Krono's kill the classic experiance.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Isabeast, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Fhiele Augur

    Got my first Krono last night. Trade 200PP and Gatorscale leggings for one. Was happy to save %15. Wife was happy too. Not sure how that ruins anyone's experience, but whatever.
  2. Gregolo Augur

    It doesn't.
  3. Pikallo Augur

    My only issue with krono's is that you can import them from other servers/games(if I understand that correctly?) with completely different economies. So when Ragefire first opened - what should have been a fresh economy was already skewed from people who had resources elsewhere. I'm ok with buying and selling krono that are specific to the servers, but I wish there was a way to keep the economy of Ragefire within the economy of Ragefire(even if it does have buying/selling of krono for RL $$).
    Fallfyres likes this.
  4. code-zero Augur

    At the end of the day what does a Krono do?

    It buys 30 days of game time.

    What do you think happens to most of the Krono's that are traded? They're in all likelihood redeemed.

    The result is that you have progression servers to play on in the first place. People with shorter play times can get plat to buy stuff in the tunnel, skill up trade skills or whatever.

    The past is another country, they do things differently there