why does EQ still need to be a anti-solo game?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Evertrek, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Evertrek Augur

    all other MMOs provide the ability to solo (without mercs) to the highest level. they dont support solo in Dungeons or Raids, but only in questing and some story related instances.

    Having to group to level is not a game make.

    ok, so if you cant get a group you're not trying. ok so if you cant get a group make a group. ok so join a guild and they will have groups and support for you. ok just multi box and you have your own group, ok, mercs level you far enough you need to learn to play your class as designed in a group....

    it's time to make EQ a soloable leveling game. classes have to be adjusted so they can melee, dps, and support themselves to the highest level of play. hard way would be to add a few moves per class to help in soloing (or buff the ones that work), the easy way would be to put in a few hot zones with doable mobs. something in-between would work.
  2. Hellboy007 Augur

    Its not anti solo... you just play with more than one account.. and use mercs.

    What you do is you load your main paid account and have 2 other either paid or free accounts and you level in all the free content if you need too.

    you have enough content from the beginning to CotF to last you a solid 2 years+ if you do it all.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Evertrek Augur

    that's not soloing, it's boxing. boxing used to happen when ones roommate was late for the raid, now it is required?
  4. Coronay Augur

    You could never solo to the highest levels except for maybe a handful of classes and it was very hard and very time consuming. EQ was designed around player interaction and power in numbers.
  5. Zezack Journeyman

    I guess it depends on both your class and skill level.

    As a magician, I don't need even a merc to help me solo one mob at a time. Sure there's some content that would be restricted, but meh...

    Feels like the question you're asking more like "why is eq like eq, and not like these other games" - and it's rude to wonder why God does the things she does :)
    Mayfaire likes this.
  6. Evertrek Augur

    i dont know of any class that can solo to cap level. maybe with many many hours of double xp in a grind zone you have managed this, but the post is about ALL classes with this ability, not just the mag.
  7. Dahaman Augur

    Mercs are a game feature of EverQuest put in to do just what you are asking. Just because other MMOs don't have them doesn't mean you should preclude them in EQ. And really, you don't even need mercs to solo for a lot of the game for a lot of the classes.

    Not all classes need to match all play styles anyways. If all you can do is solo, then pick one of the better soloing classes: Necro, Shaman, Beastlord, Mage, Shadow Knight, Druid, Enchanter, etc. Stay away from a class that is harder to solo but better at raiding: Warrior, Cleric, Wizard, Rogue, etc.

    Pretty much all I am able to do in EverQuest is solo these days. I'm not an expert, but it isn't hard to solo at all. More or less, I don't see or even understand the issue you raise.
  8. Evertrek Augur

    holy moly, God really?

    please point me to the document(s) and or videos that state EQs mission. i have played from RoK and have seen the changes (some have attempted to provide some soloing) over the years. the answer maybe that the game can't be changed due to players not wanting anything changed in this area IMO.
  9. Evertrek Augur

    you're full of it if you are saying mercs are used to solo to cap level. at best they can be a place holder in a group until a real player is added. mercs let you solo (they almost PL you) at low levels but once near end game level it's over.
  10. Dahaman Augur

    Some of the solo capability additions over the years:

    - faster XP
    - much, much, much faster AAs
    - mercs
    - defiant armor drops
    - potion buffs galore
    - hot zones
    - armor from each expansion that you can buy at the bazaar
    - spells able to be purchased in POK
    - Franklin Teeks NPC
    - heroic character option
    - auto grant AA option

    They are continuously adding things to help people level up. And that is a good thing.

    They don't need to overhaul every single class to make every single class able to solo like an expert. That would be a mistake. One of EverQuest's greatest strengths is that they have more unique feeling classes than other MMOs.
  11. Dahaman Augur

    I did not say that. You implied mercs should not be counted when soloing because other MMOs don't have them. I simply pointed out that position is wrong.

    Sounds like you are having trouble for sure. Perhaps you should ask for help and ideas rather than assume it can't be done.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  12. Evertrek Augur

    i agree. i love the group dynamics, but keeping up to max level should not be a multibox or frenzy double xp weekend session. all im asking is each class be able to solo a single or double pull mob up until end level productively. maybe a little slower than a good group to keep the group incentive, but doable in any case. this does not exist at this time for all classes.
  13. Dahaman Augur

    And why does it need to...? This is the part I don't understand.

    Play a class that suits your play style better rather than require every class to suit your play style. If you are limited to only or mostly soloing, then play a class that has better soloing as a strength.

    That just seems like a natural thing to do for me.
    roguerunner and Mayfaire like this.
  14. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    EverQuest was designed as a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. It isn't anti-solo, but it is better played cooperatively.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Mayfaire like this.
  15. Dahaman Augur

  16. Cicelee Augur

    Many people can solo end of expansion content.
  17. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Every class but warriors, rogues, beserkers, and shadowknights can solo to cap. And I bet you there are some hardcore people in those classes that could manage it. Some are just more efficient at it than others.
  18. Triconix Augur

    Warriors soloing is about as entertaining and time efficient as sitting in LA traffic during rush hour. I'd argue that to truly solo (with a merc) as a warrior is all but impossible as it would take incredibly long. I'd think SKs would be able to do it as they can atleast put HP back on themselves.

    So yeah, definitely agree with everything else you said though.
  19. Whulfgar Augur

    Everquest, does not need to be anything other then what you put into it. I've said it time an time an time again, You get what you put in .. If you want to solo, be a solo class, if you want to grp, be a high demand grp class or be a pure flat out bad a$$ on your preferred toon.

    Too many people do not understand the connection of people not wanting to grp with you because you suck, they rather start threads that say the grp game is dead, rather then attempt to get they lazy a$$'$ up, an actually LEARN a class ..

    To sum up, get off your butt, an put in what YOU want the game to be. Anything other then that and YOU have failed yourself, the game does not fail you.
  20. Kiillz Augur

  21. Roxxanna Augur

    There are reasons other than sucking that may keep people from grouping with you. Maybe you intimidate them, maybe they aren't comfortable with the way you play ( for instance a cleric out front pulling and taking the hits ), or maybe your just a full bag of d*cks. I tend to believe the later has become the norm these days.
    Tiensx, Mayfaire and Geri_Petrovna like this.