AA Build Calculator

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Beetny2, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-b4evrtru26 Guest

    dirge trees are in need of adjusting (10 points to fill most that have only 8 possible atm) thanks for your time :)
  2. ARCHIVED-MurFalad Guest

    Excellent work! I'll have a play with this and add any feedback on bugs, but the general site works very slickly.
    Cheers for producing this.
  3. ARCHIVED-Slyym Guest

    This is great, thanks for making it available to everyone.
  4. ARCHIVED-Claviarm Guest

    One thing to add to what others have already pointed out--the maximum points per tab should be 100/100/70 rather than 90/90/70.
  5. ARCHIVED-theriatis Guest

    in the Wizard Trees, i cannot spend any Points in the SF AAs, despite having spent enough points before
    in the Trees above.
    Regards, theriatis.
  6. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    On the monk tree you have enhance outer calm located where enhance rising dragon should be (which is missing). Also, as others stated, the major problem I see is that you cannot spend more than 8 points per ability on the subclass trees (should be 10) and that your maximum AA per tree is incorrect. It should be 100-100-70
  7. ARCHIVED-Aanadorn68 Guest

    Awesome stuff!! I'm assuming it's still a work in progress, as the only line I looked at was the druid line. It was updated with the new trees, but some of the lines were not updated yet, some have 8/8 instead of 10/10 and the old spells/benefits in the descriptions.

    Keep up the good work!
  8. ARCHIVED-Tethax Guest

    it looks really great - fantastic work!

    ~Summon Familiar can go up to 10 ranks, each rank adds 4int I believe.

    in Warlock, there appears to be some numbers discrepency - perhaps the values are level dependant. if that is a case, maybe a field where we can enter the level of our character?
  9. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    On the swashbuckler tree, Enhance Hurricane can go up to 5 ranks, not 3.
  10. ARCHIVED-Necrophon Guest

    urgthock wrote:
    Yes, NONE of the classes have been correctly updated for SF. The first talent in the main tree still only allows for 1 point, instead of 10. None of the subsequent skills allow for 10 points, as they should, and only the Shadow trees remain properly set at 5 points apeice. The class trees are all capped at odd numbers.

    Broken website is broken.
  11. ARCHIVED-Aanadorn68 Guest

    Reapicheap@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Jeez, give the guy a break. I'm sure he works on it in his free time and will get it patched up.
  12. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    Reapicheap@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Sorry, I know I didn't say it but THANK YOU to the OP. This is a very handy tool and one that I am sure you have spent a great deal of time on. So thank you again. Just to make it clear, Enhance Hurricane was not originally 3 ranks max prior to SF and then changed to 3 ranks max with the release of SF. It has always been 5 ranks max. However, I am in my own way, trying to aid the process of fixing errors by pointing them out. But again, Thank you to the OP.
  13. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    In the templar tree, Enhance Harmony can go up to 5 ranks instead of 3. Also, Enhance Glory has 3 ranks at a cost of 2 points per rank as opposed to 5 ranks at a cost of 1 point per rank.
  14. ARCHIVED-S1lence2 Guest

    Outstanding tool which I will definitely get a lot of use out of once it'e updates to the proper number of points per slot Ie. Summoner tree should allow 10 points in the first three of each tiers below posess minion instead of 8.

    Thank you for taking the time to make this tool :D
  15. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    Aanadorn68 wrote:
    LOL no kidding, complain much? This isn't SOE your complaining to.... SOE would never develop something this cool... keep up the good work...
  16. ARCHIVED-Maskone Guest

  17. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    Maskone wrote:
    Even with it's current issues I prefer the one linked in the OP. Each has it's pros and cons.
    The one you linked has Berserk correctly only requiring 15 points and you can put the right # of pts. in KoS abilities. But ... you have to assign one point at a time, you can put points in the bottom row of KoS without putting anything else in the tree at all, no mouseover text.
    The OP's has mouseover text, you can assign max points all at once (how hot would THAT be in-game?).
    Neither one is finished anyway, so I suppose it's a matter of which one is done first.
  18. ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM Guest

    omg, if I were a chick, I'd offer to have your babies....
    Awesome tool, thnx for making it.
  19. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    On the druid tree, you have the new SF endline abilities mixed up a bit. Tunare's Protection should be under rebirth, Stormcallers renewal should be under infusion and Pure serenity should be under Serenity. Also, on the warden tree, you have it able to go up to 10 ranks in enhance death interventions when it should be 5 ranks max (and the tooltip information is missing from this AA as well).
  20. ARCHIVED-urgthock Guest

    On the warlock tree, Enhance shroud of bertoxx should have a max ranks of 5 instead of 3