BoL Tradeskill Timeline - HELP!

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Argosunited, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I got Advanced Weaponsmith books, level 11 and 14 I think.
  2. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    I'm just talking about the regular books that you can purchase from your guild recipe guy, not the advanced books.
    At what stage can you start buying them?
  3. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    level 111 TS and after doing the mines (I got them before turning the quest in). I'll check next char before starting said quest just to make sure.
    Argosunited likes this.
  4. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    Are the mines an adventure or a tradeskill quest?
    I've only done tradeskill quests so far, my provvie is now level 119 but I still can't buy any recipe books.
  5. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    You CAN buy recipe books by that point. After finishing The Sad Tale of Benosch Ironsprocket Part I (handing in the Three Rockhopper Egg Omelet), guildhall recipe vendors started selling the Primer books for you. So you'd be looking for Provisioner's Primer Volumes 11-20 on there.
    Quillyne and Argosunited like this.
  6. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'll have another look when I get home today. I'd filtered by ... dang whatever the filters are. I'll try again without the filters.
  7. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    So you were lucky enough to be able to get to the Bog by sticking to the water? No fish in that water? What I saw was very agro and camo/invis did NOT work (toon was lvl 90 adv) and the mobs were too high a level and they saw right through it. And if you DID manage to get to the Bog, you still had the issue with getting to other areas that you could not swim to. A level 90 adv could not invis past those mobs and they sure cannot kill them. I attempted this yesterday. Then later you find the Shissar who also see through invis if you are not a high enough level.

    And I did beta on two toons. My main (who couldn't finish because of so many problems then at the end the book stopped working in the next to the last quest) and one who could not get past Aurelian Coast because when a Seeping Shadows spawned there was many there to grab it. It wasn't "player specific". I wasn't alone in that frustration either. After multiple times trying for that, I gave up in disgust at the whole event.

    And this is pure baloney that we cannot get the basic recipes until you get to 120.

    This is tradeskilling we are discussing, not adventuring and there is a difference. I do not know who dreamed this mess up but worse yet, someone had to approve it. Chaos was very doable but this??? Not so much. Even lvl 110 adventurer who is NOT geared in anyway to fight anything cannot invis past the Shissar.

    And the saddest part of all is that nobody will probably respond to any of us here nor will any positive changes be made.
    Argosunited likes this.
  8. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    I could not buy them on our guildhall recipe vendor yesterday when I looked and I had gotten my woodworker to level 114 or 115 when I checked but I will check again.
    Argosunited likes this.
  9. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You don't have to kill the mobs as a tradeskiller. If you can survive the hits, just run them off. Stick to the water and you only have to worry about fish.. which you can leave the water at a 'safe' spot to drop.
    It's far from ideal and won't work for many toons.. probably work for 100s, not sure about 90s. It might relieve your frustration slightly.
  10. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    I'm glad someone else said that. I can't buy mine unless the filter messed it up.
    I actually checked the guild recipe guy after each quest.

    Also please add to this thread, Gninja has replied there and said that no issues were found in Beta.
  11. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    The fix for the recipe vendors went in this morning. Before that, it was accidentally checking for level 120 crafters who had also started the adventure line. This was in the patch notes for earlier today:

    Breanna and Faeonara like this.
  12. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    Glad I wasn't going mad, but really wondering now how some people already had them.
    Let's hope we get rush writs soon to level. This has to be the worst excuse for a TRADESKILL timeline I've ever seen.
  13. Faeonara Well-Known Member

    Check guild recipe npc for the new basic books from this expac .
  14. Argosunited Well-Known Member

    Thanks, yes they're there now they've been hotfixed.