Fixed (Oakwynd) Legacy Bonus not applying to AAs

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Kenuven, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Kenuven Lorekeeper

    I have 100% Legacy but it's gaining the same AA xp as an account with 10% Legacy.
  2. Narkos New Member

    Posted this in the discord but making it available here. 2 toons in a group.

    60 Shaman with a 20
    % legacy bonus and a 60 Rogue with a 90% legacy bonus.
    Shaman's xp gain from killing a 53 "a temple patroller" in Ssra:
    AAXP After 83.450 - AAXP Before 74.032 = 9.418% Gain

    Rogue's xp gain from killing the same 53 "a temple patroller" in Ssra:
    AAXP After 16.471 - AAXP Before 07.053 = 9.418% Gain

    No difference in xp between the two with a vastly different Legacy Bonus.
  3. Purekthegreat New Member

    Can we get a reply from a dev that this is being looked into and will be fixed?

    If this is a play to sell more pots it is really deceitful.....
    Nakoma, Weehealer, Tyra_ and 3 others like this.
  4. Kuldiin Journeyman

    After spending many months leveling up to get the 100% bonus this is disappointing to say the least.

    I hope this is something that will be corrected speedily.
    Nakoma, Weehealer, Tyra_ and 4 others like this.
  5. DEXe New Member

    I used up all my DB coins for shared Bottle of Adventure III only to realize that it was an epic waste. I expected to spend the only time off i'll have this week getting the AA I needed in time for raid but thats not going to happen because the xp I was getting wasn't what was supposed to be.
    Very disappointed DB :(
    Nakoma, Weehealer, Tyra_ and 3 others like this.
  6. Polpet Elder

    Facing the same issue!

    Getting 5% AA in a full grp of 60 slaying a lvl 56 mob.
    100% regular exp, 200% bonus, 100% legacy, 25% evolving luclin AA modifier. (425%) total.

    So without any bonus the normal rate is what, like 1,2% per mob? So to max out AA (around 400 for me) I need to slay 35.000 dark blues ?
    Nakoma, Weehealer, Tyra_ and 3 others like this.
  7. Lexxxer New Member

  8. Ravil Journeyman

    Really need to fix this asap, the next major content release where players are at max level is GOD, so it will be more than 6 months before we can experience an expac release with the legacy bonus active.
  9. Cowboybebop714 New Member

    100% agree. i got 10 characters i lvled just for this bonus. without the legacy, it will take forever to get them the aa's they need before pop in 8 weeks. # extend extralifebonus on oakwynd til this is fixed! @ devs
    Tyra_ and Bakedtendies like this.
  10. Kuldiin Journeyman

    Is there any update on this? This is a severely disappointing issue for those of us on Oakwynd.
    Tyra_, Cowboybebop714 and Dartan70 like this.
  11. Dartan70 New Member

    This needs to be fixed. This was a huge reason I, and probably others, came back and tried this server out. Not sure why this is a bug--this really should have been tested and ran smooth.. Not like AAs coming on the Luclin launch was a surprise....
    TLP Addict and Tyra_ like this.
  12. T-staff New Member

    Have they said anything about this? Incredibly disappointed in how the week has gone, xp-wise. Lot of people busted their butts for these bonuses and they don't do anything.
    TLP Addict and Tyra_ like this.
  13. Moof Journeyman

    Could you imagine levelling 10 toons to 60 in prep for Luclin, then finding out that the bonus isn't applying to AAs, even though they posted in the FAQ it would?

    Yeah, I found that out.
    TLP Addict and Tyra_ like this.
  14. Polpet Elder

    can we finaly get some work here done? its annoying to see this not beeing fixed immediatley after reporting it. People took vacation for solid AA grinds - but this is a big mess.
    Tyra_, Jasazick and Cowboybebop714 like this.
  15. Jasazick Journeyman

    Could we please get an update on this?
    TLP Addict, Bakedtendies and Tyra_ like this.
  16. Dartan70 New Member

    Sure would be nice to get an update on the issue….
    TLP Addict, Bakedtendies and Tyra_ like this.
  17. Oakwynderguy New Member

    I am in the same boat; have 8 sets of six level 60s who will shortly be falling behind, and if this continues, will not make it to Planes (or beyond). The AA grind is brutal, and maintaining alts for the bonus to exp will become pointless, thus making heirloom pointless.
    Bakedtendies and Tyra_ like this.
  18. Arangar New Member

    Breaks the server for me, and the fact is that in the FAQ from the server release it states:
    Q: Will the Legacy Character experience buffs only work on level experience, or will it also work on AA, evolving items, and mercenary experience?
    A: The bonus should apply to AA, quest, kill, and mercenary AA experience.

    I've played the last months based on that, that not working as advertised is a huge problem that you could at least aknowledge and give a statement on an intent to fix.
  19. ralfie87 New Member

    So a scheduled 6 hour downtime only for it to be half that time and only fixing live bugs where 1/10th of the 20k ppl that still play this game are?
    Id like my 50% exp potions back because i should have more AAs. the only reason I even leveled multiple characters is so this AA grind wouldnt be complete trash, guess thats a lie.
    Bakedtendies, OldTimeEQ1 and Tyra_ like this.
  20. Comaboy New Member

    I don't want the bonus extended, I already did the grind, I shouldn't have to do it again. Fix the bug and adjust everyone's AA to the correct amount based on their legacy bonus. At the very least give us the dignity of a response.
    Bakedtendies and Tyra_ like this.