Fixed (Oakwynd) Legacy Bonus not applying to AAs

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Kenuven, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Not really - why would all alts have AP. Alts mean legacy exp bonus. APs don't mean that.
  2. Aziuno Augur

    The issue below us is over a year old with 80+ likes, we got a long ways to go before they care about their bugs. :(
    (Dranik's Scar Named)
  3. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Hopefully a big affecting an achievement is not the same as non delivery of a promised ruleset

    Hopefully ..
    Fuzzbutt and Aziuno like this.
  4. Mosep New Member

    The lack of legacy AA bonus is the #1 reason I've heard given as to why people I know are quitting. They invested a ton of extra time grinding out level 60s *expressly* to benefit from the legacy bonus in Luclin, for AAs. Luclin is half over and fixing this bug seems to have no urgency.

    #2 being the destruction of the economy resultant from the mishandling of the trade skill bug.
    This is usually mentioned to illustrate why they have no faith in current game management's stewardship of the EQ IP.
    Fuzzbutt and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  5. Fuzzbutt Elder

    Had another one post on guild discord they leaving because of these 2 issues
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  6. Barnabus New Member

    Legacy AA xp on Oakwynd needs to be prioritized. This is false advertising of a product
    zmaten likes this.
  7. Bilderov Augur

    Almost 3 weeks since even a response from the Community Manager. I guess keeping customers up-to-date even if the update is "we currently have no update" seems to be low priority.
    zmaten likes this.
  8. Varyk Lorekeeper

    And another patch goes by with the legacy AA issue unfixed and unaddressed (aside from a "we're working on it" a month ago).

    Waiting to see those patch notes mention at least SOMETHING about this...
    zmaten likes this.
  9. Brazy Augur

    Will this ever get fixed? What a joke
    zmaten likes this.
  10. Pimpmobile Journeyman

    They're clearly concerned about people getting their exp back with the corpse resurrection fix, so I'm not sure why they hate Oakwynd so much.
  11. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    UPDATE: We are currently tying up some bugs within the expansion launch, however, this issue is on our radar and is top of the list to be worked on later this week or next week. The person assigned to is highly motivated to find and resolve the issue.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  12. Comaboy New Member

    @Angeliana What type of compensation can we expect once a fix is implemented? One of the main selling points for the server was Legacy XP and the majority of people that leveled alts to 60 was for the bonus AA xp in Luclin. At this point we're looking at 5 out of 8 weeks minimum of Luclin with no AA xp bonus. I stopped playing there and cancelled my account at week 3. What will be done to bring people like me back? Just getting it back to working as intended isn't enough.
  13. zmaten New Member

    At this point Oakwynd is just broke. Plat-dupe and the "legacy xp" not even addressed outside a few comments or responses is pathetic. So many players wanted to play on the sever for the AA xp bonus alone. Sitting on level 60 Characters in hopes for a AA bonus was a solid idea, but so far that is all it is..A all have some things to sort out before so many players even think about coming back.
  14. Kenuven Lorekeeper

    Without the bonus and no use of any PL people, I've gotten 394 AA on my main and 231 on my next character. If it was working correctly, I would have been done with at least 3 characters and half way through my 4th. There needs to be something done beyond just turning it on.
  15. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    That will be figured out once a resolution to the issue has been found.
    OldTimeEQ1 and Varyk like this.
  16. Moof Journeyman

    Can I make a suggestion. Make the level 60 legacy bonus that should have worked for the whole of Luclin work through the whole of PoP without needing to level to 65.
    Fuzzbutt and Varyk like this.
  17. Varyk Lorekeeper

    I agree with this. It will be a shame to finally have fixed Legacy AA xp only to be able to enjoy it for a week before I'm stuck having to re-level all my chars to 65.
    Fuzzbutt likes this.
  18. Cuzon Elder

    You people really need to stop with the "We demand compensation!" They don't owe you anything. Play the game, or move on.
  19. Varyk Lorekeeper

    Personally I don't expect anything outside of fixing the issue. However I'd certainly appreciate it and will give ideas on how it might go about happening all day long :) You certainly won't see me demand anything, though (and I realize you weren't speaking to me, just giving me 2 cents)
  20. Cuzon Elder

    You are correct, I was not referring to you :)

    As someone who only plays on Oakwynd and has multiple level 60 characters, I am not expecting any kind of compensation because despite the AA exp thing not working correctly I have still been enjoying myself and my time in game.
    Varyk likes this.