Thanks for ruining Ragefire

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Risiko, Aug 4, 2015.

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  1. Risiko Augur

    When Ragefire first opened, there were thousands of people playing on it. You could get groups any time of day or night. It was amazing.

    Then you added Lockjaw.

    Then you opened free transfers to Lockjaw.

    Now you can't get a group to save your life on Ragefire.

    The only way you get a group is if you have friends you play with every day OR you have boxed accounts to make your own group.

    Thanks DBG. You ruined the Everquest experience... again.
  2. Finley Augur

    I still like Ragefire...
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It really is quite noticeably different. Just looking at the auction channel there's been a massive drop in population, used to have no trouble selling things and now it's like pulling teeth.

    Hoping it's not permanent, because if I wanted to play on a ghost town server, I'd log back to live and start alt # 130910349014010.
    Silv likes this.
  4. Porygon Augur

    Transfer to lockjaw. Problem solved.

    You can close this thread now.
    Silentchaos and Son of a... like this.
  5. Banuvan Augur

    Talk to TL. They absolutely destroyed the raiding scene from the very beginning and refused to talk to anybody about it or to compromise until they were forced to. LJ guilds showed they had foresight and wisdom and implemented a rotation ( and have made changes as needed ) way before it was actually needed.

    Two servers. Two top guilds. One guild chose the correct path and one chose the wrong path.

    You wonder why nobody wants to be a part of Ragefire? Ask TL why they were/are they way they are and why they refused to acknowledge any other guild on the server until DBG stepped in.
  6. Friday Augur

    But Holly said the populations on both servers appeared to be about the same...? Are you telling us that this is not true? How can this be?
  7. Detheb Augur

    Iceblayde, this crusade against TL is just getting out of hand. As has been previously stated, we had multiple agreements with multiple guilds(Including Apok) long before a rotation was even close to being enforced. We didn't touch PoSky for like a solid 3 weeks lol. You're mad because <Drunken Idiots> didn't get a slice of the pie, congratulations, almost no other guild did either. However, guilds like Ceaseless, False Prophecy, CAF, etc put aside their differences with TL and worked together to create something. You didn't get to kill a dragon for 2 months, that sucks. Perhaps you should have followed your(And many others suggestions) and went to live and Killed them. Nothing stopped you from doing that, right?
  8. Banuvan Augur

    I rarely reply to your idiocy anymore but i'll hit this one due to the fact that you have no clue what actually went on with the guild. Nope, DI never raided. It wasn't in the cards. We turned into a relaxed family type guild. Those of us that wanted to raid did take our mains and joined a raiding guild and are raiding on LJ. We took the advice of so many ( TL members included ) when we realised that smaller guilds would have absolutely no chance at all with TL around and DBG standing idly by.

    Does it suck that we didn't get to raid? Sure. Those of us that wanted to raid did something about it and raided a bit on RF then transferred over to LJ to raid full time. DI is doing just fine as the guild it turned out to be in the long run. Hell, you don't even know that Iceblayde isn't even my main and hasn't been for quite a while now.

    I see how well that's working out for them. How many raid targets have those guilds downed? How has their agreements with TL gone? Oh, that's right. They haven't. It seems these agreements aren't doing much good and TL is still trying to manipulate the server in every way possible.

    It's a sad fact and i applaud your loyalty to your guild even though you look the fool doing it.
  9. Detheb Augur

    If by "manipulate the server" you mean, hosted a summit and didn't offer anything other than mediation while 7 other guilds worked out what a fair rotation is, sure.

    Also, Apok had clean shots at multiple mobs, and Rosengard would have(Had they been able to field a force when those particular mobs spawned). CAF, even members being terribly to us, were treated with the utmost respect aswell.

    We're not manipulating anything, we want a fair rotation, as you can see with any of the numerous chat logs that have been posted about the A. Summit, and B. Private Discussion with Roshen, Skyp (TL), Gynx & Dojii (Apok), and Breeze (RoE) -

    Also, i'll be raiding on Lockjaw too, maybe i'll see you there! yaaay
  10. Banuvan Augur

    I read it. It's really rather interesting that Skyp has turned 180 degrees from how TL was on the server to now they want to include everybody in the talks and include every single guild on the server so they all have a fair shot? The exact opposite mindset that was had until DBG stepped in and accepted a rotation that didn't favor TL at all ( although they still get more targets than any two of the other guilds combined ).

    It's really hard to digest the immediate change of heart that magically happened over night. Why wasn't he doing this before hand? Why wasn't he trying to make agreements with every guild? Why does it take DBG stepping in to make him magically become the exact opposite of how he was?

    Again, very hard to digest that there is no attempts at manipulation going on.

    Eh, you aren't a bad dude individually and many people do make bad choices with those they choose to associate with that could reflect negatively on them. It's happened to a lot of people. We had some good talks but blindly following a person like Skyp is an absolutely horrible thought in my mind.
  11. RainbowTest Augur

    The emptiness of RF is not DBG's fault, its the "DPS brah" players you have that ousted everyone.

    And actually if you really really think about it, this very moment with the servers is a preview of what will occur over the next few expansions as the "dps brah" guys completely piss off their own krono source for their RMT. You can't where you eat it just doesn't work. These idiots are reaping what the sow.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Jugerrnaut like this.
  12. Detheb Augur

    Its not hard to digest at all, look at it from the point of view i've expressed multiple times.

    Truly FFA is the only Fair way to play on these servers, or atleast what a good lot of TL signed up for. We were told that was the case before we invested any time into the server, and that rang true for 2 months. Clearly, DBG decided that it wasn't the fairest way to play, and a rotation was going to be enforced. TL wants what is the "Fairest" rotation. We've never been against the server, regardless if thats what people believed. We're(well, we were) made up of some of the best players from every TLP that has occurred before. All of us expecting to be in a competitive environment. Its unfortunate that anyone that could have really challenged that left the server to lockjaw, but that is what they were entitled to do. So, we believed that FFA was the fairest route, and thats all we want. It was our major gripe on Fippy, that things were done unfairly(Aka Deodan deciding to change the way he decided who got to kill what on a per mob basis. Trust me, playing LOTR trivia for a major raid mob isn't as fun as it sounds).

    We cannot and will not sit back and allow the rotation to be manipulated by another guild that isn't seeking fairness though. We're being forced to play with a rotation, we've accepted that even if we feel it isn't the best option. Considering that is where we're at, there is absolutely no reason that it isn't fair to every guild on the server. This server does not Cater to Apokalypsis, or Reign of Eternity, or Twisted Legacy. If a rotation is in place for the greater good and fairness of the server, then every guild that is capable of raiding should be represented. The only "180" you see, is that our definition of fair, and what we're now being told is fair, took a complete "180" aswell, so we adapt and continue to play fair, as we have seen the beginning of the server.
  13. Banuvan Augur

    For the record, I can't stand Apok or RoE either so no, I don't take their side in any of this.

    The long and short of it is everybody is acting childish. There are many simple solutions out there and every single one of the guilds are making this way more difficult than it needs to be.

    If you want a say in the rotation then kill the current gatekeeper ( that's still KoS or did it change again? ). If you can't kill the gatekeeper then you aren't capable of joining the rotation which means you aren't capable of raiding. It's that simple. That's where the manipulation part comes into play.

    Now, those 4 ( 5 if you include Toxn's silly little guild ) make a fair and even rotation ( with FFA included but as a minority of targets due to there really being no chance anybody will beat TL due to the gear discrepancy or capability of logging on multiple raids of boxes to form a DPS raid to get the kill ) for those capable of killing the targets.

    Once that is done you add guilds as they kill the gatekeeper.

    I batphone with my guild and i'm not against it. It sucks but it works with my schedule personally so it's whatever to me. If a guild isn't able to field a raid force and kill the target in the alloted time then it becomes FFA. Period. I don't care if it's during prime time or not. That's the nature of this game and always has been.

    It's very simple. If a guild wants a spot in the talks then they need to show they can perform at that level. KoS isn't that difficult really. It's a good gatekeeper.

    So how about everybody stop being children about it and man up. Make mobs FFA after each rotation and FFA if they aren't killed in the allotted amount of time. Stop with the screwy time frame crap and all the other nonsense. K.I.S.S.

    EDIT - Also, get rid of the stupid spreadsheet with times/dates to be updated. If a guild isn't paying attention that's their own damn fault.

    off topic - typing this made me forget to snare and i just trained myself at freeti. /q is so broken.
  14. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    Honestly its the playerbase that ruined my experience. All you guys do is and moan, I want this I want that- give it to me now blah blah blah.

    DBG bent over backwards and gave everything the player base wanted (pretty much) and wahh wahh wahh i want more because im super entitled. >.>
    Sinzz, Son of a... and Skipper like this.
  15. Praxxos Journeyman

    Or maybe a lot of players reached 50 by now and are only logging in to raid now..... go into the starting areas, they are empty now. Not everyone is a fan of twinking over and over. Gogo release Kunark finally or adding AA to the game.
  16. Jaxarale01 Augur

    Solid point. I do think the above back and forth between the TL talking head and others has a lot to do with it... its just drama drama drama... and people in our age bracket just dont have time for it.

    People want to play the game... not be dictated to by others. God knows we sure do not want to listen to and deal with drama queens above at our age... our children are enough drama for a lifetime! =)
    Numiko, Jugerrnaut and Praxxos like this.
  17. RainbowTest Augur

    The thing that was said a billion times and was extremely said many many many times before the servers even went live was not given to us and that is why these servers have a great portion of the headaches right now. Theres these RMT 20 boxers and Pseudo PVP players who think the lack of a GM presence is proof they can own the servers. We need instancing. We also need the krono to go back to the free to play servers where it was meant to exist, not inside the subscription only servers. You want to earn kronos via ingame currency? Earn it with the free to plays!
    Fallfyres and Numiko like this.
  18. Marthisdil Augur

    Umm - hate to tell ya, but LJ started off very similarly....Then the guilds that were FFA/DPS racing decided to come up with a rotation.

    Said rotation isn't much different than the one on RF - and most guilds on both servers can't kill the buffed raid bosses anyways.

    But that's OK. While your point about "why things weren't different before DB stepped in" is spot on.

    The answer to it is "because DB is too cheap to properly implement developed methods (instancing, expedition) for Pre-GoD raid stuff and instead would rather try and make the players do it themselves, at absolutely no cost to DB, all while DB still rakes in the extra money from Krono sales"
  19. Skipper Augur


  20. Banuvan Augur

    I addressed that in my first three sentences. You just made my point even stronger by acknowledging it.
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