice to know someone Official is seeing this. :-/

  20. floofloobunny Active Member

    well, I posted, it makes sense since it is a station cash item after all. They shouldnt have changed the animation on this if it was intentional.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.